Monday, December 1, 2008

ahhh, those Digg TOS violating Ron Paulians

Check out the blatant attemp tto spam digg by RonPaulians now! I love the facgtthat he thinksthat by taking over Digg he will get the "main stream media". Clueless on two subjects, I guess...

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Senior Member

Join Date: Feb 2008
Posts: 1,074
This Movement has Got It Backwards (post your digg account here)

Put simply, do not expect to elect all libertarians to the house and senate and presidency when no libertarian has ever accomplished such a feet.Whether liberty is achieved through political change or revolution, the media must be captured first.G. Edward Griffin has repeatedly told that without support of the msm, no social reform has ever occured. The revolution of 1776 had support of newspapers, the civil rights movement had support by the msm, as did Ghandi's movement.And without the media sympathy, social reform movements have been laughed at. The same way Paul was laughed at during the campaign.With the coming age of the internet, the market share of the media is up for grabs. In the next 40 years all media will be transfered to the internet. Much like the way the media went from radio to television, the media will now go from television to the internet. Taking grasp of the msm is just a matter of being prepared. We need to take hold of the internet before the major corporate media does.Please post your digg account in this thread, so we can friend each other and better improve our shout network.