Monday, March 31, 2008
Ahhhh, those wacky Ron Paul supporters. Part 80
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Seriously, What Are We Doing? ?
I need to have people on this forum seriously answer this question: What the hell are we doing? There are only two contenders left in the GOP race - one of them is our guy. McCain has broken campaign finance laws, is constitutionally not legal to run for office, and is flat out unelectable according to many conservatives, even within the party. The grassroots, AND the national RP campaign, have the ability to undermine McCain's chances, and yet Ron Paul himself practically conceded the race in his latest campaign update video.
What the hell are we doing? ?
We have the ability to spread the evils of McCain's ways, and the legitimate claims of his unlawful conduct. Why aren't we doing something about this? Believe it or not, Ron Paul's nomination may VERY WELL be the closest to attainable RIGHT NOW than any other time during this race! Also, factoring in the fact that REAL delegate numbers are truly up in the air right now, with the great potential of the power of the RP grassroots support enabling RP to actually take the national convention, it makes me worried for the general state of the campaign.
Just because we worked hard and didn't see results strong in numbers, doesn't mean that the race is over! In fact, all of our hard work has paid off and it has put our cause in the best position it's ever been in. Why aren't we working tactically to make sure that we can use the GOP's own weapons against them? It can be done!
I can't be the only one thinking this...
-Andrew Grathwohl
Ahhhh, those wacky Ron Paul supporters. Part 79
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Take McCain to court! ! !
The crime is theft by deception. The victim is the bank where he used the Matching funds to secure a 4 million loan.Representatives and share holders of the bank can file a complaint with the local police. By law the police must issue a warrant for his arrest.
Ahhhh, those wacky Ron Paul supporters. Part 78
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Jericho was a big hit.. ever wonder why it got pulled so quick?After a nuclear attack the government used fear tactics to attack freedoms and liberties. Many people in the US didn't believe in the official story and became rebellious, and Texas is attempting to secede, which has started a civil war. Martial Law is declared under the continuity of governance act, etc etc.Anyone else get the feeling it hit just a little too close to home?
Sunday, March 30, 2008
Ahhhh, those wacky Ron Paul supporters. Part 77
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This idea might save the economy but will kill the dollar
But if we move to a gold standard it might fix it.The idea would for the government to pay for every homeowners mortgage out right. It would stop the foreclosure crises. It will pay off the banks. I'm sure a lot of other bad things would stop. It would kill the dollar overseas though. But I think if we would phase in gold standard at the same time, it might fix it.I dunno, just a random thought.
Saturday, March 29, 2008
Ahhhh, those wacky Ron Paul supporters. Part 76
Ahhhh, those wacky Ron Paul supporters. Part 75
Of course, there is a MAJOR flaw in this plan. That is that if that was how it worked for all states, then McCain would be the winner in all but 2-3 states. (The 2-3 states that no one campaigned in except Ron Paul...yet he still could only manage 2nd place.) It's give him close to 1800 delegates by now.
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13 deleagtes from ND
NORTH DAKOTA Republican CAUCUSESTuesday 5 February 2,008
Presidential Caucus Results as posted on 7 February 2008.
BISMARCK, ND -The North Dakota Republican Party announces the statewide results for the 2,008 Presidential Preference Caucus:
* Governor Mitt Romney: 36%
*Senator John McCain: 23%
* Ron Paul: 21%
* Governor Mike Huckabee: 20%
* Alan Keyes: 0%
9,785 votes were cast.This means the following number of delegates goes to each candidate:
* Governor Mitt Romney: 8.28 = 8
* Senator John McCain: 5.29 = 5
* Ron Paul: 5.29 = 5
* Governor Mike Huckabee: 5.29 = 5
Reference: Rule 21: Presidential Preference Caucus Rules
Tuesday 5 February 2008: All 26 delegates to the Republican National Convention are allocated to presidential contenders in today's North Dakota Republican Party Caucuses.
* If one candidate receives more than 2/3 of the statewide vote, that candidate receives all 26 delegates. Otherwise, delegates are allocated proportionally to those candidates receiving 15% or more of the vote.
Three party leaders, the National Committeeman, the National Committeewoman, and the chairman of the North Dakota's Republican Party, will attend the convention as uncommitted delegates by virtue of their position.
Delegates are bound for the first ballot at the Republican National Convention.
Friday 28 March - Sunday 30 March 2008: The North Dakota State Republican Convention convenes. The State Convention elects delegates from North Dakota to the Republican National Convention according to the results of the caucuses.
With the state convention this weekened can we expect the 26 delegates be split evenly between RP and MC?
Ahhhh, those wacky Ron Paul supporters. Part 74
Don't be too harsh on this poster though. He's only 15.
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The Greatest Mistake the Campaign Made
I believe is that, even though radio talk show host Michael Savage had an open invitation for all GOP contenders to go on air with him, Ron Paul didn't. If Ron Paul would have went on the night before the Iowa caucuses, he could have won. That broadcast has has apx. 10 million listeners on a weekly basis. considering that 40K votes won the Iowa Caucuses, reaching out to a mere 31K more voters would have led to a victory, albeit narrow, over Huckabee. Not to mention the fact that if we were able to convince a quarter of his audience, just that night, We would have at least 2.5M nation wide voters, then incorporate Iowa momentum, and you got yourself a nominee in waiting. His audience already believes the Iraq war to be a strategic error, the gold standard should be applied, and many other issues, you need only make that last leap and they are entirely in that boat. I think a half an hour of Ron Paul on Michael Savage at a strategic time might have been a guarantee of nomination.
Friday, March 28, 2008
Ahhhh, those wacky Ron Paul supporters. Part 73
And then, one user presents the "Easy out clause" to cover their stupidity when this obviously does not happen. He claims that it might now happen BECAUSE of this post! That is the great excuse for conspriacy wackos. They make hundreds of predictions...NONE of which come true...and then claim that they were not wrong. It is was just the government had to abort their evil plans because of them. So, not only will they not accept reality, but they try to make themselves heroes for thwarting an evil plan!
So fucking delusional.
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Join Date: Jan 2,008Posts: 753
Cheney-Bush junta has decided to bomb Iran on April 4th or 6th! ?
Thanks to soule on the Daily Paul forums for finding this one.Murdering IraniansMarch 28, 2,008Posted by Lew Rockwell at March 28, 2,008 09:35 AMTerrible rumors from Russia continue to swirl around the Middle East that the Cheney-Bush junta has decided to bomb Iran on April 4th or 6th, targeting not only nuclear-power research facilities but ships, planes, antiaircraft installations, and the Iranian pentagon. Apparently the nuclear-power reactor being built by Russian companies will be spared, but not much else. Will it happen? Certainly the neocon hate network is working overtime to make it so. Bush fired the anti-neocon Admiral Fallon.
One thing we know for sure: It will be the typical Bush administration snafu, with horrific consequences for the region and the world, not to speak of the Iranian people, and reap much trouble for the US empire. Indeed, it could mark the end of the empire if, as Bill Lind worries, the Iranians in retaliation cut off water-food-ammo supply routes to US troops in Iraq, and, with the help of Shiite militians, capture large numbers of them. Need I mention that Ron Paul, our champion of peace, is the leading opponent of war on Iran?
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When intelligence of this type comes out, it often has the effect of delaying the plans of TPTB. Let's keep delaying these mattoids anyway that we can until sanity returns to this nation. (Got a couple hundred years?)
Thursday, March 27, 2008
Ahhhh, those wacky Ron Paul supporters. Part 72
Join Date: Nov 2,007Posts: 89
A list of infractions to our Constitution, your input appreciated!
I wanted to compile a list of infractions to our Constitution and our American values and traditions. Most people are not fully aware of how far we have drifted and when all of the points are compiled it makes a powerful statement. This list is by no means exhaustive. Please contribute if you can. Constitutional -Patriot Act: 1.0/26/2001 billionYou cannot discuss the search with a lawyer in order to properly defend yourself in court, nor can you tell a federal judge to contest it, nor can you tell your spouse, your priest, nobody. This is clearly a violation of the 1st Amendment. Because of the unconstitutionality of the Patriot Act it should have never been passed in the first place. Congress was unable to investigate or even read the PatThe Patriot Act was passed in the emotional aftermath of 9,/11 to give the government tools it needed to fight terrorists. In theory, it sounds like a good idea but upon closer inspection it is clearly unconstitutional in an unprecedented way. For the first time in 230 years of US history a law (the Patriot Act) exists that blatantly violates the 1st and 4th Amendments of the Constitution. • Allows for the government to write their own search warrants. This completely bypasses the nation’ S judicial system, destroying an element of checks and balances. The Constitution states that only a judge can issue a search warrant after being presented with probable cause. The FBI can show up on your doorstep with a self-written search warrant to enter and seize your property. This is clearly in violation of the 4th Amendment.• It is a crime, up to 5 years imprisonment, for anyone who receives such a self-written search warrant to talk about it, to anyone. That means riot Act as they had 15 minutes to read the 300 page bill before voting on it. Little did they know how unprecedented and unconstitutional the doublespeak titled Patriot Act was. The Patriot Act defines a "terrorist" as anyone who opposes a federal government program or policy. By that definition, just reading this posting would qualify someone to have their God-given Constitutional protections usurped by the Patriot Act. Patriot Act Amends FISA-10th Amendment (States Rights)Drug war, etc. [ b ]-Republic not DemocracyAsk 99% of Americans what kind of government the US is supposed to be and they will answer “ Democracy” . The word democracy is not mentioned once in the Constitution. The US is a Constitutional Republic, not a democracy. In a Constitutional Republic the ultimate sovereignty rests with the individual and the guaranteed rights cannot be taken away by anyone. Democracy was feared by our founding fathers. In a pure democracy 51% of the population can take away the right of the other 49%. This is what is known as the tyranny of the majority. Put another way, democracy is like two wolves and a sheep deciding what is for dinner. In a Constitutional Republic, the sheep has a gun. -Federal Income Tax: 1,913-Completely unconstitutional. It is a direct unapportioned tax. The Constitution clearly states that all direct taxes must be apportioned, or divided amongst the population equally. -The number of states required to ratify the new amendment was never met.-On average, about 25% of your income is confiscated from this tax. This money goes to pay the interest on the currency that was created by the Fed and loaned to the government. The vast majority of the money is not spent on essential programs or services. -No statute or law that exists that requires you to pay this tax. -Federal Reserve1,913 was one of the darkest years for American liberty as it saw the passage of the federal income tax and the Federal Reserve System. The barons of the industrial revolution and elite Europeans (Rockefeller, Morgan, Warburg, Rothschild, and others) sought to create a central banking system in the US. The story of how they secretly conspired to force the Federal Reserve System on a weary American public is well documented in the book and video documentaries online The Creature From Jekyll Island. The Federal Reserve is the central bank of the US. It is the institution that creates the fiat currency, which is backed by nothing. Today, dollars have no intrinsic value. The Fed controls the interest rates and the money supply (inflation). The value of the currency is regulated by the money supply, more money in circulation = less value of currency. The Fed does not simply supply the US government with money, it loans it at interest. This system produces a perpetual debt that can never be paid off by the government. Thomas Jefferson, Benjamin Franklin, And other founding fathers were well aware of the dangers of the central banking system to liberty. “ The refusal of King George III to allow the colonists to operate an honest money system, which freed the ordinary man from the clutches of the money manipulators, was probably the prime cause of the Revolution” . ~ Benjamin FranklinThe Constitution clearly states that only gold and silver may be used for currency and that Congress alone has the authority “ To coin money and regulate the value thereof” .Since 1913, the dollars has lost 97% of its purchasing power. Inflation = tax. -Fed is a private corporation-it makes its own policies, Congress neglects its oversight duties. The Federal Reserve System is consistent with the English central banking system that the founding fathers sought to escape from when they declared independence in the Revolutionary War. A plank in the communist manifesto. -Cruel and Unusual Punishment-Military Commissions Act: 1.0/17/2006 billionLoss of Habeas Corpus-Declaration of WarNorth American Union/NAFTAAmerican Values and Tradition-Foreign Policy – Wolfowitz Doctrine, policeman of the world, permanent global American hegemony, global empire, interventionism, foreign aid. -REAL ID-Defense Authorization Act of 2007: 1.0/17/2006 billionThe DAA allows the president to station military troops anywhere in the United States and take control of state-based National Guard units without the consent of the governor or local authorities, in order to “ Suppress public disorder. ” By revising the two-century-old Insurrection Act, the law in effect repeals the Posse Comitatus Act, which placed strict prohibitions on military involvement in domestic law enforcement. Defense Authorization Act contained a “ Widely opposed provision to allow the President more control over the National Guard [ adopting ] changes to the Insurrection Act, which will make it easier for this or any future President to use the military to restore domestic order without the consent of the nation’ S governors. ” We fail our Constitution, neglecting the rights of the States, when we make it easier for the President to declare martial law and trample on local and state sovereignty. ”The Constitution was written in order to ensure liberty and to restrain the government so that it always remains a servant of the people. The Constitution is a blueprint for human liberty. The rights granted within it are God-given, absolute, and cannot be changed by Congress.It is imperative that we fight to get these liberties returned to us in full as soon as possible.
Ahhhh, those IGNORANT Ron Paulians!
I am from a city with a NY State university. Last week, a bunch of anti-War people, most with Ron Paul crap on decided to have a rally on campus. They then decided to take their little rally to the streets of the city. They march down a busy highway with their silly signs and their silly chants. I am not talking about Main Street where the traffic is stop and go and never more than 10-15 MPH. These morons were on a road where traffic zips by at up to 50 MPH. It is also only two lanes in each direction.
So these idiots were walking ON the road. they were COMPLETELY blocking one of the two lanes in one direction, and half blocking the other lane. In other words, cars that would normally be travelling 50 MPH had to stop completely, which is very dangerous during the busy time of day, which this was. (They DID cause one accident due to this.)
Anyway, I passed by on the other side of the road as I was heading to the plaza that this was happening outside of. I noticed just how much they were blocking the traffic because I knew I was not going to go back that way if they were still there.
Understandably, the cops were called in the interest of the drivers' safety, as well as the safety of the morons who were protesting. By the time they had arrived, I had already conducted the business I was doing and stuck around to check it out. The cops formed a human chain on the road and explained that they were not allowed to block traffic and that what they were ding was very dangerous to everyone involved.
At this point, one dumb bitch screamed that he was wrong, and that they had a first amendment right to do what they were doing. One cop calmly explained that they could not block traffic. Of course, he is correct. Free speech does NOT give you the right to break other laws.
At this point, there were only 4 cops and about 40 morons. And the morons were winning. As the cops would try to corral them back to the side of the road, some would run around the human chain and back onto the road. I saw one almost get nailed by a car doing 25 MPH. It would have been great f he had. Maybe then they would have realized what they were doing. Then another tried to break through the linked arms of the cops and the cops stood their ground. The idiot fought back and started really shoving the cops and trying to break through the arms.
At this point, the cops were outnumbered and in a very dangerous situation. Some jackasses were waving signs threatening to hit the cops. A few actually DID swing their signs at them, and at least one girl hit one cop in the back. That is where the cops did the right thing and brought out the pepper spray. In the end, 10 students were arrested.
But wait...that is not the funniest part. After one ignorant fool was bailed out, they interviewed him on our local news. He said that he was not worried about going to court because it would DEFINITELY be thrown out. when asked why, he smugly looked into the camera and explained that when he was being arrested, he asked why the cop was not reading him his Miranda rights and that the cop snapped back "You watch too much TV, kid. I don't have to do that now." So, in this little boy's mind, this was an automatic Get Out of Jail Free card.
Of course, the cop WAS right. On both counts. Miranda Rights must be read before questioning, or else nothing the defendant says can be used against him. That is it. There was no questioning involved in this case.
Of course, why did this know it all think that he was home free? Because he DOES obviously watch too much TV.
That is the typical Ron Paulian. Just like the dumb bitch whining about her first amendment rights to dangerously block traffic on a fast highway. They think they know everything, yet are wrong about pretty much everything.
Of course, the protestors trootted out a video tape that they claimed showed the cops spraying the pepper spray with no provocation. This was obviously bullshit. In typical fashion, the video conveniently begins AFTER the protestors started the fight. But the funny thing is, they apparently didn't realize that there was a couple of security cameras due to a nearby bank, as well as the dashboard cameras in the cop cars. Both showed that the portestors obviously started it. They were made to look stupid.
Some might be expelled from school now. Just 2 months away from graduation. Awesome!
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
Ahhhh, those wacky Ron Paul supporters. Part 71
I especially love how they talk about being disenfranchised, yet that is EXACTLY what they are trying to do to the majority of voters who chose McCain. And again...they somehow think that this would be a GOOD thing for Ron Paul. As if everyone who voted for McCain who now had their votes not matter would simply say "Well played, old man. I shall vote for you now."
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Join Date: Feb 2,008Posts: 178
How far could we take it?
Let's say Paul does get the nomination through the successes of the delegates (if they continue to do as well as they have). If we do that, the national convention will be full of Paul supporters... Free to do what they want. From what I know, the entire platform could be changed. Everything people think the GOP stands for can be changed to what it should be, and used to be, for. How much farther could we go? I mean... Could we even elect a new chairman/chairwomen of the GOP?I'd like to remind everyone that the neocons were a small group when they first started... They eventually did what we are doing now, and were successful. Now look where they are. Influencing millions in their horrible ideas, and even their own whole channel. I, however, believe we can pull it back.
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
Ahhhh, those wacky Ron Paul supporters. Part 70
Join Date: Jan 2,008Posts: 77
Warcrimes update from the UK
One child is being killed in Iraq and Afganistan EVERY HOUR.The current and previous British Government (Tony Blair and co.) Are currently being investigated by the Metropolitan Police for the following crimes.Offenses against the International Criminal Court Act 2,001 (Sections 51 & 52)GenocideCrimes against HumanityWar crimesCombat Ancillary to War CrimesOffenses against the Nurenburg Principles (Articles 6 & 7)Crimes against Peace, and complicity in a Crime against PeaceOffenses against the Person Act 1,861Murder, incitment to murder and conspiacy to commit murder Offenses against the Criminal Law Act 1,977Conspiricy to commit genocideCrimes against HumanityWar crimesEvery time a Iraqi or Afgani is killed or injured, every adult in the UK who has paid taxes since the war started, has commited the crime of 'Conduct Ancillary to Genocide', 'Conduct Ancillary to Crimes against Humanity' and 'Conduct Ancillary to War Crimes' under section 52 of the International Criminal Court Act. And every resident of the UK is also complicitly complicit in a crime against peace. For those with concerns, they must be aware that ignorance of the law is NO EXCUSE, however courts may show leaniency if immediate action had been taken by that person, when it has been brought to their attention of the criminal acts they have undertaken.As a UK citizen, if you continue to pay taxes to the government, legally you are criminally liable for these actions, including 'Conduct ancillary to genocide'.Check out this video on YouTube (first of four parts) Http:// V=EwZt6bvyMqIUK citizens should be prepared to face prosecution if they continue to comply with government policy, maybe US too.
Ahhhh, those wacky Ron Paul supporters. Part 69
Join Date: Feb 2,008
Location: IllinoisPosts: 37
Well the campaign seems to be picking up steam again!
However, It was also before the dec. fundraiser that scared the @$! Out of corrupt authority and initiated the blackout of Dr Paul. I see everyone avoiding talking about 1 subject. And if the rumors and fears are true, I know the talking I have been doing to bring people to, would put me on this roundup list.Not as high on the list as the posters on, but on it nonetheless.That subject is, what if it's true? What if the government really tries to overthrow the Constitution?The news stories reporting new directives and continuity of government laws are highly suspect as well as detainment camps fully staffed and without inmates.I do not expect any replies to this post but ask that you consider "What if?"
Monday, March 24, 2008
Ahhhh, those wacky Ron Paul supporters. Part 68
Predictably, he got a LOT of horrible advice.
vbmenu_register("postmenu_1364435", true);
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Join Date: Nov 2,007Posts: 770
Any lawyers here know criminal law?
I need some advice quickly, and this forum to me basically is the largest collection of liberty minded people I know of, so I wanted to ask a question. Since the answer is needed fairly quickly, and I have no money for a lawyer, I really hope someone reads it here and has an answer... perhaps the mods will move this, but I know my best chance for an answer in time is in the section...
I was at a friends house last weekend.. woke them up in the middle of the night because I was stuck in their yard.. the home owner I have been friends with for 10 years now was not at home at 3 AM.. her 17 year old daughter was. I pounded on the door persistently in an effort to wake up this person knowing she would be less than happy, but her daughter who was home alone called the cops instead...
OK, that was a mistake, but I had little choice because I was miles from anything and had no phone with me...
The issue I have is that I was charged with disorderly conduct.. a catch all, and criminal trespass. the charge of disorderly I have less issue with, the trouble I have is the charge of criminal trespass.The next day after a night in jail and a 250 dollar impound, I called the homeowner who told me she was NOT pressing charges. It is the deputy who pressed trespassing charges against me...
I was never asked to leave that night... (nobody answered the door), nor have I ever been in the ten years I have known this woman.. I have always been welcome to stop by. Can a deputy press charges of criminal trespass on his own against someone on private property even if the owner of that property is not pressing charges? ? ? ?
In fact I am still welcome to enter onto this private property by the owner even after this.. doesn't "trespass" mean you are on property you know you are not allowed on and have been asked to leave? Can a deputy press charges of trespass against someone even if the land/home owner is not pressing charges?
BTW, this is Ohio
Sunday, March 23, 2008
Ahhhh, those wacky Ron Paul supporters. Part 67
Anyway, RonPaulians are OUTRAGED at the fact that Sabrin will now come in third. One had this to say. How hysterical is that? A RonPaulian calling someone dumb for thinking that he has a chance to win an election!
Give me liberty
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Join Date: Jun 2007Posts: 1,936
What bullshit. He thinks his going to win?
Friday, March 21, 2008
Ahhhh, those wacky Ron Paul supporters. Part 66
I like all the big words he uses. Anything that sounds all legal like.
Thursday, March 20, 2008
The Latest RonPaulian absurdity Part 4
I don't think you can get any more desperate than to start referencing fictional books about mythical creatures to give you hope about your political future.
m72mc Senior Member About:Join Date: Oct 2007Posts: 650
Gandalf said: There never was much hope, just a fools hope.
as Gandalf said: There never was much hope, just a fools hope.but still they went on to win the war...Galadriel said: even the smallest person in this world, can change it forever.The dark lords biggest deceit was weakening the fighting spirits of the free peoples, once that hold is gone, there is no stopping it...
Ron Paulians' Anti-Digg brigade
The Latest RonPaulian absurdity Part 3
That is a great strategy Ron Paul has. Predict economic doom for your country, and then hope it happens so you look like you are smart.
libertythor Senior Member About:Join Date: Sep 2007Location: Tijuana, MX Absentee Voter in: Falcon, MOPosts: 2,581
Digg: 59% of Americans see economic depression likely.
Ron saw it coming.
Please digg, comment, and shout.
The Latest RonPaulian absurdity Part 2
I also love one of the replies to this suggesting that "they" have already rigged the polls so that they will go along with the rigged results. that is what they are left with. To convince themselves that Ron Paul is really getting 99% of the votes in every primary, despite the fact that the polls AND the votes have said otherwise, they now say that BOTH are rigged. Scary, and hilarious at the same time.
But he is right about one thing. They ARE going to have some delegates in Minneapolis in the first week of September. 14 of them!
malibuu Senior Member About:Join Date: Dec 2007Posts: 108
RP's Landslide Victory in Missouri - now Pennsylvania, and later NC
Ron Paul was born in Pittsburgh and Pennsylvania is on Earth Day April 22 so it might make a nice trip back from the Washington DC April 15 rally if you have the chance.North Carolina, where Dr. Paul went to medical school , is a couple months away but also has some constitutionalists I reckon.We are going to have some delegates in Minneapolis that first week of September folks.
The Latest RonPaulian absurdity Part 1
Can someone explain to me how you would IMPEACH a campaign?
VoteForRonPaul Senior Member About:Join Date: Jan 2008Posts: 653
Impeaching the Official Campaign "Poll"
Okay guys, there were some hot threads about the official campaign today here, here, here and here
I have noticed two groups of supporters;
A- This group thinks that the management of this campaign has been inefficient.
B- The other group thinks that the campaign is also inefficient but this group prefers that we should get over it, keep our mouth shut and keep going.
My personal opinion is that we still have 5 months. And this is a long time. If we can find more experienced people to lead this campaign I believe we can achieve some success and sooner is better than later.What I am suggesting if enough people agree is that we can try to change the management of this campaign through two ways;
First: Signing a petition to impeach this campaign so we can make sure that our voices reaches Ron Paul himself.
Second: Create many websites calling for the impeachment of this management.
If I do trust this campaign ofcourse I would not suggest any different ways to reach Ron Paul but unfortunately this campaign has taught some of us not to trust it.
Please take a moment and cast your vote on this critical issue.
Do you agree on impeaching the heads of the official campaign?
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
Ahhhh, those wacky Ron Paul supporters. Part 65
Did you know there has been "Digg elections" for the last several months? I didn't.
FrankRep Senior Member About:Join Date: Aug 2007Location: Columbus, OhioPosts: 2,476
Ron Paul still winning the Digg Elections
1.) Ron Paul - 19297 -- First Place!
2.) Barack Obama - 14515
Ahhhh, those wacky Ron Paul supporters. Part 64
He's gonna win Pennsylvania and North Carolina! Yup! Just like his LANDSLIDE victory in Missouri. Of course, here is what I love about this. They get ONE county where this happens...then think that it is happening at all the counties across the state. Of course, if it WAS happening in other counties, they sure as hell would come to to forum and make it known. So it is obvious that it is ONLY happening at the very few (like less than 10) counties in the ENTIRE COUNTRY where it has been specifically reported on the forum.
I also love one of the replies to this suggesting that "they" have already rigged the polls so that they will go along with the rigged results. that is what they are left with. To convince themselves that Ron Paul is really getting 99% of the votes in every primary, despite the fact that the polls AND the votes have said otherwise, they now say that BOTH are rigged. Scary, and hilarious at the same time.
But he is right about one thing. They ARE going to have some delegates in Minneapolis in the first week of September. 14 of them!
malibuu Senior Member About:Join Date: Dec 2007Posts: 108
RP's Landslide Victory in Missouri - now Pennsylvania, and later NC
Ron Paul was born in Pittsburgh and Pennsylvania is on Earth Day April 22 so it might make a nice trip back from the Washington DC April 15 rally if you have the chance.
North Carolina, where Dr. Paul went to medical school , is a couple months away but also has some constitutionalists I reckon.
We are going to have some delegates in Minneapolis that first week of September folks.
Ahhhh, those wacky Ron Paul supporters. Part 63
He sure did see it coming! He's been predicting it every day for the last 20 years! The fact that he has been wrong every year up to, and still possibly including now I guess doesn't matter.
That is a great strategy Ron Paul has. Predict economic doom for your country, and then hope it happens so you look like you are smart.
libertythor Senior Member About:Join Date: Sep 2007Location: Tijuana, MX Absentee Voter in: Falcon, MOPosts: 2,581
Digg: 59% of Americans see economic depression likely. Ron saw it coming.
Please digg, comment, and shout.
Ahhhh, those wacky Ron Paul supporters. Part 62
m72mc Senior Member About:Join Date: Oct 2007Posts: 650
Gandalf said: There never was much hope, just a fools hope.
as Gandalf said: There never was much hope, just a fools hope.
but still they went on to win the war...
Galadriel said: even the smallest person in this world, can change it forever.
The dark lords biggest deceit was weakening the fighting spirits of the free peoples, once that hold is gone, there is no stopping it...
Ahhhh, those wacky Ron Paul supporters. Part 61
latkinson6 Member About:Join Date: Dec 2007Location: Auburn, WaPosts: 82
Ron Paul wins here where it counts
News article from Wa state
I still aint heard no fat lady singing
Ahhhh, those wacky Ron Paul supporters. Part 60
This guy thinks that Ron Paul can be vice president. the funny thing is, not only is this delusional, but Ron Paul has repeatedly stated that he does not want to be VP. So I guess this guy hates Ron Paul.
The Lantern Senior Member About:Join Date: Dec 2007Posts: 204
Ron Paul Can Be Vice President
I keep seeing all this debate on whether or not we should still try to get delegates to change the platform, rules, etc. Realistically speaking, John McCain will probably be the nominee because of the different party rules and state laws on bound delegates. So even if you are a Ron Paul supporter, you might still have to vote for McCain.
But there is another aspect of this that no one is talking about. Even though you might be bound to vote for McCain, there is no rule that you have to vote for McCain's Vice Presidential nominee. Ron has stated that he would not be Vice President because McCain would not ask him. But what would happen if the delegates put forth the name of Ron Paul?
Would Ron get on the ticket if the Convention Delegates asked him?
Think about it. It's possible.
Sunday, March 16, 2008
Ron Paul's support all but gone now
A sign of what is wrong with Digg today
Kevin and Co. will look back on the day they added the friends feature to Digg as a black, black day. A day they lost all hopes to get the big bucks for this site.
Friday, March 14, 2008
Ahhhh, those wacky Ron Paul supporters. Part 59
This from a thread asking about a dating service for RonPaulians.
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Join Date: Nov 2007Posts: 1,600
All I know is I haven't had time for women since I became a Psychopath For Paul.
Thursday, March 13, 2008
Ten warning signs you are part of a cult. (Ron Paulians take note.)
Found this list at:
It is scary to see just how many that describe the people at the Ron Paul Forums EXACTLY.
1. Absolute authoritarianism without meaningful accountability.
2. No tolerance for questions or critical inquiry.
Too many links on the forums to mention.
3. No meaningful financial disclosure regarding budget, expenses such as an independently audited financial statement.
Tens of millions of dollars raised. 14 delegates. No real ads paid for. Where is all that money? Saved for a book tour?
4. Unreasonable fear about the outside world, such as impending catastrophe, evil conspiracies and persecutions.
Don't even need to link for this one. Conspiracy? Like how RonPaulians think that Ron Paul got 20% of the vote but was kept down by fraud...The conspriacy to not report on a candidate with FOURTEEN delegates this late in the race. (even though NO candidate in the history of the primaries has ever received even CLOSE to the amount of news coverage with as little support as Ron Paul.)
5. There is no legitimate reason to leave, former followers are always wrong in leaving, negative or even evil.
acptulsa Senior Member About:Join Date: Jan 2008Posts: 1,860
Forums seems alive and well to me. They'll either come back in due time or they were never supporters--or patriots--to begin with.
6. Former members often relate the same stories of abuse and reflect a similar pattern of grievances.
All you have to do is check out all the "woe is me" stories about how RonPaulians were discriminated against over the last 6-8 months to know this one.
7. There are records, books, news articles, or television programs that document the abuses of the group/leader.
8. Followers feel they can never be "good enough".
9. The group/leader is always right.
10. The group/leader is the exclusive means of knowing "truth" or receiving validation, no other process of discovery is really acceptable or credible. owing "truth" or receiving validation, no other process of discovery is really acceptable or credible.
Yup..whatever Ron Paul says is the absolute truth. No questions asked.
Is this the first Ron Paulian Suicide Note?
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Location: York, PaPosts: 805
Apathetic now more than ever before
(Just sharing my thoughts here, so no flames, please!)I always followed the news even before I heard about Dr. Paul back in May 2007. The night he and Giuliani went at it in South Carolina was the night I realized I found exactly what I had always been looking for. Since then I've read a lot of books on foreign policy, watched numerous videos about our Constitution, and have done what I can with with time I had to educate myself and others. Like so many of us, I went to rallies & Meetups, handed out information to strangers, and spoke to friends and family about the message RP was putting out. I sacrificed a lot of time, but no where near what some of you folks have done. I'm a father of twin 4-year-old girls, and I work evenings. So my time is limited, but I did what I could.Like everyone else, I watched the MSM ignore Dr. Paul for so long, even after all of our best efforts. I watched CNN go to their "Internet reporter" to talk about RP, I watched websites talk about "the candidates" without even mentioning RP. Then I watched Americans go out and vote. Again, we did a good job of getting the word out, but the 10-15% of the votes we got was usually ignored by the press. Louisiana and Nevada were also hushed by not only the MSM, but the Republican Party, and that really ticked me off.At this point I feel even more apathetic than ever. Ok, maybe that's not the best word to use, because I still care, but I've stopped following everything. I don't go to news sites any more. I haven't been reading much lately. I stopped watching the news on TV, and I realize that's not a bad thing. But I also took Stewart & Colbert off the DVR because I've become that disinterested in politics now. I've had them on the DVR since I first got the thing so many years ago. I still read the forums here on a daily basis, but I've pretty much gone into lurk-mode.I know with time this will pass and I will once again pick up where I left off. I think Dr. Paul's new book will put the spark back. There are a ton of other books I've been meaning to read, especially Nemesis by Chalmers Johnson (already read the other two books in the Blowback trilogy). With time, I'm sure I'll be back to reading regularly.These past couple months haven't been terrible, all things considered. I've been spending a heck of a lot more time with the family lately, and that's nice. My world no longer revolves around the message. I guess the pendulum is swinging the other way right now. Hopefully balance can be obtained so I give everything and everyone the proper amount deserved time. I'm not really sure what the point of those post is anymore. I'm half tempted to delete these rambling thoughts. But I typed this much, so I may as well share it with you folks before I go back to lurking.PS: I'm still looking forward to voting for RP in Pennsylvania's upcoming primary. I'll probably be changing my voter registration back to no affiliation the following day, though.
Ron Paul supporters advocating blatant Click Fraud now
For the record, this was a thread about how there were McCain ads on the site and some people were pissed.
A Ron Paul Rebel
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Join Date: Oct 2007
Location: New HampshirePosts: 909
Nobody should tell you to click on the ads...But if you do, it costs McCain money!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ahhhh, those wacky Ron Paul supporters. Part 58
Massie Ritsch,I'd like to point you to an interview Ron Paul gave with Neil Cavuto on Fox News March 11, 2008,
NC: "Sir, are you still running for President?"
RP: "Sure, sure."
NC: "Do you have any intention on dropping out?"
RP: "Not in the conventional sense. I continue to run to get as many votes and as many delegates."
I will not go into the moral implications of removing a candidate from the active list because "his remarks sounded remarkably like those parting words of every other Republican and Democratic candidate who has ended, suspended or otherwise ceased actively campaigning for president in 2008."
However, I urge you to take another look at what you are doing. In this day and age, a simple deletion from a webpage has significant consequences for the country. Thank you,Nathan D.
Ahhhh, those wacky Ron Paul supporters. Part 57
Even the other wacky RonPaulians are calling him an idiot now.
Posted by Bubba
Diebold told me. You don't seriously think that McWar has all that support do ya? Even the meet-up totals speak to this.
Ever watch the CNN vote tallies? The numbers change yet the percentages hardly move at all. Do the math. Last(?) night they posted Huckabee's delegate total. Good Night Irene.
If RP wasn't the peoples' favourite, do ya think that msm would be trying so (obviously) hard to bury him? If he were a non-issue they would be including him in the pie charts instead of pretending that he doesn't exist. - "me thinks they doth protest too much"
Remember's not a lie until the government says it's true. And vice versa.Stop believing the neo-con lying lizards and start believing in yourselves, your hearts, minds and souls - and what we stand for.
It's not called a rEVOLution for nuthin'.
Proof that Ron Paul Supporters are a cult..the Branch RonPaulians
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Join Date: Sep 2007Posts: 768
How much longer before it gets really bad?
Are we talking days, weeks, months?Should we be stocking up on food, water, and ammo?
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
Ron Paul still has support? Doesn't look like it...Part 2
Ahhhh, those wacky Ron Paul supporters. Part 56
vbmenu_register("postmenu_1342972", true);
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Join Date: Jan 2008Posts: 226
Geo Noory (Coast to Coast AM) missed whole point of email bomb
Been gone for a while but LMAO last night when I heard George Noory announce on Coast to Coast AM last night that he got BOMBarded with 8,000 emails over the weekend insisting that Ron Paul to be on the show. He begged for them to stop as it completely clogged up his email account.However, he "missed" the point of POTUS completely and said that he wants RP on Coast to Coast to be his "colour man" to explain what's going on with the race. He is dumb as a rock and has no idea that our man is still in the race and is actually leading.Let's do a mass mail out to him again, over the weekend of Mar 15-16 to bring this talking-head goof up to speed.Way to go everyone! I'm still chortling over that blast.
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
Ahhhh, those wacky Ron Paul supporters. Part 55
jointhefightforfreedom Senior Member About:Join Date: Sep 2007Posts: 630
How to guarantee a Brokered Convention!
we should attack Mccain so hard he is forced to drop out!!
1. do you want to stand by and watch mccain get the GOP nomination?
2. How strongly are you against mcwar? Strong enough to make a big enough stink the whole country smells it?
3.How will you feel in 6 months when you watch the news anounce MCWAR is the official GOP nominee
4.Are we not in a Political Revolution? Then when are we gonna fight?
6 months is a long time to wage war against MCwar i think we could force him out and force a brokered convention
people seem to forget this is not the presidential electionThis is a private club's (GOP and democrats)convention to choose the choice!who's with me?
And then in the same thread, this idiot once again threatens to try to kill him. Murder is on RonPaulian's agenda. (This is the same guy that has called for violence, and even murder in the past.)
A Ron Paul Rebel Senior Member About:Join Date: Oct 2007Location: New HampshirePosts: 887
I've been thinking what I can whisper in his ear to cause his heart rate to rise thus leading to a heart attack.
I have a couple!
and then there is this pathetic man that still equates ACTING with crossdressing. If only his guy would finally kill hismelf.
It truly is kind of sad that he think that he comes across looking good when he tries to blast Giuliani for acting in a comedy skit.
TruthAtLast Senior Member About:Join Date: Feb 2008Location: San Clemente, CaPosts: 416
i like the anger thing and I don't think it has been really explored much by MSM. But scandals always do the trick if they can't be denied. I'm not talking about something from years ago that was a "he said, she said" type thing with no real evidence.
Something fresh. Something that would guarantee a loss in a General election.
So much so, in fact that the GOP bigwigs themselves will pretty much force him out.
Yelling at a kid would be nice.
I wish we had a Giuliani type cross dressing moment
Or him seen soliciting a prostitute
Or maybe him kicking a homeless guy
Or a "candid" moment of him bashing some other prominent party members or saying some racial slurs or saying "screw the american people" or "I don't care if they have nukes or not, I just want to bomb those damn Iranians" or "the goal is to control all people until they can't fight back" or "just wait until I declare marshal law" some other major sound bite that would confirm many of the fears that Americans have.
Or if he was caught at a gay bar
Ahhhh, those wacky Ron Paul supporters. Part 54
I like this one. these children seem to think that the news channels project the winner based on nothing but the percent of districts reporting, and hte current score. They apparently don't know anything about EXIT POLLS...
This guy linked to a screen shot of the news calling the Mississippi races for Obama and MCcain despite about 1% reporting. Of course, they wre proven RIGHT...since they have plenty of exit poll information to make the call. But that is not what the RonPaulians want to hear.
Ball Senior Member About:Join Date: Nov 2007Posts: 425
MS Results, WTF?
How can anyone take these bozos seriously?
Ahhhh, those wacky Ron Paul supporters. Part 53
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Join Date: Jan 2008Posts: 267
I threatened ABC that they were LIABLE...
I threatened ABC that they were liable because people don't donate to RP if they think he has quit...they backed up and 2.5 minutes the story was changed! I wonder if that is the secret recipe for all these assholes who act like he isn't running. They are liars and should be held accountable.WHAT DO YOU THINK ABOUT THIS ARGUMENT...PLEASE POST!btw I ALSO TOLD A CAMPAIGN OFFICIAL THIS INFO...THEY ARE CONSIDERING IT TOO...ANY LAWYERS OUT THERE???
Ahhhh, those wacky Ron Paul supporters. Part 52
malibuu Member About:Join Date: Dec 2007Posts: 73
Pic of the McCain aftermath on the USS Forrestal
In 1967, while showing off or playing a joke with his afterburners while in the cockpit of his plane parked on the aircraft carrier deck of the USS Forrestal, his plane caught fire and burned for quite some time -McCain eventually jumped off the plane and on to the carrier deck and made it to sickbay, but soon the bombs exploded shooting all over the place with scrapnel started flying all over.
I have heard different accounts of how many sailors lost their lives tragically, but the aircraft carrier tower video/ film recorder footage has the whole thing from the beginning fire which clearly started in McCain's A-4E Skyhawk.
Ahhhh, those wacky Ron Paul supporters. Part 51
Lewinsky2012 New Member About:Join Date: Dec 2007Posts: 11
Ron Paul Censorship.
Whenever I try to argue that politics these days is all about the media and that we basically live in a nation of sheep, I cant never prove this. I take the fact that Ron Paul had record breaking fundraising, has won almost every straw poll, wins almost every post-debate text votes, and yet the media portrays him as a joke. I want to beable to say a good reason behind this. I can't just say because the media has its corporate interests in the other candidates with no direct reasoning, its just not believable and I jsut sound like a sore loser. So my question is, why is it that the media does not want to see Ron Paul as the next president?
Ahhhh, those wacky Ron Paul supporters. Part 50
My favorite part of this is how they prove that they are children who have never experienced any type of big event before. They actualy thnk that if they hurry and book all the rooms near the convention that they could shut out other delegates. Of course, the major hotels near the convention center have been booked for MONTHS already. It is they who will be shut out if they didn't make reservations some time last year.
But the last three parapgraphs of suggestions. They complain about the media suposedly playing dirty tricks by not talking about a guy with 5% support as a legitimate contender. (And they are right to do so.) But then they advcate using dirty tricks...but call it "playing the game." And they are proving themselves to be nothing but hypocrites.
If Ron Paul had any sense or desire to run for a larger ofice in the future, he would publicly make a statement denuoncing the current actions being proposed by his grassroots support.
adam1mc Senior Member About:Join Date: Oct 2007Posts: 209
Don't listen to Ron Paul. He's been wrong before and he's wrong now!
Roughly a year ago several individuals who had been inspired by his 1988 Presidential campaign approached Congressman Paul about a possible Presidential run in 2008. Dr. Paul was apprehensive about the idea as he didn't think many people were concerned about things such as the economy, non-interventionism and the Constitution. He was concerned that his ideas wouldn't resonate with Republican voters nor would he have the financial backing necessary to launch a nationwide campaign. Despite those concerns, Dr. Paul began his 2008 Presidential campaign in mid-January 2007.
By summer 2007 Dr. Paul's message of Peace, Prosperity and Freedom was spreading across the internet faster than a chain letter that promises good fortune when forwarded to 30 people. Forums such as DailyPaul and RonPaulForums popped up and quickly surpassed other well known sites in regard to internet traffic. YouTube and Digg became Ron Paul dumping grounds with hundreds of posts/video's being created each day. Meetup groups were created at astounding rates. Ron Paul quickly became the most searched person on Google and hugely popular on Facebook and Myspace. People walked across towns, Granny Warriors drove across the Country. Blimps and Air Corps took to the air. People all across the Country were painting their cars, hanging signs and even getting RONPAUL license plates on their car. By the end of 2007, Ron Paul had raised more money during the 4th quarter than any other Republican candidate.
Ron Paul once said "I was very reluctant to enter the race, didn't think it would last more than a month or two." We proved otherwise. We proved that Americans are concerned about things such as freedoms, tyranny and a struggling economy. We proved that Dr. Paul’s message not only resonates with Republicans, but also Democrats, Libertarians and most importantly even apathetic voters. We showed that we care about the Constitution and our Founding Fathers suggestions of non-interventionism by contributing millions of dollars into the Ron Paul war-chest. But most importantly, we proved Ron Paul wrong! We are very much concerned about some of the same things.
Ron Paul recently released a video to supporters in which he states "Though victory in the conventional political sense is not available in the presidential race, many victories have been achieved due to your hard work and enthusiasm. We must remember elections are short-term efforts. Revolutions are long-term projects,". Dr. Paul acknowledged that John McCain has the delegate count and will win the nomination.
Ron Paul is wrong! Don't listen to such rhetoric. It sounds like Dr. Paul has been watching too much of the MSM. We aren't quitters and this fight is far from being over. We CAN still win this race. There is a lot of time between now and the convention in St. Paul and a lot can happen. We don't need to throw in the towel just because the race is getting difficult. Now more than ever we need to be energized not demoralized.
We still need to organize meetups, sign bombs, email bombs, phone banking, leaving fliers everywhere we go. People still need to flood YouTube with videos and bombard with stories. This race is not over and we don't need to quit as if it was.
Get motivated and get organized. Join your local GOP and start attending meetings. Propose Ron Paul style resolutions at GOP events. Find out the delegates in your area and go talk to them. Encourage them to support Ron Paul as he is the ONLY conservative in the race. Don't quit people. Ron Paul is wrong. We CAN still win this!
Most importantly.. EVERYONE needs to be in St. Paul MN for the convention. EVERYONE needs to book their hotel, campground or room A.S.A.P. and get as many people to attend as you possibly can. We need our Revolution to convey in MN, Sept 1-4th. This is important because Ron Paul people need to fill-up the town during these days. We need not leave a single hotel room, or bed available.
If there is anything we have learned over the last year it's that politics is sometimes a dirty game. Unfortunately, sometimes you have to even the playing field if you wish to compete. Michigan is expecting 45,000 Delegates, Alternates and Volunteers to attend the convention. We need to do our best to ensure that none of them have anywhere to stay. We NEED our revolution in MN and we need our revolution to be huge. Let’s show Ron Paul that he is wrong again. We can still win the White House in 2008!
Ahhhh, those wacky Ron Paul supporters. Part 49
This moron thinks that some newcomer to politic, or someone from out of state will be able to win the job as governor of one of the biggest states in the country! Wow!
Truefiction New Member About:Join Date: Dec 2007Posts: 13
If Spitzer does retire, we need a Ron Paul Republican ready to take his place
The topic title says it all. Are any of you New York grassroots members ready for the challenge of running for governor? Do you know a politician we could draft for the job? Perhaps Judge Napalitano or maybe a New York resident would be better. Either way imagine how much publicity we could get. If he doesn't step down lets try to recall him! Enough with our currupt welfare warfare politicians. Viva Le rEVOLution.
Ahhhh, those wacky Ron Paul supporters. Part 48
This person doesn't understnad that the reason why Ron Paul won't do this is becuase he hs SMARTER than Roaulians are. Ron Paul the man knows someting that ronPaulians the supporters do. And that is that challenging this would DESTROY the challenger's future political career.
gaazn Senior Member About:Join Date: May 2007Posts: 416
ask RP to challenge McCain's eligibility for President
if McCain wins in November. For the sake of future generations and the clarification of the Constitution, the Supreme Court must rule on whether McCain is in fact a natural born citizen eligible for President of the United States. This will only occur if McCain wins in November and one of the losers bring the issue to court. Because of RP's unique position of losing to McCain in the election season and his love for the Constitution, he could be the only person willing to challenge McCain in the Supreme Court.
Ahhhh, those wacky Ron Paul supporters. Part 47
vbmenu_register("postmenu_1341963", true);
Senior Member
Join Date: Jan 2008Posts: 231
We will smite all trolls back to the depths of hell they were spawned from!!!
Look! We almost got em! This is troll pownage if Iv'e ever seen it.
Just a few more thousand and all the trolls we be gone. Lets not give up on this now. We are so close!
Ahhhh, those wacky Ron Paul supporters. Part 46
Up until now, the subversion of democracy has never crossed the line to blatant lying. Up until now. Desperation has caused RonPaulians to now advocate blatantly saying they are Ron Paul supporters to be chosen as delegates, and then voting for Ron Paul (Up until now, they have told the "stealth delegates" as they call themselves to declare themselves undecided.)
Of course, this is silly, since John MccCain is not going to stupidly just accept what these people say. He has plenty of delegates of his own that he KNOWS are for him. And those will be the people that he chooses to represent him.
Not to mention, if they were ever successful at this, RonPaulians STILL have not answered my question of how they think that will help Ron Paul politically. Once word gets out that Ron Paul is willing to go against the democratic process, while still calling himself a defender of liberty and democracy, he Obama, or even Hillary would win UNANIMOUSLY in November. And after that, every campaign that Ron Paul touches would turn to complete shit. No one would ever trust him again.
But somehow, I actually think that RonPaulians believe that it they stole the nominee, that the Republicans would be OK with it, and that the 95+% of voters who clearly made it known that they do not want Ron Paul as president would all vote for him.
ProBlue33 Senior Member About:Join Date: Nov 2007Posts: 508
The Stealth Revolution - Ron Paul WINS.
This idea came from another thread.One thing I noticed is that Ron Paul supporters are very active in the political process, they want to be involved, they are not apathetic like other supporters.
Ron Paul can win the GOP, if most his people go stealth, here is the plan go and be a delegate for McCain, never reveal who you really support even to the other Ron Paul supporters. I know this would be very difficult to do, you would feel like a traitor. You would have to be a good actor or actress too, pretending to support McCain and his war mongering ways. Even wearing McCain buttons and shirts and waiving his signs, all part of the guise.
Once a delegate on the floor of the GOP convention like a patriotic superhero your take off your McCain shirt and reveal who you really support with a Ron Paul shirt underneath, and there is nothing the GOP could do at that point. And if anybody came asking what happened to you, you could just say "hey I don't want my grandkids in Iraq, do you?" Enough said.
Imagine 1000 delegates doing this, and an epic win for Ron Paul.
Monday, March 10, 2008
Ahhhh, those wacky Ron Paul supporters. Part 45
acmegeek Senior Member About:Join Date: Nov 2007Location: Tucson, AZPosts: 422
More turtles...
As I read through these many threads, I still hear cries of desperation and fear. I just want to say that all is not lost and in fact, we are in a much better position than we realize!
Without getting into the details explained in many other threads, all you need to remember is that our man, Dr. Ron Paul, has been in similarly bleak situations before. Many other great leaders have also found themselves against seemingly decisive and overwhelming odds.
But the key to winning in any situation when you are either severely outnumbered or have been dealt an truly unfair hand, is to strike hard when the time is right.
Think of the story of David and Goliath... a small shepherd with small river stones against an army of well-armed, well-trained, literal giants! Surely the Israelites thought David had no chance. But, we all know the story, the victor was not determined by might, but by well-timed strategy.
So, back to turtles... I and others have mentioned this analogy. Now it is time to get a little bit more specific and label Dr. Paul a snapping turtle... A turtle who is mostly slow and still, patiently waiting, until prey is within reach. At that instant, it snaps to the kill in the blink of an eye, with no way for the prey to even know what happened.
Dr. Paul knows full well that the other candidates, the media, and all other controlling parties, have stacked the decks against him in the worst possible way. But... but... Ron Paul is a long-distance runner... he understands patience, he knows when to speak and when to stay quiet. When the time is right, I have the utmost confidence that he will "snap" and the victory will be quick and decisive.
So, for all those who doubt, just remember, Ron Paul's message is about hope and freedom. We may have lost many if not most of the battles, but we can and will win the war. Those who oppose truth and liberty will get their just reward.
The real fight has not yet begun...
Ahhhh, those wacky Ron Paul supporters. Part 44
robertwerden Senior Member About:Join Date: Oct 2007Posts: 453
I also think there is to much focus on McCain in this thread.
Look at it this way if McCain indeed does have 873 bound delegates and Ron Paul is the only one left in the race then there are 1507 for Ron Paul
We can win on the first vote. Even if the data on that chart is off and the delegate count for Johnny boy goes above what I calculate a win is still possible at convention.
So with that, I think it is wise to keep pushing to become a delegate.
We have the resources to fund travel of every Ron Paul delegate to the Convention.We can win this thing.
Ahhhh, those wacky Ron Paul supporters. Part 43
I honestly don't understand this. . What does he think they won?
seapilot Senior Member About:Join Date: Oct 2007Location: AlaskaPosts: 893
Why we won
Because none of the Ron Paul supporters listen to the MSM!!! Those tenacious, determined supporters of Ron Paul just never understood that what MSM says is gospel for the American Public.
They won because they could think for themselves which was very dangerous and has distastorus consequences to a socialist society controlled by big government.
Alaska has around 400 state delegates showing up at this weeks state convention. At least 100 are RP supporters. It will be interesting indeed.
Ahhhh, those wacky Ron Paul supporters. Part 42
But again, I guess when you are grasping at straws, you can't be picky about which straw you grab.
tangent4ronpaul Senior Member About:Join Date: May 2007Posts: 775
Don't forget that his fundraising will slow down, as will the perceived need to "win states" by his campaign.
I bet he's just going to try coasting through the rest of the primaries...
Ahhhh, those wacky Ron Paul supporters. Part 41
robertwerden Senior Member About:Join Date: Oct 2007Posts: 450
McCain only has 720 bound delegates. Check your state here
McCain has 720 bound delegates. The rest are free to choose Ron Paul at National Convention
State Delegates Bound/Not Bound
Alabama 47 bound 19
Alaska 28 not bound 3
American Samoa 09 not bound but may be instructed
Arizona 52 not bound 53
Arkansas 34 bound for 1 1
California 172 bound for 2 158
Colorado 46 bound for 1 0
Connecticut 29 bound for 1 27
Delaware 18 bound for 1 18
Dist. of Columbia 19 bound until released 16
Florida 113 bound for 2 unless national convention overrules or unless released 57
Georgia 71 bound for 2 12
Guam 9 ?
Hawaii 19 bound for 1 if run as committed
Idaho 31 bound for 1
Illinois 70 not bound ? 57 Congressional Districts directly elected, committed 54
Indiana 56 27 bound for 1, 29 not bound
Iowa 40 not bound 0
Kansas 39 bound for 1 0
Kentucky 45 bound
Louisiana 46 bound for 1 0
Maine 20 not bound 0
Maryland 37 bound for 2 37
Massachusetts 43 bound for 1 18
Michigan 61 bound for 1 6
Minnesota 40 generally not bound, 16 may be bound for 1 0
Mississippi 35 bound until released
Missouri 58 bound for 1 58
Montana 24 not bound 0
Nebraska 32 bound for 2 unless candidate gets less than 35% on 1st ballot
Nevada 32 not bound 4
New Hampshire 24 bound 7
New Jersey 52 not bound 52
New Mexico 32 bound for 1New York 101 not bound 101
Northern Marianas 9 not bound but may be instructed
North Carolina 69 ? allocated by state party chairman reflecting division in primary
North Dakota 26 bound for 1 5
Ohio 88 not bound 85
Oklahoma 41 bound until released 32
Oregon 30 bound for 2 unless candidate receives less than 35%
Pennsylvania 74 not bound
Puerto Rico 23 bound for 1
Rhode Island 19 bound, winner takes all statewide 13
South Carolina 46 bound unless candidate receives less than 30% 19
South Dakota 26 bound for 1
Tennessee 54 bound for 2 17
Texas 138 bound for 3 92
Utah 35 ? 0
Vermont 17 bound for 2 17
Virginia 63 bound for 1 60
US Virgin Islands 9 ?
Washington 40 not bound 14
West Virginia 30 bound for 1 0
Wisconsin 40 bound until released unless fail to receive 1/3 31
Wyoming 27 technically not bound 0
Sunday, March 9, 2008
Ron Paul still has support? Doesn't look like it...
So there you go Ron said you'd stay in as long as people wanted you to. Well, they stopped caring. Time to drop out and save yourself the further embarrassment. You've received enough donations to go on your national book tour. That was your plan all along. Time to start.

Ahhhh, those wacky Ron Paul supporters. Part 40
(I also like how this 15 year old is planning on running for office in two years. Thinking he will not be made to look foolish.)
nate895 Senior Member About:Join Date: Dec 2007Posts: 2,455
Idea to get millions of youtube hits in a few minutes
I was talking with a friend and he said he posted a normal video on youtube but tagged and titled it with a bunch of "inappropriate," shall we say, references, and he got 100,000 hits in a few seconds, that is what I call mass distribution. It might hurt the campaign if the Evangelicals think that is what we do all the time though.
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------"The principle for which we contend is bound to reassert itself though it may be at another time and in another form."-Jefferson Davis, President of the Confederate States
The time is now, Ron Paul is that form.
Candidate for 2010 18th Washington State Legislative District. Website to be setup eventually.
I would remind you that extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice! And let me remind you also that moderation in the pursuit of justice is no virtue! --Barry Goldwater
Ahhhh, those wacky Ron Paul supporters. Part 39
Desperate of what? Desperate that the man now has 4.6% support, up from 4.5%? No, seriously...what would they be desperate of? Ron Paul is not a threat to ANYTHING. EXcept a stable life for his cult followers like you. No one is desperate to keep Ron Paul down, because he does it himself. And you do it as well by pissing EVERYONE off. So why would they be panicking? Ron Paul is done. Even he has pointed out that he is not going to win. You can pathetically interpret it all you want, but he has known ALL ALONG that he was not going to be president. He does not LIKE what you do in his name. Ron Paul HATES you. For real. Trust me.
There is no revolution. There never was. All there was was a bnuch of socially inept losers annoying people and living in a dream world.
IPSecure Senior Member About:Join Date: Jan 2008Location: EarthPosts: 454
The Recent MSM Lies Regarding Dr. Paul 'Dropping Out' Is Proof They Are Desperate!
The Recent MSM Lies Regarding Dr. Paul 'Dropping Out' Is Proof They Are Desperate!
They are trying to, but cannot stop the Revolution!
They are in panic mode!!!
Saturday, March 8, 2008
Is this PROOF that Obama spammers are as coordinated as Ron Paul's were?
I points out that if the Obama spammers keep it up, they could be facing the same fate as early as April...a good 6 months before the general election. Half a year of not seeing ANY Obama story on the front page. Ever.
A funny thing happened to my submission. At one point late last night (early this morning, actually) the story had at least 15 Diggs. For the hell of it, I checked the WHO DUGG THIS list and the Digg history of the people who dugg it. I was shocked to find several people with Obama in their candidates list, and who joined Digg in the last month. I couldn't believe that they were Digg up a story that was talking negatively about their actions. But I figured that maybe they were just legitimate Ron Paul supporters, and not Spammers, and therefore were as annoyed as the other 99% of Digg at the ridiculous amount of meaningless Obama stories that get railroaded to the front page.
But then I checked today. Suddenly my submission has just FIVE Diggs. Ten people who gave it a Digg last night have retracted their Digg. And I will give you 1 guess which Diggers were the ones that are no longer on the list.
And that is the hilarious part. Just like with RonPaulians several months ago, Obama spammers are now just doing a search on Obama in the upcoming queue, and blindly digg EVERY story. So, 10 people dugg my story before realizing that it was anti-Obama spam. (Not anti-Obama, but anti-SPAM for Obama.) After they realized it (or were probably told via an Obama forum that posts stories that should be dugg) they quickly came back and undugg it.
I don't know if you would call that proof, but I think it would hold up in a court of law.