Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Ron Paul still has support? Doesn't look like it...Part 2

Now, I know what the RonPaulians are going to say to stave off reality a little bit more. They will say that Ron Paul doesn't NEED the money anymore. And that is largely true. He has pretty much stolen the previous donations, apparently with no intentions of spending it on things know...CAMPAIGNING, or TRYING TO WIN. He plans on using is to pay for a book tour.

So why should RonPaulians care about a measly $830.37 coming in today? Well, what did he say in his concession speech a couple weeks ago? He backed off quitting and said that he would stay in as long as he has support. He also pretty much basically asked for more money. So, what will Ron Paul think when his advisors come to him informing him that he raised about $2500 over the last THREE DAYS? You think he will consider that to mean that he still has support and should stay in? Or will he correctly perceive this to mean that the only ones left supporting him are the wackos who are doing far more harm than good to his reputation, career, and the cause.

Ahhhh, those wacky Ron Paul supporters. Part 56

This man, who calls himself "Bubba" (Big shocker there) claims that Ron Paul is not only still in the race, but is LEADING! Wow!

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Geo Noory (Coast to Coast AM) missed whole point of email bomb
Been gone for a while but LMAO last night when I heard George Noory announce on Coast to Coast AM last night that he got BOMBarded with 8,000 emails over the weekend insisting that Ron Paul to be on the show. He begged for them to stop as it completely clogged up his email account.However, he "missed" the point of POTUS completely and said that he wants RP on Coast to Coast to be his "colour man" to explain what's going on with the race. He is dumb as a rock and has no idea that our man is still in the race and is actually leading.Let's do a mass mail out to him again, over the weekend of Mar 15-16 to bring this talking-head goof up to speed.Way to go everyone! I'm still chortling over that blast.