Friday, March 28, 2008

Ahhhh, those wacky Ron Paul supporters. Part 73

This one is great....A "rumor"...posted by LEW ROCKWELL of all people, claiming that Russia says that we are going to bomb Iran...even specifies a date! Of course, there is no evidence to suggest this. No one even tries to present any. But that is all that is needed for RonPaulians. One guy even makes a fool of himself by saying that since it is Lew Rockwell making hte claim, it is almost definitely true, since he would never lie or be fooled by other lies. Wow!

And then, one user presents the "Easy out clause" to cover their stupidity when this obviously does not happen. He claims that it might now happen BECAUSE of this post! That is the great excuse for conspriacy wackos. They make hundreds of predictions...NONE of which come true...and then claim that they were not wrong. It is was just the government had to abort their evil plans because of them. So, not only will they not accept reality, but they try to make themselves heroes for thwarting an evil plan!

So fucking delusional.

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Join Date: Jan 2,008Posts: 753

Cheney-Bush junta has decided to bomb Iran on April 4th or 6th! ?

Thanks to soule on the Daily Paul forums for finding this one.Murdering IraniansMarch 28, 2,008Posted by Lew Rockwell at March 28, 2,008 09:35 AMTerrible rumors from Russia continue to swirl around the Middle East that the Cheney-Bush junta has decided to bomb Iran on April 4th or 6th, targeting not only nuclear-power research facilities but ships, planes, antiaircraft installations, and the Iranian pentagon. Apparently the nuclear-power reactor being built by Russian companies will be spared, but not much else. Will it happen? Certainly the neocon hate network is working overtime to make it so. Bush fired the anti-neocon Admiral Fallon.

One thing we know for sure: It will be the typical Bush administration snafu, with horrific consequences for the region and the world, not to speak of the Iranian people, and reap much trouble for the US empire. Indeed, it could mark the end of the empire if, as Bill Lind worries, the Iranians in retaliation cut off water-food-ammo supply routes to US troops in Iraq, and, with the help of Shiite militians, capture large numbers of them. Need I mention that Ron Paul, our champion of peace, is the leading opponent of war on Iran?

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When intelligence of this type comes out, it often has the effect of delaying the plans of TPTB. Let's keep delaying these mattoids anyway that we can until sanity returns to this nation. (Got a couple hundred years?)

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