Monday, March 10, 2008

Ahhhh, those wacky Ron Paul supporters. Part 45

He's a turtle? I don't get it.

acmegeek Senior Member About:Join Date: Nov 2007Location: Tucson, AZPosts: 422
More turtles...
As I read through these many threads, I still hear cries of desperation and fear. I just want to say that all is not lost and in fact, we are in a much better position than we realize!

Without getting into the details explained in many other threads, all you need to remember is that our man, Dr. Ron Paul, has been in similarly bleak situations before. Many other great leaders have also found themselves against seemingly decisive and overwhelming odds.

But the key to winning in any situation when you are either severely outnumbered or have been dealt an truly unfair hand, is to strike hard when the time is right.

Think of the story of David and Goliath... a small shepherd with small river stones against an army of well-armed, well-trained, literal giants! Surely the Israelites thought David had no chance. But, we all know the story, the victor was not determined by might, but by well-timed strategy.

So, back to turtles... I and others have mentioned this analogy. Now it is time to get a little bit more specific and label Dr. Paul a snapping turtle... A turtle who is mostly slow and still, patiently waiting, until prey is within reach. At that instant, it snaps to the kill in the blink of an eye, with no way for the prey to even know what happened.

Dr. Paul knows full well that the other candidates, the media, and all other controlling parties, have stacked the decks against him in the worst possible way. But... but... Ron Paul is a long-distance runner... he understands patience, he knows when to speak and when to stay quiet. When the time is right, I have the utmost confidence that he will "snap" and the victory will be quick and decisive.

So, for all those who doubt, just remember, Ron Paul's message is about hope and freedom. We may have lost many if not most of the battles, but we can and will win the war. Those who oppose truth and liberty will get their just reward.
The real fight has not yet begun...

Ahhhh, those wacky Ron Paul supporters. Part 44

I don't even know what to say about this one. Clearly, the RonPaulians think that they have ONE HUDNRED PERCENT of the delegates on their side and the only way that Ron Paul won't get them all is because they are bound. I am simply amazed at this. This guy actually said that Ron Paul will win on the first vote!

robertwerden Senior Member About:Join Date: Oct 2007Posts: 453

I also think there is to much focus on McCain in this thread.

Look at it this way if McCain indeed does have 873 bound delegates and Ron Paul is the only one left in the race then there are 1507 for Ron Paul

We can win on the first vote. Even if the data on that chart is off and the delegate count for Johnny boy goes above what I calculate a win is still possible at convention.

So with that, I think it is wise to keep pushing to become a delegate.

We have the resources to fund travel of every Ron Paul delegate to the Convention.We can win this thing.

Ahhhh, those wacky Ron Paul supporters. Part 43

I honestly don't understand this. . What does he think they won?

seapilot Senior Member About:Join Date: Oct 2007Location: AlaskaPosts: 893

Why we won
Because none of the Ron Paul supporters listen to the MSM!!! Those tenacious, determined supporters of Ron Paul just never understood that what MSM says is gospel for the American Public.

They won because they could think for themselves which was very dangerous and has distastorus consequences to a socialist society controlled by big government.

Alaska has around 400 state delegates showing up at this weeks state convention. At least 100 are RP supporters. It will be interesting indeed.

Ahhhh, those wacky Ron Paul supporters. Part 42

Do these iditos realize that this is not the first election we have had? And that EVERY 4 years, a candidate gets the majority needed, and still, he gets more than enough support actually showing up for the later primaries and caucuses to carry them easily. And agian...Ron Paul has been getting FIVE PECENT! At best. So you would need over 90% of John McCain's supporters to not bother voting. Not going to happen.

But again, I guess when you are grasping at straws, you can't be picky about which straw you grab.

tangent4ronpaul Senior Member About:Join Date: May 2007Posts: 775
Don't forget that his fundraising will slow down, as will the perceived need to "win states" by his campaign.

I bet he's just going to try coasting through the rest of the primaries...

Ahhhh, those wacky Ron Paul supporters. Part 41

Here is the latest grasping for straws by the RonPaulians. My favorite part of this is how they are still under the impression that EVERY unbound delegate is going to vote for Ron Paul. Even the three heads of the party for each state which are 99.9999% guaranteed to go for the winner of that state's primary/caucus. Also, how they think that McCain is completely unaware of what everyone with an internet connection knows, which is that Ron Paul is trying to subvert the Constitution and democracy and steal the nomination with this delegate scheme, and therefore are not going to very carefully choose the delegates they send to represent him. They seem to think that they have 100% of the delegates in every state. How on earth do they get through life without any sense of reality?

robertwerden Senior Member About:Join Date: Oct 2007Posts: 450
McCain only has 720 bound delegates. Check your state here
McCain has 720 bound delegates. The rest are free to choose Ron Paul at National Convention
State Delegates Bound/Not Bound
Alabama 47 bound 19
Alaska 28 not bound 3
American Samoa 09 not bound but may be instructed
Arizona 52 not bound 53
Arkansas 34 bound for 1 1
California 172 bound for 2 158
Colorado 46 bound for 1 0
Connecticut 29 bound for 1 27
Delaware 18 bound for 1 18
Dist. of Columbia 19 bound until released 16
Florida 113 bound for 2 unless national convention overrules or unless released 57
Georgia 71 bound for 2 12
Guam 9 ?
Hawaii 19 bound for 1 if run as committed
Idaho 31 bound for 1
Illinois 70 not bound ? 57 Congressional Districts directly elected, committed 54
Indiana 56 27 bound for 1, 29 not bound
Iowa 40 not bound 0
Kansas 39 bound for 1 0
Kentucky 45 bound
Louisiana 46 bound for 1 0
Maine 20 not bound 0
Maryland 37 bound for 2 37
Massachusetts 43 bound for 1 18
Michigan 61 bound for 1 6
Minnesota 40 generally not bound, 16 may be bound for 1 0
Mississippi 35 bound until released
Missouri 58 bound for 1 58
Montana 24 not bound 0
Nebraska 32 bound for 2 unless candidate gets less than 35% on 1st ballot
Nevada 32 not bound 4
New Hampshire 24 bound 7
New Jersey 52 not bound 52
New Mexico 32 bound for 1New York 101 not bound 101
Northern Marianas 9 not bound but may be instructed
North Carolina 69 ? allocated by state party chairman reflecting division in primary
North Dakota 26 bound for 1 5
Ohio 88 not bound 85
Oklahoma 41 bound until released 32
Oregon 30 bound for 2 unless candidate receives less than 35%
Pennsylvania 74 not bound
Puerto Rico 23 bound for 1
Rhode Island 19 bound, winner takes all statewide 13
South Carolina 46 bound unless candidate receives less than 30% 19
South Dakota 26 bound for 1
Tennessee 54 bound for 2 17
Texas 138 bound for 3 92
Utah 35 ? 0
Vermont 17 bound for 2 17
Virginia 63 bound for 1 60
US Virgin Islands 9 ?
Washington 40 not bound 14
West Virginia 30 bound for 1 0
Wisconsin 40 bound until released unless fail to receive 1/3 31
Wyoming 27 technically not bound 0