Sunday, April 27, 2008

Ahhhh, those wacky Ron Paul supporters. Part 97

So, all last week the RonPaulians were GUARANTEEING that food prices were going to shoot up today. One claimed it would be 40% overnight. This particularly humorous post was asking why Ron Paul wasn't making a fool of himself by talking about something that was not going to happen.

Go figure...I went to the supermarket today and food prices were EXACTLY the same as they were last week. Well, not for everything. I mean, SOME foods did go up considerably. But some are considerably cheaper. You know, with a new set of sales and everything.


Why isn't RP addressing current issues!?!?!?!?

With the rise of food costs coming up this weekend, why isn't Ron Paul addressing these issues anytime he is on the air? America needs to see that Ron Paul can fix our solutions, he needs to aggressively attack the high costs or gas and food (2 essentials of everyday American survival). I really think if he started talking about it now and how he can fix it, and talking about it even more after the prices got high, America would LISTEN. At least the moms and dads who need to buy food to feed their kids!!

Who's with me?

Go RP 2008!