Monday, March 31, 2008

Ahhhh, those wacky Ron Paul supporters. Part 80

I have to admit, I only read the first paragraph before laughing too hard. Same old shit, spewing bullshit (McCain not eligible) after bullshit (Ron Paul more electable than McCain) hoping no intelligent person calls him on it.


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Join Date: Jan 2,008
Location: Fairfield, CTPosts: 146

Seriously, What Are We Doing? ?

I need to have people on this forum seriously answer this question: What the hell are we doing? There are only two contenders left in the GOP race - one of them is our guy. McCain has broken campaign finance laws, is constitutionally not legal to run for office, and is flat out unelectable according to many conservatives, even within the party. The grassroots, AND the national RP campaign, have the ability to undermine McCain's chances, and yet Ron Paul himself practically conceded the race in his latest campaign update video.

What the hell are we doing? ?

We have the ability to spread the evils of McCain's ways, and the legitimate claims of his unlawful conduct. Why aren't we doing something about this? Believe it or not, Ron Paul's nomination may VERY WELL be the closest to attainable RIGHT NOW than any other time during this race! Also, factoring in the fact that REAL delegate numbers are truly up in the air right now, with the great potential of the power of the RP grassroots support enabling RP to actually take the national convention, it makes me worried for the general state of the campaign.

Just because we worked hard and didn't see results strong in numbers, doesn't mean that the race is over! In fact, all of our hard work has paid off and it has put our cause in the best position it's ever been in. Why aren't we working tactically to make sure that we can use the GOP's own weapons against them? It can be done!

I can't be the only one thinking this...

-Andrew Grathwohl

Ahhhh, those wacky Ron Paul supporters. Part 79

I don't even know what to say to this other than laugh hysterically. But I will point out that McCain didn't take any money. And no bank shareholders wer harmed in any way. And no, the police would NOT put out a warrant for his arrest. And now local law is added to the list...a LONG list..of things that RonPaulians are completely ignorant of.


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Join Date: Oct 2,007Posts: 482

Take McCain to court! ! !

The crime is theft by deception. The victim is the bank where he used the Matching funds to secure a 4 million loan.Representatives and share holders of the bank can file a complaint with the local police. By law the police must issue a warrant for his arrest.

Ahhhh, those wacky Ron Paul supporters. Part 78

Apparently this guy is unfamiliar with the ratings system. A big hit? Yeah, all big hits are in the bottom tenth of shows for the week.


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Join Date: Jan 2,008
Location: Lake St. LouisPosts: 525

Jericho was a big hit.. ever wonder why it got pulled so quick?After a nuclear attack the government used fear tactics to attack freedoms and liberties. Many people in the US didn't believe in the official story and became rebellious, and Texas is attempting to secede, which has started a civil war. Martial Law is declared under the continuity of governance act, etc etc.Anyone else get the feeling it hit just a little too close to home?