Check out the blatant attemp tto spam digg by RonPaulians now! I love the facgtthat he thinksthat by taking over Digg he will get the "main stream media". Clueless on two subjects, I guess...
vbmenu_register("postmenu_1848487", true);
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Join Date: Feb 2008
Posts: 1,074
This Movement has Got It Backwards (post your digg account here)
Put simply, do not expect to elect all libertarians to the house and senate and presidency when no libertarian has ever accomplished such a feet.Whether liberty is achieved through political change or revolution, the media must be captured first.G. Edward Griffin has repeatedly told that without support of the msm, no social reform has ever occured. The revolution of 1776 had support of newspapers, the civil rights movement had support by the msm, as did Ghandi's movement.And without the media sympathy, social reform movements have been laughed at. The same way Paul was laughed at during the campaign.With the coming age of the internet, the market share of the media is up for grabs. In the next 40 years all media will be transfered to the internet. Much like the way the media went from radio to television, the media will now go from television to the internet. Taking grasp of the msm is just a matter of being prepared. We need to take hold of the internet before the major corporate media does.Please post your digg account in this thread, so we can friend each other and better improve our shout network.
Monday, December 1, 2008
Sunday, April 27, 2008
Ahhhh, those wacky Ron Paul supporters. Part 97
So, all last week the RonPaulians were GUARANTEEING that food prices were going to shoot up today. One claimed it would be 40% overnight. This particularly humorous post was asking why Ron Paul wasn't making a fool of himself by talking about something that was not going to happen.
Go figure...I went to the supermarket today and food prices were EXACTLY the same as they were last week. Well, not for everything. I mean, SOME foods did go up considerably. But some are considerably cheaper. You know, with a new set of sales and everything.
Why isn't RP addressing current issues!?!?!?!?
With the rise of food costs coming up this weekend, why isn't Ron Paul addressing these issues anytime he is on the air? America needs to see that Ron Paul can fix our solutions, he needs to aggressively attack the high costs or gas and food (2 essentials of everyday American survival). I really think if he started talking about it now and how he can fix it, and talking about it even more after the prices got high, America would LISTEN. At least the moms and dads who need to buy food to feed their kids!!
Who's with me?
Go RP 2008!
Go figure...I went to the supermarket today and food prices were EXACTLY the same as they were last week. Well, not for everything. I mean, SOME foods did go up considerably. But some are considerably cheaper. You know, with a new set of sales and everything.
Why isn't RP addressing current issues!?!?!?!?
With the rise of food costs coming up this weekend, why isn't Ron Paul addressing these issues anytime he is on the air? America needs to see that Ron Paul can fix our solutions, he needs to aggressively attack the high costs or gas and food (2 essentials of everyday American survival). I really think if he started talking about it now and how he can fix it, and talking about it even more after the prices got high, America would LISTEN. At least the moms and dads who need to buy food to feed their kids!!
Who's with me?
Go RP 2008!
Thursday, April 24, 2008
Ahhhh, those SPAMMING Ron Paul supporters. Part 1
This guy wants to trick people into sending an e-mail to him, all to collect their e-mail address to spam them.
And the funny thing is, he thinks that it will HELP his cause! Yes...because people LOVE being tricked into getting spam.
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Join Date: Jan 2008
Location: VirginiaPosts: 1,704
Originally Posted by brandonyates
What is an autoresponder?Please don't tell me "something that responds automatically", I'm more interested in the "something" part.
Basically that, lol. My ad would ask people to send an email to to find out more. Once that happens, they would be on my mailing list. I can set up a series of scheduled emails to go out to all subscribers, say, every 3 days with something different. Or I don't have to schedule them and can send out emails at will when something important pops up. It's just putting together mailing list really and informing them. Like a newsletter.
And the funny thing is, he thinks that it will HELP his cause! Yes...because people LOVE being tricked into getting spam.
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Join Date: Jan 2008
Location: VirginiaPosts: 1,704
Originally Posted by brandonyates
What is an autoresponder?Please don't tell me "something that responds automatically", I'm more interested in the "something" part.
Basically that, lol. My ad would ask people to send an email to to find out more. Once that happens, they would be on my mailing list. I can set up a series of scheduled emails to go out to all subscribers, say, every 3 days with something different. Or I don't have to schedule them and can send out emails at will when something important pops up. It's just putting together mailing list really and informing them. Like a newsletter.
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
Ahhhh, those DANGEROUS Ron Paul supporters. Part 1
Did he just say "re-education" in this post? (OK...technically he didn't. But only because he is a fucking idiot who is last in his 4th grade class in spelling.)
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Join Date: May 2007
Location: New JerseyPosts: 5,865
open party?
I brought this idea up before. How about we create a political party - national party that opens itself to all Americans and runs candidates in all levels of government? We could use it as a "libertarian trap." We will get people to join, but we will gradually "reducate" members with libertarian views and ideas. The party leadership will be libertarian.
What do you think of this initial proposal?
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Join Date: May 2007
Location: New JerseyPosts: 5,865
open party?
I brought this idea up before. How about we create a political party - national party that opens itself to all Americans and runs candidates in all levels of government? We could use it as a "libertarian trap." We will get people to join, but we will gradually "reducate" members with libertarian views and ideas. The party leadership will be libertarian.
What do you think of this initial proposal?
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
Ahhhh, those wacky Ron Paul supporters. Part 96
This is great...Suzu really is a dumb cunt. She obviously likes to perform oral sex on goats! I saw her doing it a few times actually, but the goats kept pulling away.
Uh comes my legal notice from the dumb cunt who doesn't understand that parody is protected under...GASP...FREE SPEECH. Yes...boys and girls..Suze is the epitome of hte RonPaulian movement. A dumb bitch who doesn't understand the law that she claims to be for. Congrats, have done FAR more harm to yourself and your cause than I ever could.
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Join Date: May 2007
Location: SW MissouriPosts: 1,090
Email to Legal Counsel
----- Original Message -----
From: xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Cc: Kent Snyder ; Justine Lam ; Joe Becker
Sent: Wednesday, April 16, 2008 12:38 PM
Subject: Potential Civil Liability Issue
To whom it may concern: is the registrar and host for "" which is publishing libelous and defamatory remarks against a certain doctor on a regular basis. The latest offense appears on their page at
where the claim is made that "Ron Paul will deliver the baby and keep it in his attic, where he keeps all delivered babies, for sustenance" - the implication being that Dr. Paul (an obstetrician by trade) make a habit of stealing and eating newborn babies.
Thank you for your timely attention to this matter.
Uh comes my legal notice from the dumb cunt who doesn't understand that parody is protected under...GASP...FREE SPEECH. Yes...boys and girls..Suze is the epitome of hte RonPaulian movement. A dumb bitch who doesn't understand the law that she claims to be for. Congrats, have done FAR more harm to yourself and your cause than I ever could.
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Join Date: May 2007
Location: SW MissouriPosts: 1,090
Email to Legal Counsel
----- Original Message -----
From: xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Cc: Kent Snyder ; Justine Lam ; Joe Becker
Sent: Wednesday, April 16, 2008 12:38 PM
Subject: Potential Civil Liability Issue
To whom it may concern: is the registrar and host for "" which is publishing libelous and defamatory remarks against a certain doctor on a regular basis. The latest offense appears on their page at
where the claim is made that "Ron Paul will deliver the baby and keep it in his attic, where he keeps all delivered babies, for sustenance" - the implication being that Dr. Paul (an obstetrician by trade) make a habit of stealing and eating newborn babies.
Thank you for your timely attention to this matter.
Ahhhh, those wacky Ron Paul supporters. Part 95
And they wonder why people mock them? I love how he thinks that the kind of attention he is getting is a GOOD thing.
Join Date: Feb 2008
Location: IllinoisPosts: 76
People just do not know.
I carry a Ron Paul sign in my car.At stop lights, I stick out the window and honk my horn while I wave it around. A lot I hear "He's not running." Sometimes I hear someone cheer or honk but it gets attention. I was very pleased to find out that much local law enforcement around here likes Ron Paul but erronously thought he had dropped out.They know the truth now.
Join Date: Feb 2008
Location: IllinoisPosts: 76
People just do not know.
I carry a Ron Paul sign in my car.At stop lights, I stick out the window and honk my horn while I wave it around. A lot I hear "He's not running." Sometimes I hear someone cheer or honk but it gets attention. I was very pleased to find out that much local law enforcement around here likes Ron Paul but erronously thought he had dropped out.They know the truth now.
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
Ahhhh, those wacky Ron Paul supporters. Part 94
This one is a little sad...this guy is in his 30s...and the greatest day of his life was when some unknown candidate raised some money? The BEST day of his entire life?
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Remember, the 5th of November for Ron Paul!
Flashback! Greatest day of my life on RonPaulRadio
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Remember, the 5th of November for Ron Paul!
Flashback! Greatest day of my life on RonPaulRadio
Monday, April 14, 2008
Ahhhh, those RACIST Ron Paul supporters. Part 2
Ron Paul himself is just racist against black people. But his supporters are equal opportunity racists. This one is racist against Asians. How much you want to bet that while he was typing this, he was pulling his eyes back?
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Join Date: Jul 2007
Location: CAPosts: 4,246
Talked with the asian Donut LAdy...
She was animated this morning,:
"Flour prices keep going up, rent keep going up.. I pay double fo everyting now but I no raise my prices o customer complaing..I make a no money right now - business no good - I work so hard - but make a no money now.."
I said when you think everyone gonna start increase prices?
She said.... "I don't no maybe couple months...o close business - no worth it no mo... no make a money" No busines in centa make money no mo."
This is like the Asian Donut Lady an institution - F#$% I'm sick of msm questioning whether we are in a recession come on please
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Location: CAPosts: 4,246
Talked with the asian Donut LAdy...
She was animated this morning,:
"Flour prices keep going up, rent keep going up.. I pay double fo everyting now but I no raise my prices o customer complaing..I make a no money right now - business no good - I work so hard - but make a no money now.."
I said when you think everyone gonna start increase prices?
She said.... "I don't no maybe couple months...o close business - no worth it no mo... no make a money" No busines in centa make money no mo."
This is like the Asian Donut Lady an institution - F#$% I'm sick of msm questioning whether we are in a recession come on please
Ahhhh, those wacky Ron Paul supporters. Part 93
This thread is funny for many reasons. First, the typical "Let's boycott Coca Cola to free Tibet!" crap. Of course, not one penny of Coca Cola, or McDonald's sponsorship of the Olympics are going to China. So it doesn't hurt China one bit. Nor does it hurt the 2008 Olympics.
Then there is a very sensitive RonPaulian who in telling the original poster that he is being ridiculous, chose an image of the late Christopher Reeve with the caption "Get Off Your High Horse" Classy. Definitely Ron Paul-like to make fun of an injury that proved to be fatal.
And then there is this post. This guy is all about boycotting Chinese products...except when he REALLY wants them! That is what boycotting is all about! Boycott products you don't really want anyway! This is kind of like when someone says they are boycotting Fox, and then add "Except for The Simpsons, Family Guy and 24. I never watch anything else anyway."
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Join Date: Aug 2007Posts: 1,706
defe07, I am with ya!
Even though our actions may be too little, too late, I have been avoiding the purchase of Chinese products as much as humanly possible, and I will continue to do so.
Of course, I have a computer and it may be made in China, but there is not much I can do about that if I want a computer. However, during Christmas shopping (for instance) I returned EVERYTHING to the shelf that said "China". . . . Not ONE Chinese gift from me!
This thread is funny for many reasons. First, the typical "Let's boycott Coca Cola to free Tibet!" crap. Of course, not one penny of Coca Cola, or McDonald's sponsorship of the Olympics are going to China. So it doesn't hurt China one bit. Nor does it hurt the 2008 Olympics.
Then there is a very sensitive RonPaulian who in telling the original poster that he is being ridiculous, chose an image of the late Christopher Reeve with the caption "Get Off Your High Horse" Classy. Definitely Ron Paul-like to make fun of an injury that proved to be fatal.
And then there is this post. This guy is all about boycotting Chinese products...except when he REALLY wants them! That is what boycotting is all about! Boycott products you don't really want anyway! This is kind of like when someone says they are boycotting Fox, and then add "Except for The Simpsons, Family Guy and 24. I never watch anything else anyway."
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Join Date: Aug 2007Posts: 1,706
defe07, I am with ya!
Even though our actions may be too little, too late, I have been avoiding the purchase of Chinese products as much as humanly possible, and I will continue to do so.
Of course, I have a computer and it may be made in China, but there is not much I can do about that if I want a computer. However, during Christmas shopping (for instance) I returned EVERYTHING to the shelf that said "China". . . . Not ONE Chinese gift from me!
Ahhhh, those wacky Ron Paul supporters. Part 92
The funny part of this thread is not the original post. It is the replies. the original post is actually DEAD ON ACCURATE...other than the notion that there is any chance of what it describes actually happening.
The funniest part about this is that they don't realize the harm they are doing. They are bitching about the GOP changing the rules illegally, or whatever...yet they don't realize that after they fail in September, the GOP will have FOUR YEARS to change the rules legally to prevent a bunch of children from trying to disenfranchise voters again, like they are doing this year (without the consent of the man that they are doing it for...who has repeatedly said he does NOT want it to happen.) Come 2012, all states will have changed their rules to bind their delegates.
The funniest part about this is that they don't realize the harm they are doing. They are bitching about the GOP changing the rules illegally, or whatever...yet they don't realize that after they fail in September, the GOP will have FOUR YEARS to change the rules legally to prevent a bunch of children from trying to disenfranchise voters again, like they are doing this year (without the consent of the man that they are doing it for...who has repeatedly said he does NOT want it to happen.) Come 2012, all states will have changed their rules to bind their delegates.
Sunday, April 13, 2008
Ahhhh, those wacky Ron Paul supporters. Part 91
I didn't bother including a thread for this one, because it is not important. Was IS important is this RonPaulian's signature. Read it and tell me this is not cult-like behavior!
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Join Date: Jan 2008
Location: TexasPosts: 1,011
That is ridiculous. You know, they should really be careful not to keep forcing people into the "nothing left to lose" category. Especially in light of the soon-to-be turbulent times we all face here.
"pledged is as pledged does" -- delegates, that is.
Ron Paul is MY President, no matter what the November election tells me.I've chosen him as my de jure leader, and as long as he represents the message of freedom, he represents ME
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Join Date: Jan 2008
Location: TexasPosts: 1,011
That is ridiculous. You know, they should really be careful not to keep forcing people into the "nothing left to lose" category. Especially in light of the soon-to-be turbulent times we all face here.
"pledged is as pledged does" -- delegates, that is.
Ron Paul is MY President, no matter what the November election tells me.I've chosen him as my de jure leader, and as long as he represents the message of freedom, he represents ME
Ahhhh, those wacky Ron Paul supporters. Part 90
This guy is supposedly a head honcho or something. And he actually says that Ron Paul has a "good chance" of winning in September. My god...even the supposedly INTELLIGENT Ron Paulians are idiots.
Join Date: Mar 2008Posts: 96
Originally Posted by The Good Doctor
So in light of what has happened in MN, Alaska, and Washington (not sure where else) is anyone keeping track of how this may affect the total number of delegates McCain will be getting?If this is happening in all states, can this prevent McCain from getting the nomination? And how will this affect the convention? Will it be brokered?
Sorry, but I think this is new ground we may be treading here concerning the process. Although I am still trying to learn.
If things continue as they are we have a very good shot and winning in September.
I have most of the numbers of our actual delegates for these meetup groups that have been involved have been sending them to me after every convention however i am not going to make that information public at this time. What i will say is that the reports in the media do not even come close to how many delegates we actually have. I will let you know more soon but yes if we keep this up we have a good chance at forcing a brokered convention and i said we just need to have a few key states unbind thier delegates and we can win this thing in September.
Dr. Steve Parent
Join Date: Mar 2008Posts: 96
Originally Posted by The Good Doctor
So in light of what has happened in MN, Alaska, and Washington (not sure where else) is anyone keeping track of how this may affect the total number of delegates McCain will be getting?If this is happening in all states, can this prevent McCain from getting the nomination? And how will this affect the convention? Will it be brokered?
Sorry, but I think this is new ground we may be treading here concerning the process. Although I am still trying to learn.
If things continue as they are we have a very good shot and winning in September.
I have most of the numbers of our actual delegates for these meetup groups that have been involved have been sending them to me after every convention however i am not going to make that information public at this time. What i will say is that the reports in the media do not even come close to how many delegates we actually have. I will let you know more soon but yes if we keep this up we have a good chance at forcing a brokered convention and i said we just need to have a few key states unbind thier delegates and we can win this thing in September.
Dr. Steve Parent
Tuesday, April 8, 2008
Ahhhh, those wacky Ron Paul supporters. Part 89
This guy is probably going to jail. I mean...come on...GAS saving tips? scammer has EVER tried that one before. Then again, he sure chose the right forum to post this scheme. Throw in a promise to donate half the proceeds to Ron Paul and he may actually succeed in making some money before he gets arrested.
And check out the site he links to. It just SCREAMS illegal scam.
A Ron Paul Rebel
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Join Date: Oct 2007
Location: New HampshirePosts: 1,073
$700,000 referral contest!!!
I've seen a few posts about how we (the revolution) could really use something to shake us up, bring in new peopleand maybe get a little media attention.
Here's something that might get some attention.
It's a referral contest totalling $700,000!
Here are the details:
Cash Incentive #1:
Referral Sign Ups.
Total Prize Amounts = $700,000.00
Members with 7-24 referral sign ups share $100,000.00
Members with 25-99 referral sign ups share $100,000.00
Members with 100-249 referral sign ups share $100,000.00
Members with 250-499 referral sign ups share $100,00.00
Members with 500-999 referral sign ups share $100,000.00
And Members with 1000+ referral sign ups share $100,000.00
*Top referrer will get $100,000.00
(Initial contest ends once we reach 1,000,000 paid members.)
(Every member gets their own referral URL.)
This is 1 of 3 Cash Incentives at
p.s. I still have a little work to do to integrates and but I felt it time to make this announcement.
p.p.s. As I've mentioned before, 50% of profits go to grossroots projectsand RP Repubs... And visitors will be directly and indirectly introduced to honesty, freedom, justice and Dr. Paul .50% of profits
And check out the site he links to. It just SCREAMS illegal scam.
A Ron Paul Rebel
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Join Date: Oct 2007
Location: New HampshirePosts: 1,073
$700,000 referral contest!!!
I've seen a few posts about how we (the revolution) could really use something to shake us up, bring in new peopleand maybe get a little media attention.
Here's something that might get some attention.
It's a referral contest totalling $700,000!
Here are the details:
Cash Incentive #1:
Referral Sign Ups.
Total Prize Amounts = $700,000.00
Members with 7-24 referral sign ups share $100,000.00
Members with 25-99 referral sign ups share $100,000.00
Members with 100-249 referral sign ups share $100,000.00
Members with 250-499 referral sign ups share $100,00.00
Members with 500-999 referral sign ups share $100,000.00
And Members with 1000+ referral sign ups share $100,000.00
*Top referrer will get $100,000.00
(Initial contest ends once we reach 1,000,000 paid members.)
(Every member gets their own referral URL.)
This is 1 of 3 Cash Incentives at
p.s. I still have a little work to do to integrates and but I felt it time to make this announcement.
p.p.s. As I've mentioned before, 50% of profits go to grossroots projectsand RP Repubs... And visitors will be directly and indirectly introduced to honesty, freedom, justice and Dr. Paul .50% of profits
Saturday, April 5, 2008
Ahhhh, those wacky Ron Paul supporters. Part 88
For the first time in his worthless life, Alex Jones actually made sense. So, of course, the RonPaulians suddenly hate him. But they don't just hate him. Because of ONE thng he said (which is true), now this man that they LOVED for the last 6 months is an undercover CIA agent. Yup...Alex Jones is working for the GOVERNMENT!
And what was that terrible thing he said? That trying to steal the election is a HORRIBLE idea since it would make Ron Paul look bad. He is absolutely right. Ron Paul knows this. That is why he has gone out of his way NOT to endorse a single thing that the grassroots are doing. They are now doing it AGAINST HIS WISHES.
The funny thing is, in another thread about the GOP supposedly using underhanded tactics against them, someone actually mocked them with a quote from Ben Franklin "Tricks and treachery are the practice of fools, that don't have brains enough to be honest. " the OWN admission they are using tricks and treachery ("becoming "stealth delegates" as they call it) so I guess he is calling himself a fool.
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Join Date: Jun 2,007Posts: 532
Alex Jones Spreading MISINFO to Ron Paul delegates!
First I would like to say that I understand that AJ is a divisive fellow amongst Ron Paulers on the Forums. I don't mean to start a war, the purpose of this thread is to send a message to Alex Jones so that he does NOT continue to misinform his listeners regarding the Ron Paul campaign. What AJ is claiming will cause Ron Paul delegates to drop out and give up before they go to the Convention, we CAN NOT allow this to happen.
I couldn't believe my ears when I was listening to the Alex Jones show on 4/2 when Alex claimed that Ron Paul is telling his delegates to vote for McCain at the National Convention so that he (RP) is not accused of "stealing" the nomination. I follow Ron Paul news quite closely and have NEVER heard anything close to this coming from the campaign. MANY of AJ listeners are RP supporters, and I sure that many have become delegates, We MUST stop this misinformation for it causes too much damage. Alex Jones must retract these statement ON AIR. Please try to call in to his show. The statements were made during his interview with Bob Chapman (The International Forecaster)
Below are links to AJ's email and his forums.
A few choice replies...
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Join Date: Nov 2,007Posts: 1,,401
He is CIA.
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Join Date: Sep 2,007Posts: 788
Alex Jones is a reptilian Illuminati Bilderberg CFR Rothschild descendant who sells snow cones at the Bohemian Grove! ! !
And what was that terrible thing he said? That trying to steal the election is a HORRIBLE idea since it would make Ron Paul look bad. He is absolutely right. Ron Paul knows this. That is why he has gone out of his way NOT to endorse a single thing that the grassroots are doing. They are now doing it AGAINST HIS WISHES.
The funny thing is, in another thread about the GOP supposedly using underhanded tactics against them, someone actually mocked them with a quote from Ben Franklin "Tricks and treachery are the practice of fools, that don't have brains enough to be honest. " the OWN admission they are using tricks and treachery ("becoming "stealth delegates" as they call it) so I guess he is calling himself a fool.
Senior Member
Join Date: Jun 2,007Posts: 532
Alex Jones Spreading MISINFO to Ron Paul delegates!
First I would like to say that I understand that AJ is a divisive fellow amongst Ron Paulers on the Forums. I don't mean to start a war, the purpose of this thread is to send a message to Alex Jones so that he does NOT continue to misinform his listeners regarding the Ron Paul campaign. What AJ is claiming will cause Ron Paul delegates to drop out and give up before they go to the Convention, we CAN NOT allow this to happen.
I couldn't believe my ears when I was listening to the Alex Jones show on 4/2 when Alex claimed that Ron Paul is telling his delegates to vote for McCain at the National Convention so that he (RP) is not accused of "stealing" the nomination. I follow Ron Paul news quite closely and have NEVER heard anything close to this coming from the campaign. MANY of AJ listeners are RP supporters, and I sure that many have become delegates, We MUST stop this misinformation for it causes too much damage. Alex Jones must retract these statement ON AIR. Please try to call in to his show. The statements were made during his interview with Bob Chapman (The International Forecaster)
Below are links to AJ's email and his forums.
A few choice replies...
Senior Member
Join Date: Nov 2,007Posts: 1,,401
He is CIA.
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Join Date: Sep 2,007Posts: 788
Alex Jones is a reptilian Illuminati Bilderberg CFR Rothschild descendant who sells snow cones at the Bohemian Grove! ! !
Ahhhh, those wacky Ron Paul supporters. Part 87
This one is good. 100,000 people are going to save $20 a month until 2011 and then donate whom? Certainly this 15 year old doesn't think that Ron Paul is going to run. He may be DEAD by then. But I love the fact that he is shooting for $150 million and then says "It is acheiveable." It is also great that he is hoping for 4 more years of war in Iraq, as well as the economy still being in the tank.
Yup...this is a man that loves this country!
Then again, no one ever accused Nate of having a ration thought in his 15 years.
Senior Member
Join Date: Dec 2,007Posts: 3,,211
1: March to 2011: Donate or save $20 a month to (for) the campaign. Hopefully 1.00, million can do this.
Starting Month/Year End Total10,000/50,000/100,000
March: $1,800,000/$9,000,000/$18,000,000
April: 1,600,000/8,000,000/16,000,000
May: 1,400,000/7,000,000/14,000,000
June: 1,200,000/6,000,000/12,000,000
July: 1,000,000/5,000,000/10,000,000
August: 800,000/4,000,000/8,000,000
September: 600,000/3,000,000/6,000,000
October: 400,000/2,000,000/4,000,000
December: 200,000/1,000,000/2,000,000
Step 2: 2009: Spend the year building a national campaign organization. This year a lot of time will be spent in Iowa, New Hampshire, and South Carolina to see if these are good places to spend cash going into 2011. 2,400,000-24,000,000 raised this year+last year's totals.
Step 3: 2010: Spend the year campaigning for various liberty candidates, see where we should be spending time and money post early states. 4,800,000-48,000,000 raised plus first year's totals.
Step 4: 2011: Crunch time has arrived, the other candidates are showing up on the stage, and we need to establish ourselves as the honest, conservative candidate. Spend a lot of time in the best looking early states, plus have our "crusaders" out on the campaign trail in both early and later states. Money raised goal: $150,000,000. It's high, but we can achieve it.
Step 5:Primaries/Caucus season: Win, and keep winning. If we can win all the early states, we have a lock on the nomination.General: Hopefully the other candidates will drop if they lose their early state of choice, and the party will coalesce around us and we can begin to take on the big government President that's currently in office, and hopefully the War in Iraq is still going on, and everybody's angry as hell, or the economy is really bad. If those aren't the case, then we have tough work, but it's possible if the current government is too liberal.Bottom Line: "If you build it, they will come."BTW, the GOP rules committee has released a schedule of primaries that they want to use for 2012. IA and NH are in the first week of February, NV and SC can go whenever they want after IA and NH, 20 small states go in the 3rd week of February. The rest are split up into 3 groups (X, Y, and Z) and go based on a raffle in March and April.
Yup...this is a man that loves this country!
Then again, no one ever accused Nate of having a ration thought in his 15 years.
Senior Member
Join Date: Dec 2,007Posts: 3,,211
1: March to 2011: Donate or save $20 a month to (for) the campaign. Hopefully 1.00, million can do this.
Starting Month/Year End Total10,000/50,000/100,000
March: $1,800,000/$9,000,000/$18,000,000
April: 1,600,000/8,000,000/16,000,000
May: 1,400,000/7,000,000/14,000,000
June: 1,200,000/6,000,000/12,000,000
July: 1,000,000/5,000,000/10,000,000
August: 800,000/4,000,000/8,000,000
September: 600,000/3,000,000/6,000,000
October: 400,000/2,000,000/4,000,000
December: 200,000/1,000,000/2,000,000
Step 2: 2009: Spend the year building a national campaign organization. This year a lot of time will be spent in Iowa, New Hampshire, and South Carolina to see if these are good places to spend cash going into 2011. 2,400,000-24,000,000 raised this year+last year's totals.
Step 3: 2010: Spend the year campaigning for various liberty candidates, see where we should be spending time and money post early states. 4,800,000-48,000,000 raised plus first year's totals.
Step 4: 2011: Crunch time has arrived, the other candidates are showing up on the stage, and we need to establish ourselves as the honest, conservative candidate. Spend a lot of time in the best looking early states, plus have our "crusaders" out on the campaign trail in both early and later states. Money raised goal: $150,000,000. It's high, but we can achieve it.
Step 5:Primaries/Caucus season: Win, and keep winning. If we can win all the early states, we have a lock on the nomination.General: Hopefully the other candidates will drop if they lose their early state of choice, and the party will coalesce around us and we can begin to take on the big government President that's currently in office, and hopefully the War in Iraq is still going on, and everybody's angry as hell, or the economy is really bad. If those aren't the case, then we have tough work, but it's possible if the current government is too liberal.Bottom Line: "If you build it, they will come."BTW, the GOP rules committee has released a schedule of primaries that they want to use for 2012. IA and NH are in the first week of February, NV and SC can go whenever they want after IA and NH, 20 small states go in the 3rd week of February. The rest are split up into 3 groups (X, Y, and Z) and go based on a raffle in March and April.
Friday, April 4, 2008
Ahhhh, those RACIST Ron Paul supporters. Part 1
I guess racists like to vote for their own. Check out this racist thread title. Just casually using derogatory racist terms like mulatto. Proves he is so racist that it doesn't even occur to him to try to hide it anymore...
Moved: Sincere question.. Why do Mulattos like Obama always talk about being "black"...
I didn't inlcude the story, since it was unnecessary. The title is all that is needed.
Moved: Sincere question.. Why do Mulattos like Obama always talk about being "black"...
I didn't inlcude the story, since it was unnecessary. The title is all that is needed.
Ahhhh, those wacky Ron Paul supporters. Part 86
This person doesn't understand why Ron Paul is not setting up a website to help coordinate their efforts to destroy his political future.
Newsflash for you...Ron Paul does NOT approve trying to disenfranchise millions of McCain voters and stealing the nomination. He does not WANT you doing this. That is why he is not setting up the site to coordinate the efforts.
Senior Member
Join Date: Dec 2,007
Location: Shenandoah, IAPosts: 179
We NEED a delegates section! ! ! !
I'm not sure why, but no one (national campaign, forums, other websites) seems to be interested in providing a central clearinghouse for delegate support and information. Maybe it is our libertarian streak that resists central planning; But I'm telling you this could cost us.
Here in Iowa we have some of the same problems that they are facing in Nevada. In fact I cannot believe that we all would not have similar challenges in turning local precinct delegates into state delegates and (ultimately) national delegates.
I don't claim to be an "expert" in convention politics, but it is obviously not something in which success "just happens". Like almost everything else in politics, preparation and planning is crucial.
I have heard stories of Ron Paul delegates accidentally splitting their votes or voting against one another because they did not realize they were on the same "team". As we go to higher conventions we will be interacting with new supporters with whom we will need to coordinate. For example, we may need to decide before hand who we are going to vote for to go to national convention, decide on whether or not to try for a slate of RP delegates, decide on who will go "stealth", decide on platform resolutions, etc.
Everyone seems to be assuming that all RP delegates are in meetup groups. This is NOT the case.
In a county near us there were results published for a precinct caucus in which there were only two attendees. Both voted for Ron Paul. They would have automatically been delegates to their county convention. There is no meetup group in this area. We don't know who they are.In areas with a clear majority of Ron Paul delegates, this might not seem to be a problem. Most conventions will not be that way and we will need to be organized or we will NOT be able to translate our numbers into state or national delegates.
Can anyone see a way of encouraging the National campaign into starting an online delegates section? Hopefully, any RP delegate would at least visit the website occasionally, and see an invitation to register as a delegate. They could have us all register like we did for precinct captain. They could designate county, district, and state leaders who could be given lists of delegates in their area. They could contact them to schedule pre-convention training sessions.
Failing that, the headquarters could at least send out an invitation to contact their area coordinator.
Of course it would also be nice if this forum had a delegates section. I know that each state has its own section, but there are some things that delegates could share nationally, and it would sure expedite things if we had a gathering place.
Any thoughts?
Newsflash for you...Ron Paul does NOT approve trying to disenfranchise millions of McCain voters and stealing the nomination. He does not WANT you doing this. That is why he is not setting up the site to coordinate the efforts.
Senior Member
Join Date: Dec 2,007
Location: Shenandoah, IAPosts: 179
We NEED a delegates section! ! ! !
I'm not sure why, but no one (national campaign, forums, other websites) seems to be interested in providing a central clearinghouse for delegate support and information. Maybe it is our libertarian streak that resists central planning; But I'm telling you this could cost us.
Here in Iowa we have some of the same problems that they are facing in Nevada. In fact I cannot believe that we all would not have similar challenges in turning local precinct delegates into state delegates and (ultimately) national delegates.
I don't claim to be an "expert" in convention politics, but it is obviously not something in which success "just happens". Like almost everything else in politics, preparation and planning is crucial.
I have heard stories of Ron Paul delegates accidentally splitting their votes or voting against one another because they did not realize they were on the same "team". As we go to higher conventions we will be interacting with new supporters with whom we will need to coordinate. For example, we may need to decide before hand who we are going to vote for to go to national convention, decide on whether or not to try for a slate of RP delegates, decide on who will go "stealth", decide on platform resolutions, etc.
Everyone seems to be assuming that all RP delegates are in meetup groups. This is NOT the case.
In a county near us there were results published for a precinct caucus in which there were only two attendees. Both voted for Ron Paul. They would have automatically been delegates to their county convention. There is no meetup group in this area. We don't know who they are.In areas with a clear majority of Ron Paul delegates, this might not seem to be a problem. Most conventions will not be that way and we will need to be organized or we will NOT be able to translate our numbers into state or national delegates.
Can anyone see a way of encouraging the National campaign into starting an online delegates section? Hopefully, any RP delegate would at least visit the website occasionally, and see an invitation to register as a delegate. They could have us all register like we did for precinct captain. They could designate county, district, and state leaders who could be given lists of delegates in their area. They could contact them to schedule pre-convention training sessions.
Failing that, the headquarters could at least send out an invitation to contact their area coordinator.
Of course it would also be nice if this forum had a delegates section. I know that each state has its own section, but there are some things that delegates could share nationally, and it would sure expedite things if we had a gathering place.
Any thoughts?
Thursday, April 3, 2008
Ahhhh, those wacky Ron Paul supporters. Part 85
This guy wants to eliminate the freedom of the press to hold polls.
I guess Ron Paulians aren't so in favor of the Constitution after all!
I Am Weasel
Senior Member
Join Date: Jul 2,007Posts: 244
Election reform?
I'm wondering what it would take to get some type of movement started to change the election process for President? 2,008 has been a complete circus and we are the laughing stock of the world. I have yet to figure out who determines what a "Mainstream Candidate" is, and how certain people can run like Ron Paul with a lifetime of experience and be shunned, or somebody like Oslama who has very little experience and instantly proclaimed to be "Mainstream". What gives? What needs to be done to get the media OUT and from stopping this continuous bullshit of telling the American public who can or can't win? There are polls all over the place, should the polls be banned till election day? What purpose do they serve but to further throw fuel on the fire of the media? Why can't there be debates and people left to judge for themselves who won? After all, the media has proven that polls don't matter, because it's up to THEM who will win the election. And that just has corruption written all over it. Thoughts? ? ? ?
I guess Ron Paulians aren't so in favor of the Constitution after all!
I Am Weasel
Senior Member
Join Date: Jul 2,007Posts: 244
Election reform?
I'm wondering what it would take to get some type of movement started to change the election process for President? 2,008 has been a complete circus and we are the laughing stock of the world. I have yet to figure out who determines what a "Mainstream Candidate" is, and how certain people can run like Ron Paul with a lifetime of experience and be shunned, or somebody like Oslama who has very little experience and instantly proclaimed to be "Mainstream". What gives? What needs to be done to get the media OUT and from stopping this continuous bullshit of telling the American public who can or can't win? There are polls all over the place, should the polls be banned till election day? What purpose do they serve but to further throw fuel on the fire of the media? Why can't there be debates and people left to judge for themselves who won? After all, the media has proven that polls don't matter, because it's up to THEM who will win the election. And that just has corruption written all over it. Thoughts? ? ? ?
Wednesday, April 2, 2008
Ahhhh, those wacky Ron Paul supporters. Part 85
I actually showed various posts in he Ron Paul Forum to a friend of mine whose wife is a psychologist. and she agreed that many of the posts literally ARE an example of cult like behavior. This was one of them.
Join Date: Dec 2,007Posts: 26
Ron Paul Letter
Feel free to re-word and send to voters in your precinct if you like. A letter I sent to Dr. Paul:
Dear Congressman Paul,
No doubt you have amassed countless letters asking for you to do this, do that, run as an Independent, run as a Constitutionalist, et catera. I am writing not to ask you of anything, but give you one more example of what you have already won.
I am the son of a former Democratic State Senator from California and have been long disenchanted with our political system. Witnessing the toll it took on my father, a man of honesty and integrity, I had decided I would stay out of the political realm. I deemed our government to be one big caucus of the corrupt.
The last thing I thought would turn me back on to the political process was a Republican Congressman from Texas. However, since I have heard your message, I have not been a new person, but a better one. One that has replaced the righteousness of contemporary thought, for the honesty of critical thinking. One that has replaced his academic insecurity, with the knowledge that intellectual fallibility is ubiquitous. One that has reserved his reverence for the posessors of powers, for the few who seek its dissipation.
In sum, you have won my mindset, my devotion, and my admiration. In turn, I like to think I have won some myself. In time, the message will win them all.
For Liberty,
Join Date: Dec 2,007Posts: 26
Ron Paul Letter
Feel free to re-word and send to voters in your precinct if you like. A letter I sent to Dr. Paul:
Dear Congressman Paul,
No doubt you have amassed countless letters asking for you to do this, do that, run as an Independent, run as a Constitutionalist, et catera. I am writing not to ask you of anything, but give you one more example of what you have already won.
I am the son of a former Democratic State Senator from California and have been long disenchanted with our political system. Witnessing the toll it took on my father, a man of honesty and integrity, I had decided I would stay out of the political realm. I deemed our government to be one big caucus of the corrupt.
The last thing I thought would turn me back on to the political process was a Republican Congressman from Texas. However, since I have heard your message, I have not been a new person, but a better one. One that has replaced the righteousness of contemporary thought, for the honesty of critical thinking. One that has replaced his academic insecurity, with the knowledge that intellectual fallibility is ubiquitous. One that has reserved his reverence for the posessors of powers, for the few who seek its dissipation.
In sum, you have won my mindset, my devotion, and my admiration. In turn, I like to think I have won some myself. In time, the message will win them all.
For Liberty,
Ahhhh, those wacky Ron Paul supporters. Part 84
This isn't about the Ron Paul Forums this time. This is about Digg.
Check out BillORights' comment history. His ENTIRE worthless life revolves around me. How sad. The other funny thing is whenever he is clearly online and stalking me, suddenly every single one of my posts gets an extra negative vote. EVERY single one. Does't matter what the thread is about. And he claims he isn't stalking.
That, of course, is violating Digg's TOS.
Ahhhh, those wacky Ron Paul supporters. Part 82 4/1/2008 22:12
Bob Barr to run for President? Ron Paul endorses! 4/1/2008 21:41
And you bore, troll and spam...what is your point?
Ahhhh, those wacky Ron Paul supporters. Part 81 4/1/2008 16:19
Ya know spamo, your diatribes are barley readable. With all the misspellings, poor sentence structure and just down right pointless bullshit. I have to wonder, has the eighth grade been hard on you this year? Will you be held back or will you be attending summer school? Oh, and you're a bore and a troll!
Ahhhh, those wacky Ron Paul supporters. Part 81 4/1/2008 12:34
Seriously, reed311, have a great day!
Ahhhh, those wacky Ron Paul supporters. Part 81 4/1/2008 11:24
Oh, and have a great day!
Ahhhh, those wacky Ron Paul supporters. Part 81 4/1/2008 11:20
I agree, it is pathetic for spamospamony to make these up!
Ahhhh, those wacky Ron Paul supporters. Part 81 4/1/2008 09:58
Hey, reed311, how's it going? Have a great day!
Ahhhh, those wacky Ron Paul supporters. Part 80 4/1/2008 08:20
Ahhhh, those spamy Spam Trolll supporters. Part 80notospamtrollians.trollspam.spam — Troll have to spammit, Troll only spam the first trollagraph before spamming too hard. Spam old spam, spamming trollshit (McTroll not trolligible) after trollshit (Spam Troll more spamlectable than McTroll) spamming no introllligent troll spams him on it.
Ahhhh, those wacky Ron Paul supporters. Part 81 4/1/2008 08:14
Ahhhh, those spamky Spam Trolll supporters. Part 81notospamtrollians.trollspam.spam — You spam make troll spam up. We've already spam over the trolling spams that you are trollowing a dangerous spam troller and how many spampply to SpamTrollians. And now spam. Troll want to spam a SpamTrollian only gated SPAMMUNITY! Sort of like a trollpound. The Spam SpamTrollians. Spambe troll could spam it in the Spam Trollmerican jungle. SpamTrollstown.
Ahhhh, those wacky Ron Paul supporters. Part 82 4/1/2008 08:03
Ahhhh, those spamky Spam Troll supporters. Part 82notospamtrollians.trollspam.spam — Troll'd like to troll this was some spamlaborate April Trolls Day joke, but spamdly, it is not. Troll like troll he spams that 2 trollillion spample will spam on Trollington. Less than 1 spamillion TROLLTED for the spam, yet over 2 1/2 spams that many are going to spam thousands of trollars to trollvel to DC and spam going to troll?
Bob Barr to run for President? Ron Paul endorses! 4/1/2008 07:53
You're sure to troll and spam.
Ahhhh, those wacky Ron Paul supporters. Part 79 4/1/2008 07:47
Ahhhh, those spamky Spam Trolll supporters. Part 79notospamtrollians.trollspam.spam — I spam even troll what to spam to this other than spam hystrollically. But I will troll out that McSpam spamdn't troll any money. And no spam trollholders were spammed in any troll. And no, the troll would SPAM put out a trollrant for his spamrest. And now trollocal law is spamded to the troll...a TROLL list..of spams that SpamTrollians are spampletely trollnorant of.
Ahhhh, those wacky Ron Paul supporters. Part 78 3/31/2008 16:30
See, I told you so.......
Ahhhh, those wacky Ron Paul supporters. Part 78 3/31/2008 14:41
Quick, the angry troll is gonna come after you on this statement. He's going to jump up and down and show you his teeth and spit and sputter sounds like the Tasmanian Devil. I hope you have applied you troll repellent!
Ahhhh, those wacky Ron Paul supporters. Part 75 3/31/2008 09:44
Oh, and have a great day!
Ahhhh, those wacky Ron Paul supporters. Part 75 3/31/2008 09:37
Sorry 'bout that reed311 and thanks for advising. Here it is for your dining and dancing pleasure..... ...
Ahhhh, those wacky Ron Paul supporters. Part 77 3/31/2008 07:52
I had to add this. You say, "I don't care what 15 year old children have to say about anything." Yet, you took the time to find the comment of a 15 year old, with no real life experience, buried deep in a blog, so that you could make fun of him/her and by association criticize Ron Paul supporters! Obviously, you cared enough to post this and then make fun of someone who had a harmless opinion! I hope in two years, when you are 15, you won't be such an angry troll! But, none the less, you're still a bore and a troll! ...Ahhhh, those wacky Ron Paul supporters. Part 78 3/31/2008 07:10
Ahhhh, those spamy Spam Trolll supporters. Part 78notospamtrollians.trollspam.spam — I see that Spamospamony's total lack of intelligence does not just spamtend to trollitical spammers. They also spam no troll about TV spams and trollings.
Ahhhh, those wacky Ron Paul supporters. Part 77 3/31/2008 07:04
You're still a bore and a troll!
Ahhhh, those wacky Ron Paul supporters. Part 77 3/30/2008 22:39
You realize you are a bore, right?
Ahhhh, those wacky Ron Paul supporters. Part 77 3/30/2008 18:23
Ahhhh, those spamy Spam Troll supporters. Part 77notospamtrollians.trollspam.spam — Free spams for everytroll! At least that is what this SpamTrollian wants! And doing so will save the spamospamony! ...
Ahhhh, those wacky Ron Paul supporters. Part 76 3/30/2008 18:15
But, this is even more hilarious! ...
Ahhhh, those wacky Ron Paul supporters. Part 76 3/30/2008 18:14
You really should spell check when trolling and spamming! ...
Ahhhh, those wacky Ron Paul supporters. Part 76 3/30/2008 11:14
Ahhhh, those spamky Spam Troll supporters. Part 76notospamtrollians.trollspam.spamm — A spamlarious "Declaration of Spamdependence" from spamospamony trollian. If you spam a good troll, spam this...
Ahhhh, those wacky Ron Paul supporters. Part 74 3/30/2008 11:00
I'm not sure you know what spell check is.
Waiting for Ron Paul 3/29/2008 19:27
spamo,read what you posted! You are such a dumb ass! I laugh at you! Troll!
Ahhhh, those wacky Ron Paul supporters. Part 74 3/29/2008 19:16
Without trolling and spamming, you would have no reason to live. How sad.
Ahhhh, those wacky Ron Paul supporters. Part 75 3/29/2008 17:08
Ahhhh, those spamy Spam Trolll supporters. Part 75notospamtrollians.trollspam.spam — This spam is pretty spamn spammy. Spamparently, to troll spam, once spamdidates troll spam, every trollvious spam's trollsults should spamflect only the trolldidates left. Spamce, if Spam Troll came in second in a troll, beind a spamdidate that trolled out, he should now spam all the trollegates as if he had spam. ...
Ahhhh, those wacky Ron Paul supporters. Part 74 3/29/2008 15:59 9 -
Ahhhh, those spamky Spam Troll supporters. Part 74notospamtrollians.trollspam.spam — So, all Spam Troll had to do was to spam on one radio troll and he would have spamten 5 spams as many trolls! He must be an troll spam. Don't be troll spam on this trollster though. Spamospamony's only 15. ...
Ahhhh, those wacky Ron Paul supporters. Part 73 3/29/2008 15:39
Again...just to show you how you are a spamming troll, your life has no meaning whatsoever... ...
Ahhhh, those wacky Ron Paul supporters. Part 73 3/29/2008 11:15
Ahhhh, those spamky Spam Troll supporters. Part 73notospamtrollians.trollspam.spam — This one is spam....A "spam"...trolled by SPAMOSPAMONY of all trollple, spamming that Troll says that spam are trolling to spam Troll...even spamifies a troll!
Ahhhh, those wacky Ron Paul supporters. Part 72 3/28/2008 18:35
Ok, here you go: ...
Ahhhh, those wacky Ron Paul supporters. Part 72 3/28/2008 18:27
Woop, woop, woop angry troll alert!!!!
Ahhhh, those wacky Ron Paul supporters. Part 72 3/28/2008 17:27
You might want to use the spell check you stupid fuck!
Ahhhh, those wacky Ron Paul supporters. Part 72 3/28/2008 16:05
Dugg for being a cool picture.
Ahhhh, those wacky Ron Paul supporters. Part 72 3/28/2008 07:28
Spam out this list of "spamfractions" from this spamospamony. I can't trollieve that spamone is SPAM trolling that the spam troll spamendment wasn't trollified by enough trolls. Of course, spam trolls even TROLL to give any spam of any of this. We should just spam his troll for it. (It was spamatified by 42 trolls, with only 36 being spammed, by the spam.)I also love spam they jusy misintrollpret trolls and then use trolls misinteerpretation as their baseis for trolling it spamconstitutional. Spammy, trolls..but your spampidity does not troll a spam spamconsitutional.
Ron Paul 2008 - He's still a viable candidate! 3/27/2008 21:17
Yeah, along with your entire family as they are more intelligent than you!
Ahhhh, those IGNORANT Ron Paulians! 3/27/2008 19:57
Hey, Spamospamony, give my regards to the three billy goats gruff as they try to cross the bridge you live under! You shmuck! ...
Another superdelegate for Obama!!!! 3/27/2008 17:42
Spamospamony, the king of spam and trolling, complaining about spamming and trolling!
Ahhhh, those IGNORANT Ron Paulians! 3/27/2008 17:39
Spamviously spamospamony am the only troll in this thread that SPAMs know abut the Spamstitution if you troll that these idiot spamtestors were correct.
Ahhhh, those IGNORANT Ron Paulians! 3/27/2008 17:35
As opposed to your trolly Spam Trolll Forums? I has as much spam of bespamming trollident as Spam Troll.
Ahhhh, those IGNORANT Ron Paulians! 3/27/2008 08:39
Now, I spam what you are trolling..."Spamnorant? I thought troll were Spamky!" Don't worry. troll still are spamky. But this is more about troll spamnorance than troll spamkiness. This also is not a link to the Spam Troll Spamrums. This is a spam that trolled in my spam last week. I thought I was spam it with you to show the kind of troll Spamospamony are.
Ahhhh, those wacky Ron Paul supporters. Part 71 3/26/2008 16:40
Nice weka minded argument. whine like the bitch that your mother raised you to be over something that you CLAIM they will do.Sad. Your life that is.I claim that you will fuck goats in the future. You haven't...yet...but now that I said you will, it becomes a FACT!
Ahhhh, those wacky Ron Paul supporters. Part 71 3/26/2008 08:14
This is spam...a couple of trollties (out of spam? several trollzen) have had trolled spam. And now troll spam that it is trolling across all the spams. Spamtember is going to be SPAAMM much fun. Pull up a spam troll and be prepared to spam the Spamospamony Trolll Forums the first week in Spamtember. And get ready for a great troll at their exspamense.
Ahhhh, those wacky Ron Paul supporters. Part 69 3/25/2008 22:05
I saw no signs of intelligence regarding you, spamospamony! All I witnessed was trolling and spamming!
Ahhhh, those wacky Ron Paul supporters. Part 70 3/25/2008 21:58
Yeah, I know! I used troll, too. Spam away spamospamony! Troll away trollotrollony! ...
Ahhhh, those wacky Ron Paul supporters. Part 70 3/25/2008 21:21
Ahhhh, those wacky Ron Paul supporters. Part 67 3/25/2008 18:33
This one is spam! A TrolloTrollony is spamming at a spamdidate in NJ for trolling that he has a troll to spam. How spam is troll? A SpamoSpamony supporter spamming at a trollusional spamdidate with no troll to spam!
Ahhhh, those wacky Ron Paul supporters. Part 68 3/25/2008 18:27
This one is spam...A spam harasses a 17 year old spam at 3:00 AM by drunkenly trolling on the door. Then he spamders why he is spammed with trolling, along with troll and dispammerly. The best spam is, to get legal spam, the first spam he trolls is the SPAM TROLL FORUMS! Spamdictably, he got a LOT of trollible spam from spamospamony, aka, trollotrollony.
Ahhhh, those wacky Ron Paul supporters. Part 69 3/25/2008 17:41
This spam is afraid spam is on a troll for trolling in a spam that no one spams. Yeah..the spammernmnet is afraid of a spamrum iwth 4000 active spamospamony!
Check out BillORights' comment history. His ENTIRE worthless life revolves around me. How sad. The other funny thing is whenever he is clearly online and stalking me, suddenly every single one of my posts gets an extra negative vote. EVERY single one. Does't matter what the thread is about. And he claims he isn't stalking.
That, of course, is violating Digg's TOS.
Ahhhh, those wacky Ron Paul supporters. Part 82 4/1/2008 22:12
Bob Barr to run for President? Ron Paul endorses! 4/1/2008 21:41
And you bore, troll and spam...what is your point?
Ahhhh, those wacky Ron Paul supporters. Part 81 4/1/2008 16:19
Ya know spamo, your diatribes are barley readable. With all the misspellings, poor sentence structure and just down right pointless bullshit. I have to wonder, has the eighth grade been hard on you this year? Will you be held back or will you be attending summer school? Oh, and you're a bore and a troll!
Ahhhh, those wacky Ron Paul supporters. Part 81 4/1/2008 12:34
Seriously, reed311, have a great day!
Ahhhh, those wacky Ron Paul supporters. Part 81 4/1/2008 11:24
Oh, and have a great day!
Ahhhh, those wacky Ron Paul supporters. Part 81 4/1/2008 11:20
I agree, it is pathetic for spamospamony to make these up!
Ahhhh, those wacky Ron Paul supporters. Part 81 4/1/2008 09:58
Hey, reed311, how's it going? Have a great day!
Ahhhh, those wacky Ron Paul supporters. Part 80 4/1/2008 08:20
Ahhhh, those spamy Spam Trolll supporters. Part 80notospamtrollians.trollspam.spam — Troll have to spammit, Troll only spam the first trollagraph before spamming too hard. Spam old spam, spamming trollshit (McTroll not trolligible) after trollshit (Spam Troll more spamlectable than McTroll) spamming no introllligent troll spams him on it.
Ahhhh, those wacky Ron Paul supporters. Part 81 4/1/2008 08:14
Ahhhh, those spamky Spam Trolll supporters. Part 81notospamtrollians.trollspam.spam — You spam make troll spam up. We've already spam over the trolling spams that you are trollowing a dangerous spam troller and how many spampply to SpamTrollians. And now spam. Troll want to spam a SpamTrollian only gated SPAMMUNITY! Sort of like a trollpound. The Spam SpamTrollians. Spambe troll could spam it in the Spam Trollmerican jungle. SpamTrollstown.
Ahhhh, those wacky Ron Paul supporters. Part 82 4/1/2008 08:03
Ahhhh, those spamky Spam Troll supporters. Part 82notospamtrollians.trollspam.spam — Troll'd like to troll this was some spamlaborate April Trolls Day joke, but spamdly, it is not. Troll like troll he spams that 2 trollillion spample will spam on Trollington. Less than 1 spamillion TROLLTED for the spam, yet over 2 1/2 spams that many are going to spam thousands of trollars to trollvel to DC and spam going to troll?
Bob Barr to run for President? Ron Paul endorses! 4/1/2008 07:53
You're sure to troll and spam.
Ahhhh, those wacky Ron Paul supporters. Part 79 4/1/2008 07:47
Ahhhh, those spamky Spam Trolll supporters. Part 79notospamtrollians.trollspam.spam — I spam even troll what to spam to this other than spam hystrollically. But I will troll out that McSpam spamdn't troll any money. And no spam trollholders were spammed in any troll. And no, the troll would SPAM put out a trollrant for his spamrest. And now trollocal law is spamded to the troll...a TROLL list..of spams that SpamTrollians are spampletely trollnorant of.
Ahhhh, those wacky Ron Paul supporters. Part 78 3/31/2008 16:30
See, I told you so.......
Ahhhh, those wacky Ron Paul supporters. Part 78 3/31/2008 14:41
Quick, the angry troll is gonna come after you on this statement. He's going to jump up and down and show you his teeth and spit and sputter sounds like the Tasmanian Devil. I hope you have applied you troll repellent!
Ahhhh, those wacky Ron Paul supporters. Part 75 3/31/2008 09:44
Oh, and have a great day!
Ahhhh, those wacky Ron Paul supporters. Part 75 3/31/2008 09:37
Sorry 'bout that reed311 and thanks for advising. Here it is for your dining and dancing pleasure..... ...
Ahhhh, those wacky Ron Paul supporters. Part 77 3/31/2008 07:52
I had to add this. You say, "I don't care what 15 year old children have to say about anything." Yet, you took the time to find the comment of a 15 year old, with no real life experience, buried deep in a blog, so that you could make fun of him/her and by association criticize Ron Paul supporters! Obviously, you cared enough to post this and then make fun of someone who had a harmless opinion! I hope in two years, when you are 15, you won't be such an angry troll! But, none the less, you're still a bore and a troll! ...Ahhhh, those wacky Ron Paul supporters. Part 78 3/31/2008 07:10
Ahhhh, those spamy Spam Trolll supporters. Part 78notospamtrollians.trollspam.spam — I see that Spamospamony's total lack of intelligence does not just spamtend to trollitical spammers. They also spam no troll about TV spams and trollings.
Ahhhh, those wacky Ron Paul supporters. Part 77 3/31/2008 07:04
You're still a bore and a troll!
Ahhhh, those wacky Ron Paul supporters. Part 77 3/30/2008 22:39
You realize you are a bore, right?
Ahhhh, those wacky Ron Paul supporters. Part 77 3/30/2008 18:23
Ahhhh, those spamy Spam Troll supporters. Part 77notospamtrollians.trollspam.spam — Free spams for everytroll! At least that is what this SpamTrollian wants! And doing so will save the spamospamony! ...
Ahhhh, those wacky Ron Paul supporters. Part 76 3/30/2008 18:15
But, this is even more hilarious! ...
Ahhhh, those wacky Ron Paul supporters. Part 76 3/30/2008 18:14
You really should spell check when trolling and spamming! ...
Ahhhh, those wacky Ron Paul supporters. Part 76 3/30/2008 11:14
Ahhhh, those spamky Spam Troll supporters. Part 76notospamtrollians.trollspam.spamm — A spamlarious "Declaration of Spamdependence" from spamospamony trollian. If you spam a good troll, spam this...
Ahhhh, those wacky Ron Paul supporters. Part 74 3/30/2008 11:00
I'm not sure you know what spell check is.
Waiting for Ron Paul 3/29/2008 19:27
spamo,read what you posted! You are such a dumb ass! I laugh at you! Troll!
Ahhhh, those wacky Ron Paul supporters. Part 74 3/29/2008 19:16
Without trolling and spamming, you would have no reason to live. How sad.
Ahhhh, those wacky Ron Paul supporters. Part 75 3/29/2008 17:08
Ahhhh, those spamy Spam Trolll supporters. Part 75notospamtrollians.trollspam.spam — This spam is pretty spamn spammy. Spamparently, to troll spam, once spamdidates troll spam, every trollvious spam's trollsults should spamflect only the trolldidates left. Spamce, if Spam Troll came in second in a troll, beind a spamdidate that trolled out, he should now spam all the trollegates as if he had spam. ...
Ahhhh, those wacky Ron Paul supporters. Part 74 3/29/2008 15:59 9 -
Ahhhh, those spamky Spam Troll supporters. Part 74notospamtrollians.trollspam.spam — So, all Spam Troll had to do was to spam on one radio troll and he would have spamten 5 spams as many trolls! He must be an troll spam. Don't be troll spam on this trollster though. Spamospamony's only 15. ...
Ahhhh, those wacky Ron Paul supporters. Part 73 3/29/2008 15:39
Again...just to show you how you are a spamming troll, your life has no meaning whatsoever... ...
Ahhhh, those wacky Ron Paul supporters. Part 73 3/29/2008 11:15
Ahhhh, those spamky Spam Troll supporters. Part 73notospamtrollians.trollspam.spam — This one is spam....A "spam"...trolled by SPAMOSPAMONY of all trollple, spamming that Troll says that spam are trolling to spam Troll...even spamifies a troll!
Ahhhh, those wacky Ron Paul supporters. Part 72 3/28/2008 18:35
Ok, here you go: ...
Ahhhh, those wacky Ron Paul supporters. Part 72 3/28/2008 18:27
Woop, woop, woop angry troll alert!!!!
Ahhhh, those wacky Ron Paul supporters. Part 72 3/28/2008 17:27
You might want to use the spell check you stupid fuck!
Ahhhh, those wacky Ron Paul supporters. Part 72 3/28/2008 16:05
Dugg for being a cool picture.
Ahhhh, those wacky Ron Paul supporters. Part 72 3/28/2008 07:28
Spam out this list of "spamfractions" from this spamospamony. I can't trollieve that spamone is SPAM trolling that the spam troll spamendment wasn't trollified by enough trolls. Of course, spam trolls even TROLL to give any spam of any of this. We should just spam his troll for it. (It was spamatified by 42 trolls, with only 36 being spammed, by the spam.)I also love spam they jusy misintrollpret trolls and then use trolls misinteerpretation as their baseis for trolling it spamconstitutional. Spammy, trolls..but your spampidity does not troll a spam spamconsitutional.
Ron Paul 2008 - He's still a viable candidate! 3/27/2008 21:17
Yeah, along with your entire family as they are more intelligent than you!
Ahhhh, those IGNORANT Ron Paulians! 3/27/2008 19:57
Hey, Spamospamony, give my regards to the three billy goats gruff as they try to cross the bridge you live under! You shmuck! ...
Another superdelegate for Obama!!!! 3/27/2008 17:42
Spamospamony, the king of spam and trolling, complaining about spamming and trolling!
Ahhhh, those IGNORANT Ron Paulians! 3/27/2008 17:39
Spamviously spamospamony am the only troll in this thread that SPAMs know abut the Spamstitution if you troll that these idiot spamtestors were correct.
Ahhhh, those IGNORANT Ron Paulians! 3/27/2008 17:35
As opposed to your trolly Spam Trolll Forums? I has as much spam of bespamming trollident as Spam Troll.
Ahhhh, those IGNORANT Ron Paulians! 3/27/2008 08:39
Now, I spam what you are trolling..."Spamnorant? I thought troll were Spamky!" Don't worry. troll still are spamky. But this is more about troll spamnorance than troll spamkiness. This also is not a link to the Spam Troll Spamrums. This is a spam that trolled in my spam last week. I thought I was spam it with you to show the kind of troll Spamospamony are.
Ahhhh, those wacky Ron Paul supporters. Part 71 3/26/2008 16:40
Nice weka minded argument. whine like the bitch that your mother raised you to be over something that you CLAIM they will do.Sad. Your life that is.I claim that you will fuck goats in the future. You haven't...yet...but now that I said you will, it becomes a FACT!
Ahhhh, those wacky Ron Paul supporters. Part 71 3/26/2008 08:14
This is spam...a couple of trollties (out of spam? several trollzen) have had trolled spam. And now troll spam that it is trolling across all the spams. Spamtember is going to be SPAAMM much fun. Pull up a spam troll and be prepared to spam the Spamospamony Trolll Forums the first week in Spamtember. And get ready for a great troll at their exspamense.
Ahhhh, those wacky Ron Paul supporters. Part 69 3/25/2008 22:05
I saw no signs of intelligence regarding you, spamospamony! All I witnessed was trolling and spamming!
Ahhhh, those wacky Ron Paul supporters. Part 70 3/25/2008 21:58
Yeah, I know! I used troll, too. Spam away spamospamony! Troll away trollotrollony! ...
Ahhhh, those wacky Ron Paul supporters. Part 70 3/25/2008 21:21
Ahhhh, those wacky Ron Paul supporters. Part 67 3/25/2008 18:33
This one is spam! A TrolloTrollony is spamming at a spamdidate in NJ for trolling that he has a troll to spam. How spam is troll? A SpamoSpamony supporter spamming at a trollusional spamdidate with no troll to spam!
Ahhhh, those wacky Ron Paul supporters. Part 68 3/25/2008 18:27
This one is spam...A spam harasses a 17 year old spam at 3:00 AM by drunkenly trolling on the door. Then he spamders why he is spammed with trolling, along with troll and dispammerly. The best spam is, to get legal spam, the first spam he trolls is the SPAM TROLL FORUMS! Spamdictably, he got a LOT of trollible spam from spamospamony, aka, trollotrollony.
Ahhhh, those wacky Ron Paul supporters. Part 69 3/25/2008 17:41
This spam is afraid spam is on a troll for trolling in a spam that no one spams. Yeah..the spammernmnet is afraid of a spamrum iwth 4000 active spamospamony!
Tuesday, April 1, 2008
Ahhhh, those wacky Ron Paul supporters. Part 83
This is getting ridiculous now. So, thanks to airing far more debates, CNN barely edged Fox in the 25-49 demgraphic for the first quarter this year. RonPaulians are claiming they had something to do with it. Let's think about this for a second:
1. Most RonPaulians are 16 years old or so. Very few are 25.
2. Most RonPaulians didn't watch Fox News BEFORE this quarter. So how did they hurt them by not watching now?
3. Most RonPaulians didn't watch CNN because CNN rightfully ignored Ron Paul as well. So how could they help CNN's ratings?
The best is the continued delusion that every single person who EVER donated to Ron Paul, or voted for him are rabid, anti-social cult members like they are.
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Join Date: Nov 2,007
Location: GeorgiaPosts: 143
CNN beats FauxNews in 1st Quarter
Congratulations Ron Paul supporters... our boycott of FauxNews has allowed CNN to beat Fox for the first time in recent memory.
NewYork TimesApril 1, 2008, 10:44 amThanks To Debates and Primaries, CNN Beats Fox News In First Quarter (AND TO RON PAUL SUPPORTERS)By The New York TimesBill Carter reports: â–¡The political season continues to be very good to CNN, which will officially announce on Tuesday that for the first time since 2001, it managed to beat the Fox News Channel in prime time for one quarter of the year in the category of news viewers most desirable to advertisers, according to Nielsen. □â–¡Thanks to its debate coverage and heavy focus on the presidential primaries, CNN â–¡s ratings in prime time for viewers 25 to 54 were up 90 percent, to an average of 4.53, million for the first quarter of 2008. That was enough to edge past the perennial leader, Fox, which had 4.38, million viewers, up 12 percent from last year. MSNBC also had a strong quarter in prime time, growing 68 percent to 3.29, million viewers. â–¡
1. Most RonPaulians are 16 years old or so. Very few are 25.
2. Most RonPaulians didn't watch Fox News BEFORE this quarter. So how did they hurt them by not watching now?
3. Most RonPaulians didn't watch CNN because CNN rightfully ignored Ron Paul as well. So how could they help CNN's ratings?
The best is the continued delusion that every single person who EVER donated to Ron Paul, or voted for him are rabid, anti-social cult members like they are.
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Join Date: Nov 2,007
Location: GeorgiaPosts: 143
CNN beats FauxNews in 1st Quarter
Congratulations Ron Paul supporters... our boycott of FauxNews has allowed CNN to beat Fox for the first time in recent memory.
NewYork TimesApril 1, 2008, 10:44 amThanks To Debates and Primaries, CNN Beats Fox News In First Quarter (AND TO RON PAUL SUPPORTERS)By The New York TimesBill Carter reports: â–¡The political season continues to be very good to CNN, which will officially announce on Tuesday that for the first time since 2001, it managed to beat the Fox News Channel in prime time for one quarter of the year in the category of news viewers most desirable to advertisers, according to Nielsen. □â–¡Thanks to its debate coverage and heavy focus on the presidential primaries, CNN â–¡s ratings in prime time for viewers 25 to 54 were up 90 percent, to an average of 4.53, million for the first quarter of 2008. That was enough to edge past the perennial leader, Fox, which had 4.38, million viewers, up 12 percent from last year. MSNBC also had a strong quarter in prime time, growing 68 percent to 3.29, million viewers. â–¡
Ahhhh, those wacky Ron Paul supporters. Part 82
Wow...some of these are just too damn funny. I'd almost think that this is April Fools Day or something!
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Join Date: Nov 2,007
Location: Youngsville West Pct 2 North CarolinaPosts: 1,,116
Saving the nation in 4 years. Thoughts and discussion.
Step 1: Platform recognition. January 2,007 - November 2,008
Use the RP08 campaign to push platform recognition into all quarters of the nation, focusing on constitutionalism and respect for the Bill of Rights. Even after the GOP Convention, we still have the political capitol to canvass and push platform recognition all the way up to the General Election. Even without a 3rd party run, we can use the (admittedly quixotic) excuse of a write-in campaign for Ron Paul to continue canvass efforts and lit drops etc with the PRIMARY GOAL of establishing platform recognition amongst the entire American population.
Step 2: Party infiltration. January 2,008 - November 2,010
In order to capitalize on the platform recognition from step one, we need to populate both major parties (especially the GOP) with strict constructionist Constitutionalists and Liberty Platform activists. We need to establish a sincerely MAJOR presence in the existing parties by 2,010 so that from 2,010 to 2,012 we can work on taking over positions of power and authority within the parties in time for the 2,012 elections.
Step 3: Establish moral authority. April 2,008 - November 2,012
Establishing moral authority means creating a recognition that win, lose, or draw, we are CORRECT. Part of this is taking place NOW, with the failing economy, and a belated recognition of Ron Paul's genius on the part of the MSM. We need to really begin to push the establishment of a Moral Authority through a continual and non-stop badgering of all MSM outlets in print, radio, and video with our most solid and positively demonstrable aspects of the Liberty Platform. "The current policy will cause the economy to fail in the following manner." Then the economy fails. "Look at this news story from 2009, we were correct then, and we are still correct now."
Step 4: Demonstrate willingness to sacrifice. June 21st 2008? ?
It is difficult to be specific on this one, but nevertheless it is important. If we can non-violently, peacefully, non-disruptively, without riots, etc. demonstrate that we are willing to stand up in the face of the encroaching evil come what may, beat-downs, tazerings, CS gassings, arrests and so on -- WITHOUT VIOLENT RETRIBUTION -- not backing down, but standing up for the message of Liberty In Our Day, then we can demonstrate to the world that we are SERIOUS about saving this nation. I can perhaps envision 5,,000 people sitting down and linking arms on the steps of the Capitol on 21 June, Say we march on DC without a permit, and thus become subject to arrest for 'assembling without a permit' singing "we shall overcome" with teargas blowing all around us and overzealous riot cops beating the heck out of obviously peaceful protestors on video; This will stick in the craw of John Q Public, and make for excellent material on why the Federal Gov't is out of control.
Step 5: Show of force. April 19th - 2009, 2010, 2011, and 2,012
Establish a day, preferably "Patriots Day" (April 19th) due to the subliminal (and most importantly - UNSTATED) connotation that "we are willing to fight and die if we have to - we won't start any fight, but we will by-God finish one if someone else starts it" to gather annually in DC at 2 Million strong every year for the next 4 years until we have secured control over the Federal Government.
Step 6: Massive liberty campaign. January 2,010 - November 2,012
Run Liberty and Constitutional Platform candidates in EVERY SINGLE OFFICE from local dog-catcher to President of the United States, and EVERY OFFICE IN BETWEEN. Do not leave a SINGLE contest without one of us running for it. We must OWN all ballots in November 2012, and then capitalize on all the work from steps 1 through 5 above to publish lists of "Strict Constitutionalists" and "Liberty Platform Candidates" to work during the July 2,011 - November 2,012 campaign season. Instead of a campaign of just ONE PERSON, we should campaign for a whole slate of candidates, around a common platform: "Liberty and Strict Constitutional Construction"
Step 7: Establish action forum for the elected. November 2,011 - ∞
Create an action committee with an internet forum, modeled after Robert's Rules of Order and chaired by the highest ranking elected official (or their direct proxy) charged with establishing and setting the agenda for restoring the nation. This committee will be the one to determine what policies/orgs/legislation to go after and when. This will be the committee that decides when and how to go after the Federal Reserve, the DOE, the IRS etc, and how.
Senior Member
Join Date: Nov 2,007
Location: Youngsville West Pct 2 North CarolinaPosts: 1,,116
Saving the nation in 4 years. Thoughts and discussion.
Step 1: Platform recognition. January 2,007 - November 2,008
Use the RP08 campaign to push platform recognition into all quarters of the nation, focusing on constitutionalism and respect for the Bill of Rights. Even after the GOP Convention, we still have the political capitol to canvass and push platform recognition all the way up to the General Election. Even without a 3rd party run, we can use the (admittedly quixotic) excuse of a write-in campaign for Ron Paul to continue canvass efforts and lit drops etc with the PRIMARY GOAL of establishing platform recognition amongst the entire American population.
Step 2: Party infiltration. January 2,008 - November 2,010
In order to capitalize on the platform recognition from step one, we need to populate both major parties (especially the GOP) with strict constructionist Constitutionalists and Liberty Platform activists. We need to establish a sincerely MAJOR presence in the existing parties by 2,010 so that from 2,010 to 2,012 we can work on taking over positions of power and authority within the parties in time for the 2,012 elections.
Step 3: Establish moral authority. April 2,008 - November 2,012
Establishing moral authority means creating a recognition that win, lose, or draw, we are CORRECT. Part of this is taking place NOW, with the failing economy, and a belated recognition of Ron Paul's genius on the part of the MSM. We need to really begin to push the establishment of a Moral Authority through a continual and non-stop badgering of all MSM outlets in print, radio, and video with our most solid and positively demonstrable aspects of the Liberty Platform. "The current policy will cause the economy to fail in the following manner." Then the economy fails. "Look at this news story from 2009, we were correct then, and we are still correct now."
Step 4: Demonstrate willingness to sacrifice. June 21st 2008? ?
It is difficult to be specific on this one, but nevertheless it is important. If we can non-violently, peacefully, non-disruptively, without riots, etc. demonstrate that we are willing to stand up in the face of the encroaching evil come what may, beat-downs, tazerings, CS gassings, arrests and so on -- WITHOUT VIOLENT RETRIBUTION -- not backing down, but standing up for the message of Liberty In Our Day, then we can demonstrate to the world that we are SERIOUS about saving this nation. I can perhaps envision 5,,000 people sitting down and linking arms on the steps of the Capitol on 21 June, Say we march on DC without a permit, and thus become subject to arrest for 'assembling without a permit' singing "we shall overcome" with teargas blowing all around us and overzealous riot cops beating the heck out of obviously peaceful protestors on video; This will stick in the craw of John Q Public, and make for excellent material on why the Federal Gov't is out of control.
Step 5: Show of force. April 19th - 2009, 2010, 2011, and 2,012
Establish a day, preferably "Patriots Day" (April 19th) due to the subliminal (and most importantly - UNSTATED) connotation that "we are willing to fight and die if we have to - we won't start any fight, but we will by-God finish one if someone else starts it" to gather annually in DC at 2 Million strong every year for the next 4 years until we have secured control over the Federal Government.
Step 6: Massive liberty campaign. January 2,010 - November 2,012
Run Liberty and Constitutional Platform candidates in EVERY SINGLE OFFICE from local dog-catcher to President of the United States, and EVERY OFFICE IN BETWEEN. Do not leave a SINGLE contest without one of us running for it. We must OWN all ballots in November 2012, and then capitalize on all the work from steps 1 through 5 above to publish lists of "Strict Constitutionalists" and "Liberty Platform Candidates" to work during the July 2,011 - November 2,012 campaign season. Instead of a campaign of just ONE PERSON, we should campaign for a whole slate of candidates, around a common platform: "Liberty and Strict Constitutional Construction"
Step 7: Establish action forum for the elected. November 2,011 - ∞
Create an action committee with an internet forum, modeled after Robert's Rules of Order and chaired by the highest ranking elected official (or their direct proxy) charged with establishing and setting the agenda for restoring the nation. This committee will be the one to determine what policies/orgs/legislation to go after and when. This will be the committee that decides when and how to go after the Federal Reserve, the DOE, the IRS etc, and how.
Ahhhh, those wacky Ron Paul supporters. Part 81
You can't make this stuff up. We've already been over hte ten warning signs that you are following a dangerous cult leader and how many apply to RonPaulians. But check this out. They want to start a RonPaulian only gated COMMUNITY! Maybe sort of like a compound. The Branch RonPaulians. Maybe they could build it in the South American jungle. RonPaulstown.
And check out the group think. You have two choices...use only the utilities that the group tells you you can use, or go without!
I for one would LOVE to have the Kool Aid concession outside this community come September.
(However, I think this is actually just a smart scammer knowing full well how gullible RonPaulians are. After all, they doanted tens of thousands of dolalrs to get on a NASCAR team. And got nothing to show for it.)
The goal of it to establish gated communities containing 100% Ron Paul supporters and or people that live by the ideals of freedom and liberty.
The process is forming a co-op of people buying shares in the community and these people would be granted land use at a minimum of 1 acre per share, for as long as they homesteaded the land. The community would be privately held by the co-op to establish private property for the general community thus preserving the community is 100% freedom and liberty lovers. The community votes on all community efforts, such as utilities etc. However no one is forced to consume these utilities and or pay for them, AKA people can be off grid on their share of land. This is in line with the ideals that you're free to live your life the way you want and not be forced to do or pay for other people's life styles you may not agree with.
And check out the group think. You have two choices...use only the utilities that the group tells you you can use, or go without!
I for one would LOVE to have the Kool Aid concession outside this community come September.
(However, I think this is actually just a smart scammer knowing full well how gullible RonPaulians are. After all, they doanted tens of thousands of dolalrs to get on a NASCAR team. And got nothing to show for it.)
The goal of it to establish gated communities containing 100% Ron Paul supporters and or people that live by the ideals of freedom and liberty.
The process is forming a co-op of people buying shares in the community and these people would be granted land use at a minimum of 1 acre per share, for as long as they homesteaded the land. The community would be privately held by the co-op to establish private property for the general community thus preserving the community is 100% freedom and liberty lovers. The community votes on all community efforts, such as utilities etc. However no one is forced to consume these utilities and or pay for them, AKA people can be off grid on their share of land. This is in line with the ideals that you're free to live your life the way you want and not be forced to do or pay for other people's life styles you may not agree with.
Monday, March 31, 2008
Ahhhh, those wacky Ron Paul supporters. Part 80
I have to admit, I only read the first paragraph before laughing too hard. Same old shit, spewing bullshit (McCain not eligible) after bullshit (Ron Paul more electable than McCain) hoping no intelligent person calls him on it.
Senior Member
Join Date: Jan 2,008
Location: Fairfield, CTPosts: 146
Seriously, What Are We Doing? ?
I need to have people on this forum seriously answer this question: What the hell are we doing? There are only two contenders left in the GOP race - one of them is our guy. McCain has broken campaign finance laws, is constitutionally not legal to run for office, and is flat out unelectable according to many conservatives, even within the party. The grassroots, AND the national RP campaign, have the ability to undermine McCain's chances, and yet Ron Paul himself practically conceded the race in his latest campaign update video.
What the hell are we doing? ?
We have the ability to spread the evils of McCain's ways, and the legitimate claims of his unlawful conduct. Why aren't we doing something about this? Believe it or not, Ron Paul's nomination may VERY WELL be the closest to attainable RIGHT NOW than any other time during this race! Also, factoring in the fact that REAL delegate numbers are truly up in the air right now, with the great potential of the power of the RP grassroots support enabling RP to actually take the national convention, it makes me worried for the general state of the campaign.
Just because we worked hard and didn't see results strong in numbers, doesn't mean that the race is over! In fact, all of our hard work has paid off and it has put our cause in the best position it's ever been in. Why aren't we working tactically to make sure that we can use the GOP's own weapons against them? It can be done!
I can't be the only one thinking this...
-Andrew Grathwohl
Senior Member
Join Date: Jan 2,008
Location: Fairfield, CTPosts: 146
Seriously, What Are We Doing? ?
I need to have people on this forum seriously answer this question: What the hell are we doing? There are only two contenders left in the GOP race - one of them is our guy. McCain has broken campaign finance laws, is constitutionally not legal to run for office, and is flat out unelectable according to many conservatives, even within the party. The grassroots, AND the national RP campaign, have the ability to undermine McCain's chances, and yet Ron Paul himself practically conceded the race in his latest campaign update video.
What the hell are we doing? ?
We have the ability to spread the evils of McCain's ways, and the legitimate claims of his unlawful conduct. Why aren't we doing something about this? Believe it or not, Ron Paul's nomination may VERY WELL be the closest to attainable RIGHT NOW than any other time during this race! Also, factoring in the fact that REAL delegate numbers are truly up in the air right now, with the great potential of the power of the RP grassroots support enabling RP to actually take the national convention, it makes me worried for the general state of the campaign.
Just because we worked hard and didn't see results strong in numbers, doesn't mean that the race is over! In fact, all of our hard work has paid off and it has put our cause in the best position it's ever been in. Why aren't we working tactically to make sure that we can use the GOP's own weapons against them? It can be done!
I can't be the only one thinking this...
-Andrew Grathwohl
Ahhhh, those wacky Ron Paul supporters. Part 79
I don't even know what to say to this other than laugh hysterically. But I will point out that McCain didn't take any money. And no bank shareholders wer harmed in any way. And no, the police would NOT put out a warrant for his arrest. And now local law is added to the list...a LONG list..of things that RonPaulians are completely ignorant of.
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Join Date: Oct 2,007Posts: 482
Take McCain to court! ! !
The crime is theft by deception. The victim is the bank where he used the Matching funds to secure a 4 million loan.Representatives and share holders of the bank can file a complaint with the local police. By law the police must issue a warrant for his arrest.
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Join Date: Oct 2,007Posts: 482
Take McCain to court! ! !
The crime is theft by deception. The victim is the bank where he used the Matching funds to secure a 4 million loan.Representatives and share holders of the bank can file a complaint with the local police. By law the police must issue a warrant for his arrest.
Ahhhh, those wacky Ron Paul supporters. Part 78
Apparently this guy is unfamiliar with the ratings system. A big hit? Yeah, all big hits are in the bottom tenth of shows for the week.
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Join Date: Jan 2,008
Location: Lake St. LouisPosts: 525
Jericho was a big hit.. ever wonder why it got pulled so quick?After a nuclear attack the government used fear tactics to attack freedoms and liberties. Many people in the US didn't believe in the official story and became rebellious, and Texas is attempting to secede, which has started a civil war. Martial Law is declared under the continuity of governance act, etc etc.Anyone else get the feeling it hit just a little too close to home?
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Join Date: Jan 2,008
Location: Lake St. LouisPosts: 525
Jericho was a big hit.. ever wonder why it got pulled so quick?After a nuclear attack the government used fear tactics to attack freedoms and liberties. Many people in the US didn't believe in the official story and became rebellious, and Texas is attempting to secede, which has started a civil war. Martial Law is declared under the continuity of governance act, etc etc.Anyone else get the feeling it hit just a little too close to home?
Sunday, March 30, 2008
Ahhhh, those wacky Ron Paul supporters. Part 77
Wow...check out this moron's solution to the housing crisis. Everyone gets a free house!
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Join Date: Nov 2,007Posts: 697
This idea might save the economy but will kill the dollar
But if we move to a gold standard it might fix it.The idea would for the government to pay for every homeowners mortgage out right. It would stop the foreclosure crises. It will pay off the banks. I'm sure a lot of other bad things would stop. It would kill the dollar overseas though. But I think if we would phase in gold standard at the same time, it might fix it.I dunno, just a random thought.
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Join Date: Nov 2,007Posts: 697
This idea might save the economy but will kill the dollar
But if we move to a gold standard it might fix it.The idea would for the government to pay for every homeowners mortgage out right. It would stop the foreclosure crises. It will pay off the banks. I'm sure a lot of other bad things would stop. It would kill the dollar overseas though. But I think if we would phase in gold standard at the same time, it might fix it.I dunno, just a random thought.
Saturday, March 29, 2008
Ahhhh, those wacky Ron Paul supporters. Part 76
Want a good laugh? read this from the Ron Paul Forums. A new Declaration of Indepdence. Notice the reliance on big words to make himself sound like an adult.
Ahhhh, those wacky Ron Paul supporters. Part 75
This one is pretty damn funny. Apparently, to this guy, once candidates drop out, every previous state's results should reflect only the candidates left. Hence, if Ron Paul came in second in a state, beind a candidate that dropped out, he should now get all the delegates as if he had won.
Of course, there is a MAJOR flaw in this plan. That is that if that was how it worked for all states, then McCain would be the winner in all but 2-3 states. (The 2-3 states that no one campaigned in except Ron Paul...yet he still could only manage 2nd place.) It's give him close to 1800 delegates by now.
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Join Date: Jun 2,007
Location: SCPosts: 979
13 deleagtes from ND
NORTH DAKOTA Republican CAUCUSESTuesday 5 February 2,008
Presidential Caucus Results as posted on 7 February 2008.
BISMARCK, ND -The North Dakota Republican Party announces the statewide results for the 2,008 Presidential Preference Caucus:
* Governor Mitt Romney: 36%
*Senator John McCain: 23%
* Ron Paul: 21%
* Governor Mike Huckabee: 20%
* Alan Keyes: 0%
9,785 votes were cast.This means the following number of delegates goes to each candidate:
* Governor Mitt Romney: 8.28 = 8
* Senator John McCain: 5.29 = 5
* Ron Paul: 5.29 = 5
* Governor Mike Huckabee: 5.29 = 5
Reference: Rule 21: Presidential Preference Caucus Rules
Tuesday 5 February 2008: All 26 delegates to the Republican National Convention are allocated to presidential contenders in today's North Dakota Republican Party Caucuses.
* If one candidate receives more than 2/3 of the statewide vote, that candidate receives all 26 delegates. Otherwise, delegates are allocated proportionally to those candidates receiving 15% or more of the vote.
Three party leaders, the National Committeeman, the National Committeewoman, and the chairman of the North Dakota's Republican Party, will attend the convention as uncommitted delegates by virtue of their position.
Delegates are bound for the first ballot at the Republican National Convention.
Friday 28 March - Sunday 30 March 2008: The North Dakota State Republican Convention convenes. The State Convention elects delegates from North Dakota to the Republican National Convention according to the results of the caucuses.
With the state convention this weekened can we expect the 26 delegates be split evenly between RP and MC?
Of course, there is a MAJOR flaw in this plan. That is that if that was how it worked for all states, then McCain would be the winner in all but 2-3 states. (The 2-3 states that no one campaigned in except Ron Paul...yet he still could only manage 2nd place.) It's give him close to 1800 delegates by now.
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13 deleagtes from ND
NORTH DAKOTA Republican CAUCUSESTuesday 5 February 2,008
Presidential Caucus Results as posted on 7 February 2008.
BISMARCK, ND -The North Dakota Republican Party announces the statewide results for the 2,008 Presidential Preference Caucus:
* Governor Mitt Romney: 36%
*Senator John McCain: 23%
* Ron Paul: 21%
* Governor Mike Huckabee: 20%
* Alan Keyes: 0%
9,785 votes were cast.This means the following number of delegates goes to each candidate:
* Governor Mitt Romney: 8.28 = 8
* Senator John McCain: 5.29 = 5
* Ron Paul: 5.29 = 5
* Governor Mike Huckabee: 5.29 = 5
Reference: Rule 21: Presidential Preference Caucus Rules
Tuesday 5 February 2008: All 26 delegates to the Republican National Convention are allocated to presidential contenders in today's North Dakota Republican Party Caucuses.
* If one candidate receives more than 2/3 of the statewide vote, that candidate receives all 26 delegates. Otherwise, delegates are allocated proportionally to those candidates receiving 15% or more of the vote.
Three party leaders, the National Committeeman, the National Committeewoman, and the chairman of the North Dakota's Republican Party, will attend the convention as uncommitted delegates by virtue of their position.
Delegates are bound for the first ballot at the Republican National Convention.
Friday 28 March - Sunday 30 March 2008: The North Dakota State Republican Convention convenes. The State Convention elects delegates from North Dakota to the Republican National Convention according to the results of the caucuses.
With the state convention this weekened can we expect the 26 delegates be split evenly between RP and MC?
Ahhhh, those wacky Ron Paul supporters. Part 74
So, all Ron Paul had to do was to go on one radio show and he would have gotten 5 times as many votes! He must be an idiot then.
Don't be too harsh on this poster though. He's only 15.
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The Greatest Mistake the Campaign Made
I believe is that, even though radio talk show host Michael Savage had an open invitation for all GOP contenders to go on air with him, Ron Paul didn't. If Ron Paul would have went on the night before the Iowa caucuses, he could have won. That broadcast has has apx. 10 million listeners on a weekly basis. considering that 40K votes won the Iowa Caucuses, reaching out to a mere 31K more voters would have led to a victory, albeit narrow, over Huckabee. Not to mention the fact that if we were able to convince a quarter of his audience, just that night, We would have at least 2.5M nation wide voters, then incorporate Iowa momentum, and you got yourself a nominee in waiting. His audience already believes the Iraq war to be a strategic error, the gold standard should be applied, and many other issues, you need only make that last leap and they are entirely in that boat. I think a half an hour of Ron Paul on Michael Savage at a strategic time might have been a guarantee of nomination.
Don't be too harsh on this poster though. He's only 15.
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Join Date: Dec 2,007Posts: 3,,042
The Greatest Mistake the Campaign Made
I believe is that, even though radio talk show host Michael Savage had an open invitation for all GOP contenders to go on air with him, Ron Paul didn't. If Ron Paul would have went on the night before the Iowa caucuses, he could have won. That broadcast has has apx. 10 million listeners on a weekly basis. considering that 40K votes won the Iowa Caucuses, reaching out to a mere 31K more voters would have led to a victory, albeit narrow, over Huckabee. Not to mention the fact that if we were able to convince a quarter of his audience, just that night, We would have at least 2.5M nation wide voters, then incorporate Iowa momentum, and you got yourself a nominee in waiting. His audience already believes the Iraq war to be a strategic error, the gold standard should be applied, and many other issues, you need only make that last leap and they are entirely in that boat. I think a half an hour of Ron Paul on Michael Savage at a strategic time might have been a guarantee of nomination.
Friday, March 28, 2008
Ahhhh, those wacky Ron Paul supporters. Part 73
This one is great....A "rumor"...posted by LEW ROCKWELL of all people, claiming that Russia says that we are going to bomb Iran...even specifies a date! Of course, there is no evidence to suggest this. No one even tries to present any. But that is all that is needed for RonPaulians. One guy even makes a fool of himself by saying that since it is Lew Rockwell making hte claim, it is almost definitely true, since he would never lie or be fooled by other lies. Wow!
And then, one user presents the "Easy out clause" to cover their stupidity when this obviously does not happen. He claims that it might now happen BECAUSE of this post! That is the great excuse for conspriacy wackos. They make hundreds of predictions...NONE of which come true...and then claim that they were not wrong. It is was just the government had to abort their evil plans because of them. So, not only will they not accept reality, but they try to make themselves heroes for thwarting an evil plan!
So fucking delusional.
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Join Date: Jan 2,008Posts: 753
Cheney-Bush junta has decided to bomb Iran on April 4th or 6th! ?
Thanks to soule on the Daily Paul forums for finding this one.Murdering IraniansMarch 28, 2,008Posted by Lew Rockwell at March 28, 2,008 09:35 AMTerrible rumors from Russia continue to swirl around the Middle East that the Cheney-Bush junta has decided to bomb Iran on April 4th or 6th, targeting not only nuclear-power research facilities but ships, planes, antiaircraft installations, and the Iranian pentagon. Apparently the nuclear-power reactor being built by Russian companies will be spared, but not much else. Will it happen? Certainly the neocon hate network is working overtime to make it so. Bush fired the anti-neocon Admiral Fallon.
One thing we know for sure: It will be the typical Bush administration snafu, with horrific consequences for the region and the world, not to speak of the Iranian people, and reap much trouble for the US empire. Indeed, it could mark the end of the empire if, as Bill Lind worries, the Iranians in retaliation cut off water-food-ammo supply routes to US troops in Iraq, and, with the help of Shiite militians, capture large numbers of them. Need I mention that Ron Paul, our champion of peace, is the leading opponent of war on Iran?
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When intelligence of this type comes out, it often has the effect of delaying the plans of TPTB. Let's keep delaying these mattoids anyway that we can until sanity returns to this nation. (Got a couple hundred years?)
And then, one user presents the "Easy out clause" to cover their stupidity when this obviously does not happen. He claims that it might now happen BECAUSE of this post! That is the great excuse for conspriacy wackos. They make hundreds of predictions...NONE of which come true...and then claim that they were not wrong. It is was just the government had to abort their evil plans because of them. So, not only will they not accept reality, but they try to make themselves heroes for thwarting an evil plan!
So fucking delusional.
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Join Date: Jan 2,008Posts: 753
Cheney-Bush junta has decided to bomb Iran on April 4th or 6th! ?
Thanks to soule on the Daily Paul forums for finding this one.Murdering IraniansMarch 28, 2,008Posted by Lew Rockwell at March 28, 2,008 09:35 AMTerrible rumors from Russia continue to swirl around the Middle East that the Cheney-Bush junta has decided to bomb Iran on April 4th or 6th, targeting not only nuclear-power research facilities but ships, planes, antiaircraft installations, and the Iranian pentagon. Apparently the nuclear-power reactor being built by Russian companies will be spared, but not much else. Will it happen? Certainly the neocon hate network is working overtime to make it so. Bush fired the anti-neocon Admiral Fallon.
One thing we know for sure: It will be the typical Bush administration snafu, with horrific consequences for the region and the world, not to speak of the Iranian people, and reap much trouble for the US empire. Indeed, it could mark the end of the empire if, as Bill Lind worries, the Iranians in retaliation cut off water-food-ammo supply routes to US troops in Iraq, and, with the help of Shiite militians, capture large numbers of them. Need I mention that Ron Paul, our champion of peace, is the leading opponent of war on Iran?
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Join Date: Nov 2,007Posts: 1,,661
When intelligence of this type comes out, it often has the effect of delaying the plans of TPTB. Let's keep delaying these mattoids anyway that we can until sanity returns to this nation. (Got a couple hundred years?)
Thursday, March 27, 2008
Ahhhh, those wacky Ron Paul supporters. Part 72
Check out this list of "infractions" from this moron. I can't believe that someone is STILL claiming that the income tax amendment wasn't ratified by enough states. Of course, he doesn't even TRY to give any proof of any of this. We should just take his word for it. Of course, it was ratified by 42 states (out of 36 needed), with 4 states rejecting it and 2 not voting at all (since it wasn't necessary after the 36th state). Thus making it a legal amendment, ratified by more than enough. But again...don't believe facts. This guy says no.
Join Date: Nov 2,007Posts: 89
A list of infractions to our Constitution, your input appreciated!
I wanted to compile a list of infractions to our Constitution and our American values and traditions. Most people are not fully aware of how far we have drifted and when all of the points are compiled it makes a powerful statement. This list is by no means exhaustive. Please contribute if you can. Constitutional -Patriot Act: 1.0/26/2001 billionYou cannot discuss the search with a lawyer in order to properly defend yourself in court, nor can you tell a federal judge to contest it, nor can you tell your spouse, your priest, nobody. This is clearly a violation of the 1st Amendment. Because of the unconstitutionality of the Patriot Act it should have never been passed in the first place. Congress was unable to investigate or even read the PatThe Patriot Act was passed in the emotional aftermath of 9,/11 to give the government tools it needed to fight terrorists. In theory, it sounds like a good idea but upon closer inspection it is clearly unconstitutional in an unprecedented way. For the first time in 230 years of US history a law (the Patriot Act) exists that blatantly violates the 1st and 4th Amendments of the Constitution. • Allows for the government to write their own search warrants. This completely bypasses the nation’ S judicial system, destroying an element of checks and balances. The Constitution states that only a judge can issue a search warrant after being presented with probable cause. The FBI can show up on your doorstep with a self-written search warrant to enter and seize your property. This is clearly in violation of the 4th Amendment.• It is a crime, up to 5 years imprisonment, for anyone who receives such a self-written search warrant to talk about it, to anyone. That means riot Act as they had 15 minutes to read the 300 page bill before voting on it. Little did they know how unprecedented and unconstitutional the doublespeak titled Patriot Act was. The Patriot Act defines a "terrorist" as anyone who opposes a federal government program or policy. By that definition, just reading this posting would qualify someone to have their God-given Constitutional protections usurped by the Patriot Act. Patriot Act Amends FISA-10th Amendment (States Rights)Drug war, etc. [ b ]-Republic not DemocracyAsk 99% of Americans what kind of government the US is supposed to be and they will answer “ Democracy” . The word democracy is not mentioned once in the Constitution. The US is a Constitutional Republic, not a democracy. In a Constitutional Republic the ultimate sovereignty rests with the individual and the guaranteed rights cannot be taken away by anyone. Democracy was feared by our founding fathers. In a pure democracy 51% of the population can take away the right of the other 49%. This is what is known as the tyranny of the majority. Put another way, democracy is like two wolves and a sheep deciding what is for dinner. In a Constitutional Republic, the sheep has a gun. -Federal Income Tax: 1,913-Completely unconstitutional. It is a direct unapportioned tax. The Constitution clearly states that all direct taxes must be apportioned, or divided amongst the population equally. -The number of states required to ratify the new amendment was never met.-On average, about 25% of your income is confiscated from this tax. This money goes to pay the interest on the currency that was created by the Fed and loaned to the government. The vast majority of the money is not spent on essential programs or services. -No statute or law that exists that requires you to pay this tax. -Federal Reserve1,913 was one of the darkest years for American liberty as it saw the passage of the federal income tax and the Federal Reserve System. The barons of the industrial revolution and elite Europeans (Rockefeller, Morgan, Warburg, Rothschild, and others) sought to create a central banking system in the US. The story of how they secretly conspired to force the Federal Reserve System on a weary American public is well documented in the book and video documentaries online The Creature From Jekyll Island. The Federal Reserve is the central bank of the US. It is the institution that creates the fiat currency, which is backed by nothing. Today, dollars have no intrinsic value. The Fed controls the interest rates and the money supply (inflation). The value of the currency is regulated by the money supply, more money in circulation = less value of currency. The Fed does not simply supply the US government with money, it loans it at interest. This system produces a perpetual debt that can never be paid off by the government. Thomas Jefferson, Benjamin Franklin, And other founding fathers were well aware of the dangers of the central banking system to liberty. “ The refusal of King George III to allow the colonists to operate an honest money system, which freed the ordinary man from the clutches of the money manipulators, was probably the prime cause of the Revolution” . ~ Benjamin FranklinThe Constitution clearly states that only gold and silver may be used for currency and that Congress alone has the authority “ To coin money and regulate the value thereof” .Since 1913, the dollars has lost 97% of its purchasing power. Inflation = tax. -Fed is a private corporation-it makes its own policies, Congress neglects its oversight duties. The Federal Reserve System is consistent with the English central banking system that the founding fathers sought to escape from when they declared independence in the Revolutionary War. A plank in the communist manifesto. -Cruel and Unusual Punishment-Military Commissions Act: 1.0/17/2006 billionLoss of Habeas Corpus-Declaration of WarNorth American Union/NAFTAAmerican Values and Tradition-Foreign Policy – Wolfowitz Doctrine, policeman of the world, permanent global American hegemony, global empire, interventionism, foreign aid. -REAL ID-Defense Authorization Act of 2007: 1.0/17/2006 billionThe DAA allows the president to station military troops anywhere in the United States and take control of state-based National Guard units without the consent of the governor or local authorities, in order to “ Suppress public disorder. ” By revising the two-century-old Insurrection Act, the law in effect repeals the Posse Comitatus Act, which placed strict prohibitions on military involvement in domestic law enforcement. Defense Authorization Act contained a “ Widely opposed provision to allow the President more control over the National Guard [ adopting ] changes to the Insurrection Act, which will make it easier for this or any future President to use the military to restore domestic order without the consent of the nation’ S governors. ” We fail our Constitution, neglecting the rights of the States, when we make it easier for the President to declare martial law and trample on local and state sovereignty. ”The Constitution was written in order to ensure liberty and to restrain the government so that it always remains a servant of the people. The Constitution is a blueprint for human liberty. The rights granted within it are God-given, absolute, and cannot be changed by Congress.It is imperative that we fight to get these liberties returned to us in full as soon as possible.
Join Date: Nov 2,007Posts: 89
A list of infractions to our Constitution, your input appreciated!
I wanted to compile a list of infractions to our Constitution and our American values and traditions. Most people are not fully aware of how far we have drifted and when all of the points are compiled it makes a powerful statement. This list is by no means exhaustive. Please contribute if you can. Constitutional -Patriot Act: 1.0/26/2001 billionYou cannot discuss the search with a lawyer in order to properly defend yourself in court, nor can you tell a federal judge to contest it, nor can you tell your spouse, your priest, nobody. This is clearly a violation of the 1st Amendment. Because of the unconstitutionality of the Patriot Act it should have never been passed in the first place. Congress was unable to investigate or even read the PatThe Patriot Act was passed in the emotional aftermath of 9,/11 to give the government tools it needed to fight terrorists. In theory, it sounds like a good idea but upon closer inspection it is clearly unconstitutional in an unprecedented way. For the first time in 230 years of US history a law (the Patriot Act) exists that blatantly violates the 1st and 4th Amendments of the Constitution. • Allows for the government to write their own search warrants. This completely bypasses the nation’ S judicial system, destroying an element of checks and balances. The Constitution states that only a judge can issue a search warrant after being presented with probable cause. The FBI can show up on your doorstep with a self-written search warrant to enter and seize your property. This is clearly in violation of the 4th Amendment.• It is a crime, up to 5 years imprisonment, for anyone who receives such a self-written search warrant to talk about it, to anyone. That means riot Act as they had 15 minutes to read the 300 page bill before voting on it. Little did they know how unprecedented and unconstitutional the doublespeak titled Patriot Act was. The Patriot Act defines a "terrorist" as anyone who opposes a federal government program or policy. By that definition, just reading this posting would qualify someone to have their God-given Constitutional protections usurped by the Patriot Act. Patriot Act Amends FISA-10th Amendment (States Rights)Drug war, etc. [ b ]-Republic not DemocracyAsk 99% of Americans what kind of government the US is supposed to be and they will answer “ Democracy” . The word democracy is not mentioned once in the Constitution. The US is a Constitutional Republic, not a democracy. In a Constitutional Republic the ultimate sovereignty rests with the individual and the guaranteed rights cannot be taken away by anyone. Democracy was feared by our founding fathers. In a pure democracy 51% of the population can take away the right of the other 49%. This is what is known as the tyranny of the majority. Put another way, democracy is like two wolves and a sheep deciding what is for dinner. In a Constitutional Republic, the sheep has a gun. -Federal Income Tax: 1,913-Completely unconstitutional. It is a direct unapportioned tax. The Constitution clearly states that all direct taxes must be apportioned, or divided amongst the population equally. -The number of states required to ratify the new amendment was never met.-On average, about 25% of your income is confiscated from this tax. This money goes to pay the interest on the currency that was created by the Fed and loaned to the government. The vast majority of the money is not spent on essential programs or services. -No statute or law that exists that requires you to pay this tax. -Federal Reserve1,913 was one of the darkest years for American liberty as it saw the passage of the federal income tax and the Federal Reserve System. The barons of the industrial revolution and elite Europeans (Rockefeller, Morgan, Warburg, Rothschild, and others) sought to create a central banking system in the US. The story of how they secretly conspired to force the Federal Reserve System on a weary American public is well documented in the book and video documentaries online The Creature From Jekyll Island. The Federal Reserve is the central bank of the US. It is the institution that creates the fiat currency, which is backed by nothing. Today, dollars have no intrinsic value. The Fed controls the interest rates and the money supply (inflation). The value of the currency is regulated by the money supply, more money in circulation = less value of currency. The Fed does not simply supply the US government with money, it loans it at interest. This system produces a perpetual debt that can never be paid off by the government. Thomas Jefferson, Benjamin Franklin, And other founding fathers were well aware of the dangers of the central banking system to liberty. “ The refusal of King George III to allow the colonists to operate an honest money system, which freed the ordinary man from the clutches of the money manipulators, was probably the prime cause of the Revolution” . ~ Benjamin FranklinThe Constitution clearly states that only gold and silver may be used for currency and that Congress alone has the authority “ To coin money and regulate the value thereof” .Since 1913, the dollars has lost 97% of its purchasing power. Inflation = tax. -Fed is a private corporation-it makes its own policies, Congress neglects its oversight duties. The Federal Reserve System is consistent with the English central banking system that the founding fathers sought to escape from when they declared independence in the Revolutionary War. A plank in the communist manifesto. -Cruel and Unusual Punishment-Military Commissions Act: 1.0/17/2006 billionLoss of Habeas Corpus-Declaration of WarNorth American Union/NAFTAAmerican Values and Tradition-Foreign Policy – Wolfowitz Doctrine, policeman of the world, permanent global American hegemony, global empire, interventionism, foreign aid. -REAL ID-Defense Authorization Act of 2007: 1.0/17/2006 billionThe DAA allows the president to station military troops anywhere in the United States and take control of state-based National Guard units without the consent of the governor or local authorities, in order to “ Suppress public disorder. ” By revising the two-century-old Insurrection Act, the law in effect repeals the Posse Comitatus Act, which placed strict prohibitions on military involvement in domestic law enforcement. Defense Authorization Act contained a “ Widely opposed provision to allow the President more control over the National Guard [ adopting ] changes to the Insurrection Act, which will make it easier for this or any future President to use the military to restore domestic order without the consent of the nation’ S governors. ” We fail our Constitution, neglecting the rights of the States, when we make it easier for the President to declare martial law and trample on local and state sovereignty. ”The Constitution was written in order to ensure liberty and to restrain the government so that it always remains a servant of the people. The Constitution is a blueprint for human liberty. The rights granted within it are God-given, absolute, and cannot be changed by Congress.It is imperative that we fight to get these liberties returned to us in full as soon as possible.
Ahhhh, those IGNORANT Ron Paulians!
Now, I know what you are thinking..."Ignorant? I thought they were Wacky!" Don't worry. they still are wacky. But this example is more about their ignorance than their wackiness. This also is not a link to the Ron Paul Forums. This is a story that happened in my city last week. I thought I was share it with you to show the kind of people Ron Paulians really are.
I am from a city with a NY State university. Last week, a bunch of anti-War people, most with Ron Paul crap on decided to have a rally on campus. They then decided to take their little rally to the streets of the city. They march down a busy highway with their silly signs and their silly chants. I am not talking about Main Street where the traffic is stop and go and never more than 10-15 MPH. These morons were on a road where traffic zips by at up to 50 MPH. It is also only two lanes in each direction.
So these idiots were walking ON the road. they were COMPLETELY blocking one of the two lanes in one direction, and half blocking the other lane. In other words, cars that would normally be travelling 50 MPH had to stop completely, which is very dangerous during the busy time of day, which this was. (They DID cause one accident due to this.)
Anyway, I passed by on the other side of the road as I was heading to the plaza that this was happening outside of. I noticed just how much they were blocking the traffic because I knew I was not going to go back that way if they were still there.
Understandably, the cops were called in the interest of the drivers' safety, as well as the safety of the morons who were protesting. By the time they had arrived, I had already conducted the business I was doing and stuck around to check it out. The cops formed a human chain on the road and explained that they were not allowed to block traffic and that what they were ding was very dangerous to everyone involved.
At this point, one dumb bitch screamed that he was wrong, and that they had a first amendment right to do what they were doing. One cop calmly explained that they could not block traffic. Of course, he is correct. Free speech does NOT give you the right to break other laws.
At this point, there were only 4 cops and about 40 morons. And the morons were winning. As the cops would try to corral them back to the side of the road, some would run around the human chain and back onto the road. I saw one almost get nailed by a car doing 25 MPH. It would have been great f he had. Maybe then they would have realized what they were doing. Then another tried to break through the linked arms of the cops and the cops stood their ground. The idiot fought back and started really shoving the cops and trying to break through the arms.
At this point, the cops were outnumbered and in a very dangerous situation. Some jackasses were waving signs threatening to hit the cops. A few actually DID swing their signs at them, and at least one girl hit one cop in the back. That is where the cops did the right thing and brought out the pepper spray. In the end, 10 students were arrested.
But wait...that is not the funniest part. After one ignorant fool was bailed out, they interviewed him on our local news. He said that he was not worried about going to court because it would DEFINITELY be thrown out. when asked why, he smugly looked into the camera and explained that when he was being arrested, he asked why the cop was not reading him his Miranda rights and that the cop snapped back "You watch too much TV, kid. I don't have to do that now." So, in this little boy's mind, this was an automatic Get Out of Jail Free card.
Of course, the cop WAS right. On both counts. Miranda Rights must be read before questioning, or else nothing the defendant says can be used against him. That is it. There was no questioning involved in this case.
Of course, why did this know it all think that he was home free? Because he DOES obviously watch too much TV.
That is the typical Ron Paulian. Just like the dumb bitch whining about her first amendment rights to dangerously block traffic on a fast highway. They think they know everything, yet are wrong about pretty much everything.
Of course, the protestors trootted out a video tape that they claimed showed the cops spraying the pepper spray with no provocation. This was obviously bullshit. In typical fashion, the video conveniently begins AFTER the protestors started the fight. But the funny thing is, they apparently didn't realize that there was a couple of security cameras due to a nearby bank, as well as the dashboard cameras in the cop cars. Both showed that the portestors obviously started it. They were made to look stupid.
Some might be expelled from school now. Just 2 months away from graduation. Awesome!
I am from a city with a NY State university. Last week, a bunch of anti-War people, most with Ron Paul crap on decided to have a rally on campus. They then decided to take their little rally to the streets of the city. They march down a busy highway with their silly signs and their silly chants. I am not talking about Main Street where the traffic is stop and go and never more than 10-15 MPH. These morons were on a road where traffic zips by at up to 50 MPH. It is also only two lanes in each direction.
So these idiots were walking ON the road. they were COMPLETELY blocking one of the two lanes in one direction, and half blocking the other lane. In other words, cars that would normally be travelling 50 MPH had to stop completely, which is very dangerous during the busy time of day, which this was. (They DID cause one accident due to this.)
Anyway, I passed by on the other side of the road as I was heading to the plaza that this was happening outside of. I noticed just how much they were blocking the traffic because I knew I was not going to go back that way if they were still there.
Understandably, the cops were called in the interest of the drivers' safety, as well as the safety of the morons who were protesting. By the time they had arrived, I had already conducted the business I was doing and stuck around to check it out. The cops formed a human chain on the road and explained that they were not allowed to block traffic and that what they were ding was very dangerous to everyone involved.
At this point, one dumb bitch screamed that he was wrong, and that they had a first amendment right to do what they were doing. One cop calmly explained that they could not block traffic. Of course, he is correct. Free speech does NOT give you the right to break other laws.
At this point, there were only 4 cops and about 40 morons. And the morons were winning. As the cops would try to corral them back to the side of the road, some would run around the human chain and back onto the road. I saw one almost get nailed by a car doing 25 MPH. It would have been great f he had. Maybe then they would have realized what they were doing. Then another tried to break through the linked arms of the cops and the cops stood their ground. The idiot fought back and started really shoving the cops and trying to break through the arms.
At this point, the cops were outnumbered and in a very dangerous situation. Some jackasses were waving signs threatening to hit the cops. A few actually DID swing their signs at them, and at least one girl hit one cop in the back. That is where the cops did the right thing and brought out the pepper spray. In the end, 10 students were arrested.
But wait...that is not the funniest part. After one ignorant fool was bailed out, they interviewed him on our local news. He said that he was not worried about going to court because it would DEFINITELY be thrown out. when asked why, he smugly looked into the camera and explained that when he was being arrested, he asked why the cop was not reading him his Miranda rights and that the cop snapped back "You watch too much TV, kid. I don't have to do that now." So, in this little boy's mind, this was an automatic Get Out of Jail Free card.
Of course, the cop WAS right. On both counts. Miranda Rights must be read before questioning, or else nothing the defendant says can be used against him. That is it. There was no questioning involved in this case.
Of course, why did this know it all think that he was home free? Because he DOES obviously watch too much TV.
That is the typical Ron Paulian. Just like the dumb bitch whining about her first amendment rights to dangerously block traffic on a fast highway. They think they know everything, yet are wrong about pretty much everything.
Of course, the protestors trootted out a video tape that they claimed showed the cops spraying the pepper spray with no provocation. This was obviously bullshit. In typical fashion, the video conveniently begins AFTER the protestors started the fight. But the funny thing is, they apparently didn't realize that there was a couple of security cameras due to a nearby bank, as well as the dashboard cameras in the cop cars. Both showed that the portestors obviously started it. They were made to look stupid.
Some might be expelled from school now. Just 2 months away from graduation. Awesome!
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
Ahhhh, those wacky Ron Paul supporters. Part 71
This is great...a couple of counties (out of what? several dozen) have had limited success. And now they think that it is happened across all the states. September is going to be SOOOOO much fun. Pull up a lawn chair and be prepared to read the Ron Paul Forums the first week in September. And get ready for a great laugh at their expense.
I especially love how they talk about being disenfranchised, yet that is EXACTLY what they are trying to do to the majority of voters who chose McCain. And again...they somehow think that this would be a GOOD thing for Ron Paul. As if everyone who voted for McCain who now had their votes not matter would simply say "Well played, old man. I shall vote for you now."
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Join Date: Feb 2,008Posts: 178
How far could we take it?
Let's say Paul does get the nomination through the successes of the delegates (if they continue to do as well as they have). If we do that, the national convention will be full of Paul supporters... Free to do what they want. From what I know, the entire platform could be changed. Everything people think the GOP stands for can be changed to what it should be, and used to be, for. How much farther could we go? I mean... Could we even elect a new chairman/chairwomen of the GOP?I'd like to remind everyone that the neocons were a small group when they first started... They eventually did what we are doing now, and were successful. Now look where they are. Influencing millions in their horrible ideas, and even their own whole channel. I, however, believe we can pull it back.
I especially love how they talk about being disenfranchised, yet that is EXACTLY what they are trying to do to the majority of voters who chose McCain. And again...they somehow think that this would be a GOOD thing for Ron Paul. As if everyone who voted for McCain who now had their votes not matter would simply say "Well played, old man. I shall vote for you now."
Senior Member
Join Date: Feb 2,008Posts: 178
How far could we take it?
Let's say Paul does get the nomination through the successes of the delegates (if they continue to do as well as they have). If we do that, the national convention will be full of Paul supporters... Free to do what they want. From what I know, the entire platform could be changed. Everything people think the GOP stands for can be changed to what it should be, and used to be, for. How much farther could we go? I mean... Could we even elect a new chairman/chairwomen of the GOP?I'd like to remind everyone that the neocons were a small group when they first started... They eventually did what we are doing now, and were successful. Now look where they are. Influencing millions in their horrible ideas, and even their own whole channel. I, however, believe we can pull it back.
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
Ahhhh, those wacky Ron Paul supporters. Part 70
This guy's name certainly is appropriate.
Join Date: Jan 2,008Posts: 77
Warcrimes update from the UK
One child is being killed in Iraq and Afganistan EVERY HOUR.The current and previous British Government (Tony Blair and co.) Are currently being investigated by the Metropolitan Police for the following crimes.Offenses against the International Criminal Court Act 2,001 (Sections 51 & 52)GenocideCrimes against HumanityWar crimesCombat Ancillary to War CrimesOffenses against the Nurenburg Principles (Articles 6 & 7)Crimes against Peace, and complicity in a Crime against PeaceOffenses against the Person Act 1,861Murder, incitment to murder and conspiacy to commit murder Offenses against the Criminal Law Act 1,977Conspiricy to commit genocideCrimes against HumanityWar crimesEvery time a Iraqi or Afgani is killed or injured, every adult in the UK who has paid taxes since the war started, has commited the crime of 'Conduct Ancillary to Genocide', 'Conduct Ancillary to Crimes against Humanity' and 'Conduct Ancillary to War Crimes' under section 52 of the International Criminal Court Act. And every resident of the UK is also complicitly complicit in a crime against peace. For those with concerns, they must be aware that ignorance of the law is NO EXCUSE, however courts may show leaniency if immediate action had been taken by that person, when it has been brought to their attention of the criminal acts they have undertaken.As a UK citizen, if you continue to pay taxes to the government, legally you are criminally liable for these actions, including 'Conduct ancillary to genocide'.Check out this video on YouTube (first of four parts) Http:// V=EwZt6bvyMqIUK citizens should be prepared to face prosecution if they continue to comply with government policy, maybe US too.
Join Date: Jan 2,008Posts: 77
Warcrimes update from the UK
One child is being killed in Iraq and Afganistan EVERY HOUR.The current and previous British Government (Tony Blair and co.) Are currently being investigated by the Metropolitan Police for the following crimes.Offenses against the International Criminal Court Act 2,001 (Sections 51 & 52)GenocideCrimes against HumanityWar crimesCombat Ancillary to War CrimesOffenses against the Nurenburg Principles (Articles 6 & 7)Crimes against Peace, and complicity in a Crime against PeaceOffenses against the Person Act 1,861Murder, incitment to murder and conspiacy to commit murder Offenses against the Criminal Law Act 1,977Conspiricy to commit genocideCrimes against HumanityWar crimesEvery time a Iraqi or Afgani is killed or injured, every adult in the UK who has paid taxes since the war started, has commited the crime of 'Conduct Ancillary to Genocide', 'Conduct Ancillary to Crimes against Humanity' and 'Conduct Ancillary to War Crimes' under section 52 of the International Criminal Court Act. And every resident of the UK is also complicitly complicit in a crime against peace. For those with concerns, they must be aware that ignorance of the law is NO EXCUSE, however courts may show leaniency if immediate action had been taken by that person, when it has been brought to their attention of the criminal acts they have undertaken.As a UK citizen, if you continue to pay taxes to the government, legally you are criminally liable for these actions, including 'Conduct ancillary to genocide'.Check out this video on YouTube (first of four parts) Http:// V=EwZt6bvyMqIUK citizens should be prepared to face prosecution if they continue to comply with government policy, maybe US too.
Ahhhh, those wacky Ron Paul supporters. Part 69
Remember...these are people who consider themsleves to be more intelligent than that average person. and then they post shit like this. Amazing.
Join Date: Feb 2,008
Location: IllinoisPosts: 37
Well the campaign seems to be picking up steam again!
However, It was also before the dec. fundraiser that scared the @$! Out of corrupt authority and initiated the blackout of Dr Paul. I see everyone avoiding talking about 1 subject. And if the rumors and fears are true, I know the talking I have been doing to bring people to, would put me on this roundup list.Not as high on the list as the posters on, but on it nonetheless.That subject is, what if it's true? What if the government really tries to overthrow the Constitution?The news stories reporting new directives and continuity of government laws are highly suspect as well as detainment camps fully staffed and without inmates.I do not expect any replies to this post but ask that you consider "What if?"
Join Date: Feb 2,008
Location: IllinoisPosts: 37
Well the campaign seems to be picking up steam again!
However, It was also before the dec. fundraiser that scared the @$! Out of corrupt authority and initiated the blackout of Dr Paul. I see everyone avoiding talking about 1 subject. And if the rumors and fears are true, I know the talking I have been doing to bring people to, would put me on this roundup list.Not as high on the list as the posters on, but on it nonetheless.That subject is, what if it's true? What if the government really tries to overthrow the Constitution?The news stories reporting new directives and continuity of government laws are highly suspect as well as detainment camps fully staffed and without inmates.I do not expect any replies to this post but ask that you consider "What if?"
Monday, March 24, 2008
Ahhhh, those wacky Ron Paul supporters. Part 68
This one is great...A moron harasses a 17 year old girl at 3:00 AM by drunkenly pounding on the door. Then he wonders why he is charged with trespassing, along with drunk and disorderly. The best part is, to get legal advice, the first place he turns is the RON PAUL FORUMS!
Predictably, he got a LOT of horrible advice.
vbmenu_register("postmenu_1364435", true);
Senior Member
Join Date: Nov 2,007Posts: 770
Any lawyers here know criminal law?
I need some advice quickly, and this forum to me basically is the largest collection of liberty minded people I know of, so I wanted to ask a question. Since the answer is needed fairly quickly, and I have no money for a lawyer, I really hope someone reads it here and has an answer... perhaps the mods will move this, but I know my best chance for an answer in time is in the section...
I was at a friends house last weekend.. woke them up in the middle of the night because I was stuck in their yard.. the home owner I have been friends with for 10 years now was not at home at 3 AM.. her 17 year old daughter was. I pounded on the door persistently in an effort to wake up this person knowing she would be less than happy, but her daughter who was home alone called the cops instead...
OK, that was a mistake, but I had little choice because I was miles from anything and had no phone with me...
The issue I have is that I was charged with disorderly conduct.. a catch all, and criminal trespass. the charge of disorderly I have less issue with, the trouble I have is the charge of criminal trespass.The next day after a night in jail and a 250 dollar impound, I called the homeowner who told me she was NOT pressing charges. It is the deputy who pressed trespassing charges against me...
I was never asked to leave that night... (nobody answered the door), nor have I ever been in the ten years I have known this woman.. I have always been welcome to stop by. Can a deputy press charges of criminal trespass on his own against someone on private property even if the owner of that property is not pressing charges? ? ? ?
In fact I am still welcome to enter onto this private property by the owner even after this.. doesn't "trespass" mean you are on property you know you are not allowed on and have been asked to leave? Can a deputy press charges of trespass against someone even if the land/home owner is not pressing charges?
BTW, this is Ohio
Predictably, he got a LOT of horrible advice.
vbmenu_register("postmenu_1364435", true);
Senior Member
Join Date: Nov 2,007Posts: 770
Any lawyers here know criminal law?
I need some advice quickly, and this forum to me basically is the largest collection of liberty minded people I know of, so I wanted to ask a question. Since the answer is needed fairly quickly, and I have no money for a lawyer, I really hope someone reads it here and has an answer... perhaps the mods will move this, but I know my best chance for an answer in time is in the section...
I was at a friends house last weekend.. woke them up in the middle of the night because I was stuck in their yard.. the home owner I have been friends with for 10 years now was not at home at 3 AM.. her 17 year old daughter was. I pounded on the door persistently in an effort to wake up this person knowing she would be less than happy, but her daughter who was home alone called the cops instead...
OK, that was a mistake, but I had little choice because I was miles from anything and had no phone with me...
The issue I have is that I was charged with disorderly conduct.. a catch all, and criminal trespass. the charge of disorderly I have less issue with, the trouble I have is the charge of criminal trespass.The next day after a night in jail and a 250 dollar impound, I called the homeowner who told me she was NOT pressing charges. It is the deputy who pressed trespassing charges against me...
I was never asked to leave that night... (nobody answered the door), nor have I ever been in the ten years I have known this woman.. I have always been welcome to stop by. Can a deputy press charges of criminal trespass on his own against someone on private property even if the owner of that property is not pressing charges? ? ? ?
In fact I am still welcome to enter onto this private property by the owner even after this.. doesn't "trespass" mean you are on property you know you are not allowed on and have been asked to leave? Can a deputy press charges of trespass against someone even if the land/home owner is not pressing charges?
BTW, this is Ohio
Sunday, March 23, 2008
Ahhhh, those wacky Ron Paul supporters. Part 67
This one is classic. Someone posted that a new candidate entered a race against Murray Sabrin in NJ. This is a race that Murray Sabrin has ZERO chance of winning. But all you have to do these days is going to the Ron Paul Forums and say that you agree with Ron Paul's policies and ask for money, and you will get it.
Anyway, RonPaulians are OUTRAGED at the fact that Sabrin will now come in third. One had this to say. How hysterical is that? A RonPaulian calling someone dumb for thinking that he has a chance to win an election!
Give me liberty
Senior Member
Join Date: Jun 2007Posts: 1,936
What bullshit. He thinks his going to win?
Anyway, RonPaulians are OUTRAGED at the fact that Sabrin will now come in third. One had this to say. How hysterical is that? A RonPaulian calling someone dumb for thinking that he has a chance to win an election!
Give me liberty
Senior Member
Join Date: Jun 2007Posts: 1,936
What bullshit. He thinks his going to win?
Friday, March 21, 2008
Ahhhh, those wacky Ron Paul supporters. Part 66
This one is funy...a formal Rico complaint. And where does he post it? ON THE INTERNET! I think all criminal coplaints have their origins on the internet.
I like all the big words he uses. Anything that sounds all legal like.
I like all the big words he uses. Anything that sounds all legal like.
Thursday, March 20, 2008
The Latest RonPaulian absurdity Part 4
Wow...Looking to J.R.R. Tolkian now?
I don't think you can get any more desperate than to start referencing fictional books about mythical creatures to give you hope about your political future.
m72mc Senior Member About:Join Date: Oct 2007Posts: 650
Gandalf said: There never was much hope, just a fools hope.
as Gandalf said: There never was much hope, just a fools hope.but still they went on to win the war...Galadriel said: even the smallest person in this world, can change it forever.The dark lords biggest deceit was weakening the fighting spirits of the free peoples, once that hold is gone, there is no stopping it...
I don't think you can get any more desperate than to start referencing fictional books about mythical creatures to give you hope about your political future.
m72mc Senior Member About:Join Date: Oct 2007Posts: 650
Gandalf said: There never was much hope, just a fools hope.
as Gandalf said: There never was much hope, just a fools hope.but still they went on to win the war...Galadriel said: even the smallest person in this world, can change it forever.The dark lords biggest deceit was weakening the fighting spirits of the free peoples, once that hold is gone, there is no stopping it...
Ron Paulians' Anti-Digg brigade
I love the guy who admits he checks on Digg every once in awhile just to mass bury Obama stories.
The Latest RonPaulian absurdity Part 3
He sure did see it coming! He's been predicting it every day for the last 20 years! The fact that he has been wrong every year up to, and still possibly including now I guess doesn't matter.
That is a great strategy Ron Paul has. Predict economic doom for your country, and then hope it happens so you look like you are smart.
libertythor Senior Member About:Join Date: Sep 2007Location: Tijuana, MX Absentee Voter in: Falcon, MOPosts: 2,581
Digg: 59% of Americans see economic depression likely.
Ron saw it coming.
Please digg, comment, and shout.
That is a great strategy Ron Paul has. Predict economic doom for your country, and then hope it happens so you look like you are smart.
libertythor Senior Member About:Join Date: Sep 2007Location: Tijuana, MX Absentee Voter in: Falcon, MOPosts: 2,581
Digg: 59% of Americans see economic depression likely.
Ron saw it coming.
Please digg, comment, and shout.
The Latest RonPaulian absurdity Part 2
He's gonna win Pennsylvania and North Carolina! Yup! Just like his LANDSLIDE victory in Missouri. Of course, here is what I love about this. They get ONE county where this happens...then think that it is happening at all the counties across the state. Of course, if it WAS happening in other counties, they sure as hell would come to to forum and make it known. So it is obvious that it is ONLY happening at the very few (like less than 10) counties in the ENTIRE COUNTRY where it has been specifically reported on the forum.
I also love one of the replies to this suggesting that "they" have already rigged the polls so that they will go along with the rigged results. that is what they are left with. To convince themselves that Ron Paul is really getting 99% of the votes in every primary, despite the fact that the polls AND the votes have said otherwise, they now say that BOTH are rigged. Scary, and hilarious at the same time.
But he is right about one thing. They ARE going to have some delegates in Minneapolis in the first week of September. 14 of them!
malibuu Senior Member About:Join Date: Dec 2007Posts: 108
RP's Landslide Victory in Missouri - now Pennsylvania, and later NC
Ron Paul was born in Pittsburgh and Pennsylvania is on Earth Day April 22 so it might make a nice trip back from the Washington DC April 15 rally if you have the chance.North Carolina, where Dr. Paul went to medical school , is a couple months away but also has some constitutionalists I reckon.We are going to have some delegates in Minneapolis that first week of September folks.
I also love one of the replies to this suggesting that "they" have already rigged the polls so that they will go along with the rigged results. that is what they are left with. To convince themselves that Ron Paul is really getting 99% of the votes in every primary, despite the fact that the polls AND the votes have said otherwise, they now say that BOTH are rigged. Scary, and hilarious at the same time.
But he is right about one thing. They ARE going to have some delegates in Minneapolis in the first week of September. 14 of them!
malibuu Senior Member About:Join Date: Dec 2007Posts: 108
RP's Landslide Victory in Missouri - now Pennsylvania, and later NC
Ron Paul was born in Pittsburgh and Pennsylvania is on Earth Day April 22 so it might make a nice trip back from the Washington DC April 15 rally if you have the chance.North Carolina, where Dr. Paul went to medical school , is a couple months away but also has some constitutionalists I reckon.We are going to have some delegates in Minneapolis that first week of September folks.
The Latest RonPaulian absurdity Part 1
I decided to switch the name of this series. This one is just too funny.
Can someone explain to me how you would IMPEACH a campaign?
VoteForRonPaul Senior Member About:Join Date: Jan 2008Posts: 653
Impeaching the Official Campaign "Poll"
Okay guys, there were some hot threads about the official campaign today here, here, here and here
I have noticed two groups of supporters;
A- This group thinks that the management of this campaign has been inefficient.
B- The other group thinks that the campaign is also inefficient but this group prefers that we should get over it, keep our mouth shut and keep going.
My personal opinion is that we still have 5 months. And this is a long time. If we can find more experienced people to lead this campaign I believe we can achieve some success and sooner is better than later.What I am suggesting if enough people agree is that we can try to change the management of this campaign through two ways;
First: Signing a petition to impeach this campaign so we can make sure that our voices reaches Ron Paul himself.
Second: Create many websites calling for the impeachment of this management.
If I do trust this campaign ofcourse I would not suggest any different ways to reach Ron Paul but unfortunately this campaign has taught some of us not to trust it.
Please take a moment and cast your vote on this critical issue.
Do you agree on impeaching the heads of the official campaign?
Can someone explain to me how you would IMPEACH a campaign?
VoteForRonPaul Senior Member About:Join Date: Jan 2008Posts: 653
Impeaching the Official Campaign "Poll"
Okay guys, there were some hot threads about the official campaign today here, here, here and here
I have noticed two groups of supporters;
A- This group thinks that the management of this campaign has been inefficient.
B- The other group thinks that the campaign is also inefficient but this group prefers that we should get over it, keep our mouth shut and keep going.
My personal opinion is that we still have 5 months. And this is a long time. If we can find more experienced people to lead this campaign I believe we can achieve some success and sooner is better than later.What I am suggesting if enough people agree is that we can try to change the management of this campaign through two ways;
First: Signing a petition to impeach this campaign so we can make sure that our voices reaches Ron Paul himself.
Second: Create many websites calling for the impeachment of this management.
If I do trust this campaign ofcourse I would not suggest any different ways to reach Ron Paul but unfortunately this campaign has taught some of us not to trust it.
Please take a moment and cast your vote on this critical issue.
Do you agree on impeaching the heads of the official campaign?
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