Monday, April 14, 2008

Ahhhh, those wacky Ron Paul supporters. Part 93

This thread is funny for many reasons. First, the typical "Let's boycott Coca Cola to free Tibet!" crap. Of course, not one penny of Coca Cola, or McDonald's sponsorship of the Olympics are going to China. So it doesn't hurt China one bit. Nor does it hurt the 2008 Olympics.

Then there is a very sensitive RonPaulian who in telling the original poster that he is being ridiculous, chose an image of the late Christopher Reeve with the caption "Get Off Your High Horse" Classy. Definitely Ron Paul-like to make fun of an injury that proved to be fatal.

And then there is this post. This guy is all about boycotting Chinese products...except when he REALLY wants them! That is what boycotting is all about! Boycott products you don't really want anyway! This is kind of like when someone says they are boycotting Fox, and then add "Except for The Simpsons, Family Guy and 24. I never watch anything else anyway."


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Join Date: Aug 2007Posts: 1,706

defe07, I am with ya!

Even though our actions may be too little, too late, I have been avoiding the purchase of Chinese products as much as humanly possible, and I will continue to do so.

Of course, I have a computer and it may be made in China, but there is not much I can do about that if I want a computer. However, during Christmas shopping (for instance) I returned EVERYTHING to the shelf that said "China". . . . Not ONE Chinese gift from me!

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