Thursday, February 28, 2008

Ahhhh, those wacky Ron Paul supporters. Part 17

Now this is getting scary. An EPIPHANY! My god!, tell me these guys are not literally treating him like some sort of higher power. Jesus Christ, they are nuts!

Jason726 Member About:Join Date: Dec 2007Posts: 71
A Ron Paul fans epiphany of his own life.
I'm at a point in my life where I have made A LOT of mistakes. I knew they were wrong while doing them, but I guess I the best word to describe myself was lost. Drugs, sex, fights, lying, just off the top of my head.

Maybe this isn't that uncommon in America these days, but, regardless, while doing these things I would think about how wrong it was. My own brain, my conscience, knew what was right, but my experience wasn't strong enough to avoid them. In my head I knew what was right, but I couldn't express it in words.

And all the while, I always felt different from the rest of my friends and peers. I was REALLY interested in history and politics at a young age(younger than 10). I had thoughts in my head, but I guess I didn't know how to act on them or talk about them. I would be the person that was always trying to break up fights, and I would be thought of as soft.

I grew up with a single mother outside of Philadelphia. She never made much money, but she did the best she could. It was not a good neighborhood.

Enough about my past.... I'm writing this because I have started to figure out what I always wanted to do with my life. I found out what makes me happy. (Besides my Girlfriend. I love you.)I am now 22 years old.

One day in September of 07', I was watching the Republican debate, and I wasn't paying much attention to it at first. I think I was on the computer at the time, but someone in the debate caught my ear. When I heard him talk it was like I was up there talking. I started to pay attention.

After the debate, I looked up this person and went to his website. I was a registerd independent that usually votes democrat because I didn't know any better. I just knew I didn't like the wars and I didn't like the deficit. Hence, Bill Clinton and his fiscal responsibility. Thats all I knew. I had never taken the time to research and look into things. But this person sparked something in my head.

I have always been a quiet person. Most people would think I was shy, but I knew that wasn't the case. I was just not interested in the things people talked about. They weren't important to me. I didn't like the meaningless conversations with every person you come across.

I always liked politics, but I never liked any politicians. That is, untill I heard this person speak. Listening to this person was like listening to my own thought being put into words. I guess this just goes to show the great public education system we have.

I'm not the most eloquent writer, so I apologize for a sloppy read, but I wanted to put this into words. In case you were wondering this person is..... (drumroll) .............. John McCain.
Just kidding. It is RON PAUL!

And I just want to thank him for what he has done for me.


pff said...

What kind of heading is that? The truth is that those with rose-colored glasses don't always understand why we Paul supporters are so loyal. If you've been personally thrown a few whacks by the govt. that were blatantly wrong and unconstitutional, you'd understand.

pff said...

What kind of heading is that? The truth is that those with rose-colored glasses don't always understand why we Paul supporters are so loyal. If you've been personally thrown a few whacks by the govt. that were blatantly wrong and unconstitutional, you'd understand.

No To RonPaulians said... is not about loyalty at this point. You have raised him up on the level of a cult leader., People saying they would die for him, others saying that they wish he would release a new video COMMANDING them to do something. Peple tlaking about having an epihany.

If you do see that for the sickness that it is, then go ask a few Branch Davidians how following a lower turned out.

No To RonPaulians said...

Also..realize htat NO ONE gives a fuck what YOU think is Unconstitutional. RonPaulians have demonstrated time and time again the 14 years olds that you have absolutely NO IDEA what the Constitution stands for.