Check out this list of "infractions" from this moron. I can't believe that someone is STILL claiming that the income tax amendment wasn't ratified by enough states. Of course, he doesn't even TRY to give any proof of any of this. We should just take his word for it. Of course, it was ratified by 42 states (out of 36 needed), with 4 states rejecting it and 2 not voting at all (since it wasn't necessary after the 36th state). Thus making it a legal amendment, ratified by more than enough. But again...don't believe facts. This guy says no.
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A list of infractions to our Constitution, your input appreciated!
I wanted to compile a list of infractions to our Constitution and our American values and traditions. Most people are not fully aware of how far we have drifted and when all of the points are compiled it makes a powerful statement. This list is by no means exhaustive. Please contribute if you can. Constitutional -Patriot Act: 1.0/26/2001 billionYou cannot discuss the search with a lawyer in order to properly defend yourself in court, nor can you tell a federal judge to contest it, nor can you tell your spouse, your priest, nobody. This is clearly a violation of the 1st Amendment. Because of the unconstitutionality of the Patriot Act it should have never been passed in the first place. Congress was unable to investigate or even read the PatThe Patriot Act was passed in the emotional aftermath of 9,/11 to give the government tools it needed to fight terrorists. In theory, it sounds like a good idea but upon closer inspection it is clearly unconstitutional in an unprecedented way. For the first time in 230 years of US history a law (the Patriot Act) exists that blatantly violates the 1st and 4th Amendments of the Constitution. • Allows for the government to write their own search warrants. This completely bypasses the nation’ S judicial system, destroying an element of checks and balances. The Constitution states that only a judge can issue a search warrant after being presented with probable cause. The FBI can show up on your doorstep with a self-written search warrant to enter and seize your property. This is clearly in violation of the 4th Amendment.• It is a crime, up to 5 years imprisonment, for anyone who receives such a self-written search warrant to talk about it, to anyone. That means riot Act as they had 15 minutes to read the 300 page bill before voting on it. Little did they know how unprecedented and unconstitutional the doublespeak titled Patriot Act was. The Patriot Act defines a "terrorist" as anyone who opposes a federal government program or policy. By that definition, just reading this posting would qualify someone to have their God-given Constitutional protections usurped by the Patriot Act. Patriot Act Amends FISA-10th Amendment (States Rights)Drug war, etc. [ b ]-Republic not DemocracyAsk 99% of Americans what kind of government the US is supposed to be and they will answer “ Democracy” . The word democracy is not mentioned once in the Constitution. The US is a Constitutional Republic, not a democracy. In a Constitutional Republic the ultimate sovereignty rests with the individual and the guaranteed rights cannot be taken away by anyone. Democracy was feared by our founding fathers. In a pure democracy 51% of the population can take away the right of the other 49%. This is what is known as the tyranny of the majority. Put another way, democracy is like two wolves and a sheep deciding what is for dinner. In a Constitutional Republic, the sheep has a gun. -Federal Income Tax: 1,913-Completely unconstitutional. It is a direct unapportioned tax. The Constitution clearly states that all direct taxes must be apportioned, or divided amongst the population equally. -The number of states required to ratify the new amendment was never met.-On average, about 25% of your income is confiscated from this tax. This money goes to pay the interest on the currency that was created by the Fed and loaned to the government. The vast majority of the money is not spent on essential programs or services. -No statute or law that exists that requires you to pay this tax. -Federal Reserve1,913 was one of the darkest years for American liberty as it saw the passage of the federal income tax and the Federal Reserve System. The barons of the industrial revolution and elite Europeans (Rockefeller, Morgan, Warburg, Rothschild, and others) sought to create a central banking system in the US. The story of how they secretly conspired to force the Federal Reserve System on a weary American public is well documented in the book and video documentaries online The Creature From Jekyll Island. The Federal Reserve is the central bank of the US. It is the institution that creates the fiat currency, which is backed by nothing. Today, dollars have no intrinsic value. The Fed controls the interest rates and the money supply (inflation). The value of the currency is regulated by the money supply, more money in circulation = less value of currency. The Fed does not simply supply the US government with money, it loans it at interest. This system produces a perpetual debt that can never be paid off by the government. Thomas Jefferson, Benjamin Franklin, And other founding fathers were well aware of the dangers of the central banking system to liberty. “ The refusal of King George III to allow the colonists to operate an honest money system, which freed the ordinary man from the clutches of the money manipulators, was probably the prime cause of the Revolution” . ~ Benjamin FranklinThe Constitution clearly states that only gold and silver may be used for currency and that Congress alone has the authority “ To coin money and regulate the value thereof” .Since 1913, the dollars has lost 97% of its purchasing power. Inflation = tax. -Fed is a private corporation-it makes its own policies, Congress neglects its oversight duties. The Federal Reserve System is consistent with the English central banking system that the founding fathers sought to escape from when they declared independence in the Revolutionary War. A plank in the communist manifesto. -Cruel and Unusual Punishment-Military Commissions Act: 1.0/17/2006 billionLoss of Habeas Corpus-Declaration of WarNorth American Union/NAFTAAmerican Values and Tradition-Foreign Policy – Wolfowitz Doctrine, policeman of the world, permanent global American hegemony, global empire, interventionism, foreign aid. -REAL ID-Defense Authorization Act of 2007: 1.0/17/2006 billionThe DAA allows the president to station military troops anywhere in the United States and take control of state-based National Guard units without the consent of the governor or local authorities, in order to “ Suppress public disorder. ” By revising the two-century-old Insurrection Act, the law in effect repeals the Posse Comitatus Act, which placed strict prohibitions on military involvement in domestic law enforcement. Defense Authorization Act contained a “ Widely opposed provision to allow the President more control over the National Guard [ adopting ] changes to the Insurrection Act, which will make it easier for this or any future President to use the military to restore domestic order without the consent of the nation’ S governors. ” We fail our Constitution, neglecting the rights of the States, when we make it easier for the President to declare martial law and trample on local and state sovereignty. ”The Constitution was written in order to ensure liberty and to restrain the government so that it always remains a servant of the people. The Constitution is a blueprint for human liberty. The rights granted within it are God-given, absolute, and cannot be changed by Congress.It is imperative that we fight to get these liberties returned to us in full as soon as possible.
Thursday, March 27, 2008
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The 16th amendment was already voted on by the Supreme court that the amendment does not give the government any new taxing authority.
Brushaber v. Union Pacific Railroad Co., 240 U.S. 1 (1916)
If you also look at the 861 evidence, which goes into the legal aspects of gains and profits, you will find that for most normal Americans who just work for somebody and get paid, they do not have to file and pay income taxes.
The income tax is directed towards foreign income, and gains and profits from business.
Even if you were to believe the 16th amendment as written, there are always explanations in the code for how to specifically implement the amendment. In the US tax code (26 USC § 861 and 26 CFR 1.861) are such examples defining what income is taxable.
Why is is so hard to imagine that some bankers got together in 1913 to conspire against the American people and strip them of their wealth? Crooks do this all the time, but back so early in this century before the Internet and fast communications it seems like J.P. Morgan (Henry P. Davison representing), Paul Warburg, Frank Vanderlip, Charles D. Norton, and Benjamin Strong would have been all to eager to figure out a scam that would net them billions.
Considering the current time of when the FED keeps dumping money into the economy making the problem worse, I think they will make themselves quite clear here. They are just looking out for themselves. For instance, what sane person would have bailed out Bears and Stearns with public money? If the bankers wanted to "help out a partner" they should have used their own money. are wrong.. period. The Supreme Courth has ruled MANY times that income from a job is taxable.
You can't bluff your way through life. Sometimes intelligent people like myself will call you on your bullshit.
EVERY time someone has made that challenge in court, they have lost. 100% of the time.
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