Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Ron Paul still has support? Doesn't look like it...Part 2

Now, I know what the RonPaulians are going to say to stave off reality a little bit more. They will say that Ron Paul doesn't NEED the money anymore. And that is largely true. He has pretty much stolen the previous donations, apparently with no intentions of spending it on things know...CAMPAIGNING, or TRYING TO WIN. He plans on using is to pay for a book tour.

So why should RonPaulians care about a measly $830.37 coming in today? Well, what did he say in his concession speech a couple weeks ago? He backed off quitting and said that he would stay in as long as he has support. He also pretty much basically asked for more money. So, what will Ron Paul think when his advisors come to him informing him that he raised about $2500 over the last THREE DAYS? You think he will consider that to mean that he still has support and should stay in? Or will he correctly perceive this to mean that the only ones left supporting him are the wackos who are doing far more harm than good to his reputation, career, and the cause.


Radiofriendly said...

Okay, I bit! Now, know Ron Paul doesn't even take his whole salary from Congress (he returns a portion of it--no junkets...) You might not agree w/ him but you can't call him greedy. I saw Ron's commercials in SC and NH (those were expensive) - He has spent lots of the money---and will use it wisely (why do you think we gave him all of that money?).

No To RonPaulians said...

Use it wisely? He has spent about $500,000 per delegate gained. That is wisely?

He will soon go on a book tour...paid for by your contributions.

Radiofriendly said...

I'll admit that the campaign has not been run well (but they were all new at this--that is, having big money like they got--they weren't ready for that) We Ron Paul fans are thrilled that he'll be touring for his book.
Ron is a man of ideas--you can't deny that. Maybe he will better serve this constitution movement by touring, speaking and writing books. The intellectual revolution must happen first before people can even understand the words he is speaking. Agree with him or not (believe me I know how weird the Ron Paul people are...I've been on the road with them for 2 months. I was the videographer for the Ron Paul blimp believe it or not! We are ripe for teasing and making fun of---so I welcome satire and a few laughs at our expense.) When all is said and done though, can you name another candidate in the last 25 years who could fill a site with writings like this guy?:
Check it out if you haven't---this guy is the most healthy thing to happen to American politics in 50 years...and I imagine that you know that deep down too. Go ahead and take a look at the link above. I'm not asking you to agree with him...but doesn't meaningful prose about issues of our times mean something...isn't this valuable? Go ahead and poke fun. I'm all for it.
Good day - and check out my music - goofy experimental folk/americana/gospel/blues

Radiofriendly said...

Ron Link to "meaningful prose"
My goofy music: (that's the RP blimp behind me)

No To RonPaulians said...

He is a man of WACKY ideas. And he knows that. I don't care how many people complain about paying taxes this time of year, if you asked 300 million Americans if they think that the IRS should be abolish for real, less than 1 million would say yes. Same with legalizing all drugs. With those two platforms, he GUARANTEED himself a last place showing in almost every primary (including coming in behind already dropped out candidates). People do NOt support him. You try to stave off that reality by telling yourself that he REALLY got 20-25% of the votes but the voting was rigged. It wasn't. You also try to tell yourself the lie that everyone who finds out about him LOVES him. That is also not true or else his support wouldn't have DROPPED every time he went on a show like Leno. (You can look it is true.)

Webmaster said...

This blogger is a jerk, period. Why bother reading?

Wacky = takes one to know one.