Thursday, February 28, 2008

Ahhhh, those wacky Ron Paul supporters. Part 20

I like this one for many reasons. First of all the continuing desperation on the "McCain is ineligible" crap, even though he is. (Please, RonPaulians..tell me where the Constitution calls him a NATURALIZED citizen...he isn't. Naturalized citizens are ones that have to apply, take the test, and then recite the oath...MCain did not have to do that.) Second, I like how he uses WHEREAS to try to some official. Always great. Always the mark of a high school kid.

In all fairness, most replies to this comment were against it, saying that it would be wrong for McCain to be ineligible due to this. (Not just wrong, but against the founding fathers wishes.) But a few said that they didn't care what the founding fathers wanted. They wanted ot use this technicality. The funny thing is they think that John McAin is the only thing stopping Ron Paul from being president!

patriotcalendar Senior Member About:Join Date: Sep 2007Posts: 190


Received this in my inbox, and thought I'd pass it along for all who may be so inclined as to use it at your upcoming precinct conventions.
I have taken the great work done by The Mudslinger [] and turned it into a resolution.
Take this resolution to your precinct convention and start the conversation to protect the Constitution today!
WHEREAS, the 14th Amendment and matching regulations limit citizenship to natural born and naturalized.
WHEREAS, John McCain was born in 1936 in the Canal Zone to citizen parents.
WHEREAS, 8 USC 1403(a) declares naturalized citizenship in 1952 on persons born in the Canal Zone to citizen parents.
WHEREAS, 8 USC 1403(a) applies to John McCain at age 16.
WHEREAS, John McCain is a naturalized citizen.
WHEREAS, the Canal Zone was not part of the United States.
WHEREAS, John McCain was not born in the United States.
WHEREAS, John McCain is a citizen not born in the United States.
WHEREAS, John McCain is not a natural born citizen.
WHEREAS, Article II of the Constitution states to be President a person must be a natural born citizen.
WHEREAS, John McCain is not eligible to be President of the United States under Article II of the Constitution.
WHEREAS, John McCain should be disqualified from running for President and should be decertified and removed from all present and future Presidential ballots, and his past results should be disallowed.THEREFORE LET IT BE RESOLVED that the Republican Party of Texas will update Party rules to leave uncommitted, delegates of a non-qualified candidates for President of the United States; andLET IT BE FURTHER RESOLVED that this resolution be passed to the rules committee of the appropriate District and the State of Texas for full consideration.
Adopted by Precinct # _______ in Senatorial District # _____ of ____________ County, Texas on March 4, 2008.
Precinct Convention Chair _______________________________________
_______________________ County, Texas
Telephone __________________________
[Your name][Your address]

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