Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Ahhhh, those wacky Ron Paul supporters. Part 82

Wow...some of these are just too damn funny. I'd almost think that this is April Fools Day or something!


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Join Date: Nov 2,007
Location: Youngsville West Pct 2 North CarolinaPosts: 1,,116

Saving the nation in 4 years. Thoughts and discussion.

Step 1: Platform recognition. January 2,007 - November 2,008

Use the RP08 campaign to push platform recognition into all quarters of the nation, focusing on constitutionalism and respect for the Bill of Rights. Even after the GOP Convention, we still have the political capitol to canvass and push platform recognition all the way up to the General Election. Even without a 3rd party run, we can use the (admittedly quixotic) excuse of a write-in campaign for Ron Paul to continue canvass efforts and lit drops etc with the PRIMARY GOAL of establishing platform recognition amongst the entire American population.

Step 2: Party infiltration. January 2,008 - November 2,010

In order to capitalize on the platform recognition from step one, we need to populate both major parties (especially the GOP) with strict constructionist Constitutionalists and Liberty Platform activists. We need to establish a sincerely MAJOR presence in the existing parties by 2,010 so that from 2,010 to 2,012 we can work on taking over positions of power and authority within the parties in time for the 2,012 elections.

Step 3: Establish moral authority. April 2,008 - November 2,012

Establishing moral authority means creating a recognition that win, lose, or draw, we are CORRECT. Part of this is taking place NOW, with the failing economy, and a belated recognition of Ron Paul's genius on the part of the MSM. We need to really begin to push the establishment of a Moral Authority through a continual and non-stop badgering of all MSM outlets in print, radio, and video with our most solid and positively demonstrable aspects of the Liberty Platform. "The current policy will cause the economy to fail in the following manner." Then the economy fails. "Look at this news story from 2009, we were correct then, and we are still correct now."

Step 4: Demonstrate willingness to sacrifice. June 21st 2008? ?

It is difficult to be specific on this one, but nevertheless it is important. If we can non-violently, peacefully, non-disruptively, without riots, etc. demonstrate that we are willing to stand up in the face of the encroaching evil come what may, beat-downs, tazerings, CS gassings, arrests and so on -- WITHOUT VIOLENT RETRIBUTION -- not backing down, but standing up for the message of Liberty In Our Day, then we can demonstrate to the world that we are SERIOUS about saving this nation. I can perhaps envision 5,,000 people sitting down and linking arms on the steps of the Capitol on 21 June, Say we march on DC without a permit, and thus become subject to arrest for 'assembling without a permit' singing "we shall overcome" with teargas blowing all around us and overzealous riot cops beating the heck out of obviously peaceful protestors on video; This will stick in the craw of John Q Public, and make for excellent material on why the Federal Gov't is out of control.

Step 5: Show of force. April 19th - 2009, 2010, 2011, and 2,012

Establish a day, preferably "Patriots Day" (April 19th) due to the subliminal (and most importantly - UNSTATED) connotation that "we are willing to fight and die if we have to - we won't start any fight, but we will by-God finish one if someone else starts it" to gather annually in DC at 2 Million strong every year for the next 4 years until we have secured control over the Federal Government.

Step 6: Massive liberty campaign. January 2,010 - November 2,012

Run Liberty and Constitutional Platform candidates in EVERY SINGLE OFFICE from local dog-catcher to President of the United States, and EVERY OFFICE IN BETWEEN. Do not leave a SINGLE contest without one of us running for it. We must OWN all ballots in November 2012, and then capitalize on all the work from steps 1 through 5 above to publish lists of "Strict Constitutionalists" and "Liberty Platform Candidates" to work during the July 2,011 - November 2,012 campaign season. Instead of a campaign of just ONE PERSON, we should campaign for a whole slate of candidates, around a common platform: "Liberty and Strict Constitutional Construction"

Step 7: Establish action forum for the elected. November 2,011 - ∞

Create an action committee with an internet forum, modeled after Robert's Rules of Order and chaired by the highest ranking elected official (or their direct proxy) charged with establishing and setting the agenda for restoring the nation. This committee will be the one to determine what policies/orgs/legislation to go after and when. This will be the committee that decides when and how to go after the Federal Reserve, the DOE, the IRS etc, and how.

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