Thursday, March 13, 2008

Ten warning signs you are part of a cult. (Ron Paulians take note.)

Found this list at:

It is scary to see just how many that describe the people at the Ron Paul Forums EXACTLY.

1. Absolute authoritarianism without meaningful accountability.

2. No tolerance for questions or critical inquiry.

Too many links on the forums to mention.

3. No meaningful financial disclosure regarding budget, expenses such as an independently audited financial statement.

Tens of millions of dollars raised. 14 delegates. No real ads paid for. Where is all that money? Saved for a book tour?

4. Unreasonable fear about the outside world, such as impending catastrophe, evil conspiracies and persecutions.

Don't even need to link for this one. Conspiracy? Like how RonPaulians think that Ron Paul got 20% of the vote but was kept down by fraud...The conspriacy to not report on a candidate with FOURTEEN delegates this late in the race. (even though NO candidate in the history of the primaries has ever received even CLOSE to the amount of news coverage with as little support as Ron Paul.)

5. There is no legitimate reason to leave, former followers are always wrong in leaving, negative or even evil.

acptulsa Senior Member About:Join Date: Jan 2008Posts: 1,860
Forums seems alive and well to me. They'll either come back in due time or they were never supporters--or patriots--to begin with.

6. Former members often relate the same stories of abuse and reflect a similar pattern of grievances.

All you have to do is check out all the "woe is me" stories about how RonPaulians were discriminated against over the last 6-8 months to know this one.

7. There are records, books, news articles, or television programs that document the abuses of the group/leader.

8. Followers feel they can never be "good enough".

9. The group/leader is always right.

10. The group/leader is the exclusive means of knowing "truth" or receiving validation, no other process of discovery is really acceptable or credible. owing "truth" or receiving validation, no other process of discovery is really acceptable or credible.

Yup..whatever Ron Paul says is the absolute truth. No questions asked.

Is this the first Ron Paulian Suicide Note?

Read this and tell me it doesn't sound like a typical suicide note. This could be the start of something good.


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Apathetic now more than ever before
(Just sharing my thoughts here, so no flames, please!)I always followed the news even before I heard about Dr. Paul back in May 2007. The night he and Giuliani went at it in South Carolina was the night I realized I found exactly what I had always been looking for. Since then I've read a lot of books on foreign policy, watched numerous videos about our Constitution, and have done what I can with with time I had to educate myself and others. Like so many of us, I went to rallies & Meetups, handed out information to strangers, and spoke to friends and family about the message RP was putting out. I sacrificed a lot of time, but no where near what some of you folks have done. I'm a father of twin 4-year-old girls, and I work evenings. So my time is limited, but I did what I could.Like everyone else, I watched the MSM ignore Dr. Paul for so long, even after all of our best efforts. I watched CNN go to their "Internet reporter" to talk about RP, I watched websites talk about "the candidates" without even mentioning RP. Then I watched Americans go out and vote. Again, we did a good job of getting the word out, but the 10-15% of the votes we got was usually ignored by the press. Louisiana and Nevada were also hushed by not only the MSM, but the Republican Party, and that really ticked me off.At this point I feel even more apathetic than ever. Ok, maybe that's not the best word to use, because I still care, but I've stopped following everything. I don't go to news sites any more. I haven't been reading much lately. I stopped watching the news on TV, and I realize that's not a bad thing. But I also took Stewart & Colbert off the DVR because I've become that disinterested in politics now. I've had them on the DVR since I first got the thing so many years ago. I still read the forums here on a daily basis, but I've pretty much gone into lurk-mode.I know with time this will pass and I will once again pick up where I left off. I think Dr. Paul's new book will put the spark back. There are a ton of other books I've been meaning to read, especially Nemesis by Chalmers Johnson (already read the other two books in the Blowback trilogy). With time, I'm sure I'll be back to reading regularly.These past couple months haven't been terrible, all things considered. I've been spending a heck of a lot more time with the family lately, and that's nice. My world no longer revolves around the message. I guess the pendulum is swinging the other way right now. Hopefully balance can be obtained so I give everything and everyone the proper amount deserved time. I'm not really sure what the point of those post is anymore. I'm half tempted to delete these rambling thoughts. But I typed this much, so I may as well share it with you folks before I go back to lurking.PS: I'm still looking forward to voting for RP in Pennsylvania's upcoming primary. I'll probably be changing my voter registration back to no affiliation the following day, though.

Ron Paul supporters advocating blatant Click Fraud now

This is the same guy that has REPEATEDLY called for non-Ron Paulaisn to be murdered. Not even as a joke. Now he wants the site to commit masive click fraud. Google will be interested ni this, which is why I forwarded this to them. They can expect to receive no ad sense money from here on in.

For the record, this was a thread about how there were McCain ads on the site and some people were pissed.

A Ron Paul Rebel

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Nobody should tell you to click on the ads...But if you do, it costs McCain money!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ahhhh, those wacky Ron Paul supporters. Part 58

Check this one out...a website removed Ron Paul from their candidates list. Rightfully so, of course. Of course, the RonPaulians got their thongs in a bunch over it. And this guy wrote this gem. CONSEQUENCES FOR OUR COUNTRY? No wonder they are in favor of a candidate who wants to legalize drugs.

Massie Ritsch,I'd like to point you to an interview Ron Paul gave with Neil Cavuto on Fox News March 11, 2008,

NC: "Sir, are you still running for President?"
RP: "Sure, sure."
NC: "Do you have any intention on dropping out?"
RP: "Not in the conventional sense. I continue to run to get as many votes and as many delegates."

I will not go into the moral implications of removing a candidate from the active list because "his remarks sounded remarkably like those parting words of every other Republican and Democratic candidate who has ended, suspended or otherwise ceased actively campaigning for president in 2008."

However, I urge you to take another look at what you are doing. In this day and age, a simple deletion from a webpage has significant consequences for the country. Thank you,Nathan D.

Ahhhh, those wacky Ron Paul supporters. Part 57

More from "Bubba" in the same thread as the last post. This one is great. His "proof" that Ron Paul is definitely the most popular candidate in the history of elections is that he is only being reported to get about 5% of the vote. His logic is, if he wasn't getting so many votes, then the powers that be wouldn't have to rig the election to make it APPEAR that he is only getting 5%. Yup...that is proof. He is only being show to get 5% because he is winning. There is NO other explanation for him to be getting only 5% reported. Nothing like the fact that he IS only getting 5%.

Even the other wacky RonPaulians are calling him an idiot now.

Posted by Bubba

Diebold told me. You don't seriously think that McWar has all that support do ya? Even the meet-up totals speak to this.

Ever watch the CNN vote tallies? The numbers change yet the percentages hardly move at all. Do the math. Last(?) night they posted Huckabee's delegate total. Good Night Irene.

If RP wasn't the peoples' favourite, do ya think that msm would be trying so (obviously) hard to bury him? If he were a non-issue they would be including him in the pie charts instead of pretending that he doesn't exist. - "me thinks they doth protest too much"

Remember's not a lie until the government says it's true. And vice versa.Stop believing the neo-con lying lizards and start believing in yourselves, your hearts, minds and souls - and what we stand for.

It's not called a rEVOLution for nuthin'.

Proof that Ron Paul Supporters are a cult..the Branch RonPaulians

Doesn't this sound a lot like the followers of David Koresh did? I only hope they DID do this so we could burn down their compound. Only there would be no outrage this time.

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How much longer before it gets really bad?
Are we talking days, weeks, months?Should we be stocking up on food, water, and ammo?