Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Ahhhh, those wacky Ron Paul supporters. Part 55

This one is just scary. Scary that people this delusional exist in the world.


jointhefightforfreedom Senior Member About:Join Date: Sep 2007Posts: 630
How to guarantee a Brokered Convention!

we should attack Mccain so hard he is forced to drop out!!
1. do you want to stand by and watch mccain get the GOP nomination?
2. How strongly are you against mcwar? Strong enough to make a big enough stink the whole country smells it?
3.How will you feel in 6 months when you watch the news anounce MCWAR is the official GOP nominee
4.Are we not in a Political Revolution? Then when are we gonna fight?

6 months is a long time to wage war against MCwar i think we could force him out and force a brokered convention

people seem to forget this is not the presidential electionThis is a private club's (GOP and democrats)convention to choose the choice!who's with me?

And then in the same thread, this idiot once again threatens to try to kill him. Murder is on RonPaulian's agenda. (This is the same guy that has called for violence, and even murder in the past.)

A Ron Paul Rebel Senior Member About:Join Date: Oct 2007Location: New HampshirePosts: 887
I've been thinking what I can whisper in his ear to cause his heart rate to rise thus leading to a heart attack.

I have a couple!

and then there is this pathetic man that still equates ACTING with crossdressing. If only his guy would finally kill hismelf.

It truly is kind of sad that he think that he comes across looking good when he tries to blast Giuliani for acting in a comedy skit.

TruthAtLast Senior Member About:Join Date: Feb 2008Location: San Clemente, CaPosts: 416
i like the anger thing and I don't think it has been really explored much by MSM. But scandals always do the trick if they can't be denied. I'm not talking about something from years ago that was a "he said, she said" type thing with no real evidence.

Something fresh. Something that would guarantee a loss in a General election.
So much so, in fact that the GOP bigwigs themselves will pretty much force him out.
Yelling at a kid would be nice.
I wish we had a Giuliani type cross dressing moment
Or him seen soliciting a prostitute
Or maybe him kicking a homeless guy
Or a "candid" moment of him bashing some other prominent party members or saying some racial slurs or saying "screw the american people" or "I don't care if they have nukes or not, I just want to bomb those damn Iranians" or "the goal is to control all people until they can't fight back" or "just wait until I declare marshal law" some other major sound bite that would confirm many of the fears that Americans have.
Or if he was caught at a gay bar

Ahhhh, those wacky Ron Paul supporters. Part 54

I like this one. these children seem to think that the news channels project the winner based on nothing but the percent of districts reporting, and hte current score. They apparently don't know anything about EXIT POLLS...

This guy linked to a screen shot of the news calling the Mississippi races for Obama and MCcain despite about 1% reporting. Of course, they wre proven RIGHT...since they have plenty of exit poll information to make the call. But that is not what the RonPaulians want to hear.


Ball Senior Member About:Join Date: Nov 2007Posts: 425

MS Results, WTF?
How can anyone take these bozos seriously?

Ahhhh, those wacky Ron Paul supporters. Part 53

Now this is funny. Threatens ABC with his complete lack of knolwedge of the law and thinks that they backed down because of it.

Senior Member
Join Date: Jan 2008Posts: 267

I threatened ABC that they were LIABLE...
I threatened ABC that they were liable because people don't donate to RP if they think he has quit...they backed up and 2.5 minutes the story was changed! I wonder if that is the secret recipe for all these assholes who act like he isn't running. They are liars and should be held accountable.WHAT DO YOU THINK ABOUT THIS ARGUMENT...PLEASE POST!btw I ALSO TOLD A CAMPAIGN OFFICIAL THIS INFO...THEY ARE CONSIDERING IT TOO...ANY LAWYERS OUT THERE???

Ahhhh, those wacky Ron Paul supporters. Part 52

Check out this EXTREMELY libelous statement they are now making. Desperation causes RonPaulians to do illegal things, I guess.


malibuu Member About:Join Date: Dec 2007Posts: 73
Pic of the McCain aftermath on the USS Forrestal

In 1967, while showing off or playing a joke with his afterburners while in the cockpit of his plane parked on the aircraft carrier deck of the USS Forrestal, his plane caught fire and burned for quite some time -McCain eventually jumped off the plane and on to the carrier deck and made it to sickbay, but soon the bombs exploded shooting all over the place with scrapnel started flying all over.

I have heard different accounts of how many sailors lost their lives tragically, but the aircraft carrier tower video/ film recorder footage has the whole thing from the beginning fire which clearly started in McCain's A-4E Skyhawk.

Ahhhh, those wacky Ron Paul supporters. Part 51

Hmmm...maybe because straw polls and silly text polls do not decide who is president ? Maybe because in REAL indicators of support he gets no more than 5%?


Lewinsky2012 New Member About:Join Date: Dec 2007Posts: 11
Ron Paul Censorship.

Whenever I try to argue that politics these days is all about the media and that we basically live in a nation of sheep, I cant never prove this. I take the fact that Ron Paul had record breaking fundraising, has won almost every straw poll, wins almost every post-debate text votes, and yet the media portrays him as a joke. I want to beable to say a good reason behind this. I can't just say because the media has its corporate interests in the other candidates with no direct reasoning, its just not believable and I jsut sound like a sore loser. So my question is, why is it that the media does not want to see Ron Paul as the next president?

Ahhhh, those wacky Ron Paul supporters. Part 50

Now they are turning on Ron Paul for having SOME common sense and dignity. They are mad at him for not telling them to lie and cheat. Ron Paul would be VERY MUCH against what they are doing. Because it could have long term negative affects on his career. But they won't listen.

My favorite part of this is how they prove that they are children who have never experienced any type of big event before. They actualy thnk that if they hurry and book all the rooms near the convention that they could shut out other delegates. Of course, the major hotels near the convention center have been booked for MONTHS already. It is they who will be shut out if they didn't make reservations some time last year.

But seriously...read the last three parapgraphs of suggestions. They complain about the media suposedly playing dirty tricks by not talking about a guy with 5% support as a legitimate contender. (And they are right to do so.) But then they advcate using dirty tricks...but call it "playing the game." And they are proving themselves to be nothing but hypocrites.

If Ron Paul had any sense or desire to run for a larger ofice in the future, he would publicly make a statement denuoncing the current actions being proposed by his grassroots support.


adam1mc Senior Member About:Join Date: Oct 2007Posts: 209
Don't listen to Ron Paul. He's been wrong before and he's wrong now!

Roughly a year ago several individuals who had been inspired by his 1988 Presidential campaign approached Congressman Paul about a possible Presidential run in 2008. Dr. Paul was apprehensive about the idea as he didn't think many people were concerned about things such as the economy, non-interventionism and the Constitution. He was concerned that his ideas wouldn't resonate with Republican voters nor would he have the financial backing necessary to launch a nationwide campaign. Despite those concerns, Dr. Paul began his 2008 Presidential campaign in mid-January 2007.

By summer 2007 Dr. Paul's message of Peace, Prosperity and Freedom was spreading across the internet faster than a chain letter that promises good fortune when forwarded to 30 people. Forums such as DailyPaul and RonPaulForums popped up and quickly surpassed other well known sites in regard to internet traffic. YouTube and Digg became Ron Paul dumping grounds with hundreds of posts/video's being created each day. Meetup groups were created at astounding rates. Ron Paul quickly became the most searched person on Google and hugely popular on Facebook and Myspace. People walked across towns, Granny Warriors drove across the Country. Blimps and Air Corps took to the air. People all across the Country were painting their cars, hanging signs and even getting RONPAUL license plates on their car. By the end of 2007, Ron Paul had raised more money during the 4th quarter than any other Republican candidate.

Ron Paul once said "I was very reluctant to enter the race, didn't think it would last more than a month or two." We proved otherwise. We proved that Americans are concerned about things such as freedoms, tyranny and a struggling economy. We proved that Dr. Paul’s message not only resonates with Republicans, but also Democrats, Libertarians and most importantly even apathetic voters. We showed that we care about the Constitution and our Founding Fathers suggestions of non-interventionism by contributing millions of dollars into the Ron Paul war-chest. But most importantly, we proved Ron Paul wrong! We are very much concerned about some of the same things.

Ron Paul recently released a video to supporters in which he states "Though victory in the conventional political sense is not available in the presidential race, many victories have been achieved due to your hard work and enthusiasm. We must remember elections are short-term efforts. Revolutions are long-term projects,". Dr. Paul acknowledged that John McCain has the delegate count and will win the nomination.

Ron Paul is wrong! Don't listen to such rhetoric. It sounds like Dr. Paul has been watching too much of the MSM. We aren't quitters and this fight is far from being over. We CAN still win this race. There is a lot of time between now and the convention in St. Paul and a lot can happen. We don't need to throw in the towel just because the race is getting difficult. Now more than ever we need to be energized not demoralized.

We still need to organize meetups, sign bombs, email bombs, phone banking, leaving fliers everywhere we go. People still need to flood YouTube with videos and bombard digg.com with stories. This race is not over and we don't need to quit as if it was.

Get motivated and get organized. Join your local GOP and start attending meetings. Propose Ron Paul style resolutions at GOP events. Find out the delegates in your area and go talk to them. Encourage them to support Ron Paul as he is the ONLY conservative in the race. Don't quit people. Ron Paul is wrong. We CAN still win this!

Most importantly.. EVERYONE needs to be in St. Paul MN for the convention. EVERYONE needs to book their hotel, campground or room A.S.A.P. and get as many people to attend as you possibly can. We need our Revolution to convey in MN, Sept 1-4th. This is important because Ron Paul people need to fill-up the town during these days. We need not leave a single hotel room, or bed available.

If there is anything we have learned over the last year it's that politics is sometimes a dirty game. Unfortunately, sometimes you have to even the playing field if you wish to compete. Michigan is expecting 45,000 Delegates, Alternates and Volunteers to attend the convention. We need to do our best to ensure that none of them have anywhere to stay. We NEED our revolution in MN and we need our revolution to be huge. Let’s show Ron Paul that he is wrong again. We can still win the White House in 2008!

Ahhhh, those wacky Ron Paul supporters. Part 49

This moron thinks that some newcomer to politic, or someone from out of state will be able to win the job as governor of one of the biggest states in the country! Wow!


Truefiction New Member About:Join Date: Dec 2007Posts: 13
If Spitzer does retire, we need a Ron Paul Republican ready to take his place

The topic title says it all. Are any of you New York grassroots members ready for the challenge of running for governor? Do you know a politician we could draft for the job? Perhaps Judge Napalitano or maybe a New York resident would be better. Either way imagine how much publicity we could get. If he doesn't step down lets try to recall him! Enough with our currupt welfare warfare politicians. Viva Le rEVOLution.

Ahhhh, those wacky Ron Paul supporters. Part 48

This person doesn't understnad that the reason why Ron Paul won't do this is becuase he hs SMARTER than Roaulians are. Ron Paul the man knows someting that ronPaulians the supporters do. And that is that challenging this would DESTROY the challenger's future political career.


gaazn Senior Member About:Join Date: May 2007Posts: 416

ask RP to challenge McCain's eligibility for President

if McCain wins in November. For the sake of future generations and the clarification of the Constitution, the Supreme Court must rule on whether McCain is in fact a natural born citizen eligible for President of the United States. This will only occur if McCain wins in November and one of the losers bring the issue to court. Because of RP's unique position of losing to McCain in the election season and his love for the Constitution, he could be the only person willing to challenge McCain in the Supreme Court.

Ahhhh, those wacky Ron Paul supporters. Part 47

This guy is trying to spin the fact that no one cares to post in the forums anymore to be a GOOD thing, claiming that the drop is due to them weeding out the "trolls". I guess all the trolls are stopping their donations too, since he is getting like 20 donations per day. And the "trolls" have stopped voting for him too.


vbmenu_register("postmenu_1341963", true);

Senior Member

Join Date: Jan 2008Posts: 231

We will smite all trolls back to the depths of hell they were spawned from!!!
Look! We almost got em! This is troll pownage if Iv'e ever seen it.http://ronpaulgraphs.com/rpforums_active_members.html

Just a few more thousand and all the trolls we be gone. Lets not give up on this now. We are so close!

Ahhhh, those wacky Ron Paul supporters. Part 46

Up until now, the subversion of democracy has never crossed the line to blatant lying. Up until now. Desperation has caused RonPaulians to now advocate blatantly saying they are Ron Paul supporters to be chosen as delegates, and then voting for Ron Paul (Up until now, they have told the "stealth delegates" as they call themselves to declare themselves undecided.)

Of course, this is silly, since John MccCain is not going to stupidly just accept what these people say. He has plenty of delegates of his own that he KNOWS are for him. And those will be the people that he chooses to represent him.

Not to mention, if they were ever successful at this, RonPaulians STILL have not answered my question of how they think that will help Ron Paul politically. Once word gets out that Ron Paul is willing to go against the democratic process, while still calling himself a defender of liberty and democracy, he Obama, or even Hillary would win UNANIMOUSLY in November. And after that, every campaign that Ron Paul touches would turn to complete shit. No one would ever trust him again.

But somehow, I actually think that RonPaulians believe that it they stole the nominee, that the Republicans would be OK with it, and that the 95+% of voters who clearly made it known that they do not want Ron Paul as president would all vote for him.


ProBlue33 Senior Member About:Join Date: Nov 2007Posts: 508

The Stealth Revolution - Ron Paul WINS.

This idea came from another thread.One thing I noticed is that Ron Paul supporters are very active in the political process, they want to be involved, they are not apathetic like other supporters.

Ron Paul can win the GOP, if most his people go stealth, here is the plan go and be a delegate for McCain, never reveal who you really support even to the other Ron Paul supporters. I know this would be very difficult to do, you would feel like a traitor. You would have to be a good actor or actress too, pretending to support McCain and his war mongering ways. Even wearing McCain buttons and shirts and waiving his signs, all part of the guise.

Once a delegate on the floor of the GOP convention like a patriotic superhero your take off your McCain shirt and reveal who you really support with a Ron Paul shirt underneath, and there is nothing the GOP could do at that point. And if anybody came asking what happened to you, you could just say "hey I don't want my grandkids in Iraq, do you?" Enough said.

Imagine 1000 delegates doing this, and an epic win for Ron Paul.