Monday, March 3, 2008

Ahhhh, those wacky Ron Paul supporters. Part 25

This is not a normal Ahhhh. those wacky RonPaul Supporters post. I am not linking to a post in the Ron Paul Forums this time. Instead, I genuinely am asking the RonPaulians a question. And that question is simple...

What do you hope to get out of this? Seriously.

Let's support that I live in the same fantasy world that you do, and it is a brokered convention. (I realize it is not, but it is fun to pretend sometimes when the real world is not going how you'd like it.) So, let's also pretend that if that happened, Ron Paul would win. (Again, it wouldn't, but like I said, pretending is fun.)

Then what? He would get destroyed in the November vote. So what would you accomplish? All that would happen is the nation, including his own voters in Texas, would see that he is CORRUPT, and that he does NOT care about democracy, since he was so willing to go against 95% of his own party and steal the nomination.

How does that help his cause? Even if he gets re-elected tomorrow, that would be it for him. He would be exposed for the sham that he is. And EVERY candidate that tries to use him for endorsements would be destroyed. He would be a pariah. His career would be over.

Is that what you are going for? Or...are you actually under the impression that after 95% of Republicans have all voted a resounding NO to Ron Paul that he will not only get 100% of the Republican vote, but enough Democrats as well to get him into the presidency?

Oh, and again...if heever stole the election somehow...the IRS would not be abolished. Drugs would not be legalized. So again...what ARE your goals?

Ahhhh, those wacky Ron Paul supporters. Part 24

Someone explain to this idiot that the delegates in most states are bound for AT LEAST the first vote, and that that is all it takes to make McCain the nominee, especially after March 4.

IPSecure Senior Member About:Join Date: Jan 2008Location: EarthPosts: 427

I Think we have the Delegates...
I Think we have the Delegates... March 3rd, 2008 by deaconblues911
Greetings Fellow Liberty Republicans!

I just attended my county Republican convention this weekend and I have to say, I was very pleased by what I saw there.

First off, the lawn outside the convention center was carpeted by campaign signs from all of the candidates. I am pleased to say that Ron Paul signs dominated the landscape! I would say that for every sign a candidate had up, we had at least three. Kudos to Carl Bruining for equipping the supporters in this region to get the word out!

As I went into the convention (I am a county and congressional delegate) to be seated, I saw a lot of local politicians had booths. What I did not see was McCain very well represented. Ron Paul’s booth was big and informative (there was always a group standing there). Huckabee also had a booth, but it was not as well attended.

The first person who got up to speak was Marilyn Musgrave, Congresswoman from the 4th Congressional District in Colorado. She really tried to sell everyone there on the idea of John McCain as the nominee. Funny thing is, it did not look like her heart was in it. She was merely towing the party line. People in the audience were actually standing up and denouncing her words (not too rudely, but vocal none the less). Other than Musgrave, there was only one person who got up and spoke for McCain and I think he was the last minute/only choice of speaker for McCain.

This man got up and actually used words and phrases like “Constitution,” and “return to conservative values,” when referring to McCain. He said he was upset that he was the only one who wanted to get up and speak for McCain. Poor, deluded man…
What really lifted my hopes was when Carl Bruining got up and spoke for Dr. Paul. Every time he spoke of Dr. Paul’s platform, the room erupted in applause.
Here is why my hopes are up…

As I sat there, I realized that most of the delegates in that room were Ron Paul supporters. The reason I know this, is because we had a secret sign that we all went and picked up before the convention got under way. It was not obvious to those who were there, but it was to those of us Dr. Paul supporters.

We had pulled off what nobody yet realizes…we had the majority of delegates!

I cannot wait for State and Congressional…and the National convention! If this is an indicator, we are in the calm before the storm. When the convention in Minneapolis happens, the world will be stunned. Why? Because we have quietly infiltrated the party and we are taking it over.
Hang in there folks…the battle seems to have been lost, but the war is far from over. While they think we are in defeat, we are marshaling our forces for the great battle to be fought in Minnesota. The fight that will take back our party and ultimately, our nation.
God Bless Ron Paul
God Bless the Liberty Republicans
And God Bless this Republic!
Chaplain SteveRon Paul - Lion of the Constitution

And ask this guy what success he is talking about...

amonasro Senior Member About:Join Date: May 2007Location: Cincinnati, OHPosts: 722
What's ironic is that the MSM will be responsible for Ron Paul's success by letting the Revolution fly under the radar for so long. Maybe it turned out to be a blessing in disguise.

Ahhhh, those wacky Ron Paul supporters. Part 23

I had to include several comments in this thread. They were just too funny...

Hundreds of thousands of people will show up for the MArch? So, every single person that has voted for him will also be willing to travel across the country for a silly march? Riiiight.

RonPaulFanInGA Senior Member About:Join Date: Nov 2007Posts: 543 Way to Energize and Grow the Movement
Simple: Ron Paul announces his independent candidacy for President in early March.
Instantly multiple money bombs would be set up. People would start collecting signatures for petitions to get Paul on the ballot in all fifty states plus Washington D.C. Media attention would spread. Paul's message would reach new people. Grassroots projects would be revived. Paul would easily garner the needed 10% to participate in the presidential debates (Rasmussen has him at 8-11% as a third party candidate depending on the republican and democrat candidates).
Tens, if not hundreds, of thousands of people would show up on the march on Washington. People want a third party candidate. There is no Bloomberg.

I know Paul seemingly ruled it out here on February 08, 2008. But he wasn't so definitive two days ago on Neil Cavuto's show on Fox News when asked about an independent run. Maybe he allowed himself some wiggle room? Like how he only ruled out a third party run but said nothing about an independent run?

Still thinks that he has a chance at hte nomination, even thoguh in two days McCain will have it wrapped up mathematically.

I think he should wait for the state convention reports to start coming in in April to see if there is still hope we can pull off the nomination.

this moron still thinks there is a chance to steal the nomination...again, even though by Tuesday, McCain will have the majority needed just with BOUND delegates. Ones that MUST go with the voters. (Plus, the fact that they think that EVERY single unbound delegate, including the 3 from each state, are apparently going to vote against McCain. Again....riiiiight.)

Akus Senior Member About:Join Date: Jul 2007Location: TexasPosts: 1,350
Oh boyTHis has been chewed over SO many times.

No, no and NO.
We are fighting until the convention. We are training delegates to flood the GOP precinct, congressional and national conventions.
Ron Paul's campaign already has it's head up it's ass, but this would be the ultimately stupid a move. jesus christ you people with your independent third party junk

And did you know that Congress is not going to exist in 2 years? Yup...feelgood says so...

Feelgood Senior Member About:Join Date: Dec 2007Location: West Palm Beach, FLPosts: 593
Aggravating as hell, isnt it?
Third party/indy run = moot point and a stupid move. Its not going to happen.
Defending House seat = moot point and he should have resigned. In two years Congress wont even exist...
I honestly just dont know what it takes to get you people to wake up to the reality of things.

And finally...this guy overestimates the number of votes Ron Paul has received, and then HILARIOUS thinks that every single one of them is going to donate $20 a month to his camapign to give him almost $100 million by the convention. These people are truly said. I can't imagine what will happen in November when it finally sinks in how delusional they have been.

defe07 Member About:Join Date: Jan 2008Posts: 91
I was thinking that we should contact all the voters that voted for Paul up to now and agree on having a secret money bomb. I calculated that almost 700,000 have either voted for him in the primaries or caucused for him. If all of them would donate even only $20 each month(giving a total of almost $14 million per month considering those that already voted) until the convention, Paul would have $98 million for a possible independent run. If a person wants to donate more than the $20 I proposed, so be it but I think we can do it. And after other voters had already voted for Paul in the remaining states, contact them. Of course, we should focus on trying to get the Rep nomination but I think something like this would be just awesome. Keep Paul in the spotlight, we do the other stuff. By the way, I wanted to vote for Paul in FL as I registered as a Republican weeks before Christmas but never got my ballot. I'm an ex-pat and I don't know if other ex-pats have had similar problems. Anyways, try to contact all the ex-pats because maybe some didn't receive their ballots or received a Dem ballot. FOR THE LONG HAUL!!