Saturday, March 8, 2008

Is this PROOF that Obama spammers are as coordinated as Ron Paul's were?

Last night I posted a serious warning to Obama spammers that told them to remember what happened when RonPaulians spammed Digg with and endless supply of crap and then used coordinated efforts to get every one to the front page. It worked for a couple weeks, and then it got the vast majority of diggers annoyed enough to bury them as the SPAM that they were. It all snowballed from there, leading the spammers to try to cheat the system by violating Digg's TOS and creating multiple accounts, which led to those accounts becoming basically useless, and now it is impossible to get a Ron Paul story to the front page. (Thank god.)

I points out that if the Obama spammers keep it up, they could be facing the same fate as early as April...a good 6 months before the general election. Half a year of not seeing ANY Obama story on the front page. Ever.

A funny thing happened to my submission. At one point late last night (early this morning, actually) the story had at least 15 Diggs. For the hell of it, I checked the WHO DUGG THIS list and the Digg history of the people who dugg it. I was shocked to find several people with Obama in their candidates list, and who joined Digg in the last month. I couldn't believe that they were Digg up a story that was talking negatively about their actions. But I figured that maybe they were just legitimate Ron Paul supporters, and not Spammers, and therefore were as annoyed as the other 99% of Digg at the ridiculous amount of meaningless Obama stories that get railroaded to the front page.

But then I checked today. Suddenly my submission has just FIVE Diggs. Ten people who gave it a Digg last night have retracted their Digg. And I will give you 1 guess which Diggers were the ones that are no longer on the list.

And that is the hilarious part. Just like with RonPaulians several months ago, Obama spammers are now just doing a search on Obama in the upcoming queue, and blindly digg EVERY story. So, 10 people dugg my story before realizing that it was anti-Obama spam. (Not anti-Obama, but anti-SPAM for Obama.) After they realized it (or were probably told via an Obama forum that posts stories that should be dugg) they quickly came back and undugg it.

I don't know if you would call that proof, but I think it would hold up in a court of law.

Ahhhh, those wacky Obama supporters...

It amazes me that anyone on Digg for the past 6 months could POSSIBLY think it is a good idea to spam Digg for a candidate. It started with Ron Paul, and not the Obama spam is far worse than Ron Paul's ever wasn.

THINK about it for a second, children...what happened with Ron Paul? After a couple months of putting up with his crap, Digg got sick and tired an and correctly buried it for the SPAM that it is. Hence, it became harder and harder to make the front page. Finally the RonPaulians had to resort to creating more and more multiple accounts, thus making those accounts virtually worthless when it comes to digging something to the front page. And now, you never see a Ron Paul story on the front page.

This is already starting to happen with Obama supporters. Take a look at the early Diggs of many of the worthless Obama spam. You will find an inordinate number of accounts that were created in the last 6 weeks, and all have done nothing but digg Obama stories. Coincidence? I think not.

There are still almost 8 months away until the general election. If Obama does end up winning, do you really want to have a virtual Digg ban on all Obama stories? Get buried enough for your 20 front page stories a day and that is very well what could happen. How will that help the man?

Legitimate stories are one thing. But every time Obama takes a crap, you do not have to submit a story saying that you stuck your nose in it and it smelled like roses. Keep that up and you will see Obama backlash that will keep him from the front page ever. is AMAZING that you are all too stupid to see that.