Thursday, March 13, 2008

Ahhhh, those wacky Ron Paul supporters. Part 57

More from "Bubba" in the same thread as the last post. This one is great. His "proof" that Ron Paul is definitely the most popular candidate in the history of elections is that he is only being reported to get about 5% of the vote. His logic is, if he wasn't getting so many votes, then the powers that be wouldn't have to rig the election to make it APPEAR that he is only getting 5%. Yup...that is proof. He is only being show to get 5% because he is winning. There is NO other explanation for him to be getting only 5% reported. Nothing like the fact that he IS only getting 5%.

Even the other wacky RonPaulians are calling him an idiot now.

Posted by Bubba

Diebold told me. You don't seriously think that McWar has all that support do ya? Even the meet-up totals speak to this.

Ever watch the CNN vote tallies? The numbers change yet the percentages hardly move at all. Do the math. Last(?) night they posted Huckabee's delegate total. Good Night Irene.

If RP wasn't the peoples' favourite, do ya think that msm would be trying so (obviously) hard to bury him? If he were a non-issue they would be including him in the pie charts instead of pretending that he doesn't exist. - "me thinks they doth protest too much"

Remember's not a lie until the government says it's true. And vice versa.Stop believing the neo-con lying lizards and start believing in yourselves, your hearts, minds and souls - and what we stand for.

It's not called a rEVOLution for nuthin'.

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