Friday, February 29, 2008
Ahhhh, those wacky Ron Paul supporters. Part 22
BrettCates Senior Member About:Join Date: Nov 2007Location: Capitola, CAPosts: 134
How many delegates have we picked up?
I not talking MSM numbers.......
Does Deep Thoat or any other Mods know?
Does Ron have the hundreds of delegates I think he does?
Am I the only one?
Thursday, February 28, 2008
Ahhhh, those wacky Ron Paul supporters. Part 21
Cholo Member About:Join Date: Feb 2008Posts: 46
Let's ask Bloomberg to back Paul
My apologies if there's a thread on this already.
NYC Mayor and billionaire Michael Bloomberg has said he will NOT run as a 3rd party candidate for the Presidency in 08
But it looks like he's shopping for someone to back. Says he's looking for someone independent, w/a game plan, etc etc you can read the article.
So why don't we ask him to back Ron Paul. It may be unlikely, but you never know.
I just sent him an email asking him to consider backing Dr. Paul. You can email the Mayor here:
Ahhhh, those wacky Ron Paul supporters. Part 20
In all fairness, most replies to this comment were against it, saying that it would be wrong for McCain to be ineligible due to this. (Not just wrong, but against the founding fathers wishes.) But a few said that they didn't care what the founding fathers wanted. They wanted ot use this technicality. The funny thing is they think that John McAin is the only thing stopping Ron Paul from being president!
patriotcalendar Senior Member About:Join Date: Sep 2007Posts: 190
Received this in my inbox, and thought I'd pass it along for all who may be so inclined as to use it at your upcoming precinct conventions.
I have taken the great work done by The Mudslinger [] and turned it into a resolution.
Take this resolution to your precinct convention and start the conversation to protect the Constitution today!
WHEREAS, the 14th Amendment and matching regulations limit citizenship to natural born and naturalized.
WHEREAS, John McCain was born in 1936 in the Canal Zone to citizen parents.
WHEREAS, 8 USC 1403(a) declares naturalized citizenship in 1952 on persons born in the Canal Zone to citizen parents.
WHEREAS, 8 USC 1403(a) applies to John McCain at age 16.
WHEREAS, John McCain is a naturalized citizen.
WHEREAS, the Canal Zone was not part of the United States.
WHEREAS, John McCain was not born in the United States.
WHEREAS, John McCain is a citizen not born in the United States.
WHEREAS, John McCain is not a natural born citizen.
WHEREAS, Article II of the Constitution states to be President a person must be a natural born citizen.
WHEREAS, John McCain is not eligible to be President of the United States under Article II of the Constitution.
WHEREAS, John McCain should be disqualified from running for President and should be decertified and removed from all present and future Presidential ballots, and his past results should be disallowed.THEREFORE LET IT BE RESOLVED that the Republican Party of Texas will update Party rules to leave uncommitted, delegates of a non-qualified candidates for President of the United States; andLET IT BE FURTHER RESOLVED that this resolution be passed to the rules committee of the appropriate District and the State of Texas for full consideration.
Adopted by Precinct # _______ in Senatorial District # _____ of ____________ County, Texas on March 4, 2008.
Precinct Convention Chair _______________________________________
_______________________ County, Texas
Telephone __________________________
[Your name][Your address]
Ahhhh, those wacky Ron Paul supporters. Part 19
EastWindRain Senior Member About:Join Date: Jun 2007Posts: 143
Ron Paul needs to create another video, instructing all of us not to give up.
The number of people using this site is dropping every day. We must stay focussed and organized. We need Ron Paul to command us to stay at our posts and stations. It makes no sense to abandon ship. The war will continue, so we must stay active. We can't allow ourselves to be broken up and separated. Strength through numbers, strength through unity. Strength through interaction with each other.
Perhaps someone can call Ron Paul and ask him to make another youtube video directed at his supporters.
Ahhhh, those wacky Ron Paul supporters. Part 18
This piece of work must have forgotten that American Idol is on Fox. He also is under the impression that a few thousand (at best) people calling for an Idol contestant is going to overcome the 30 million votes they get anyway.
Not to mention, it almost sounds like blackmail. Oh, the lengths those crazy RonPaulians will go!
RucdelaSpook Member About:Join Date: Jan 2008Location: El Paso, TXPosts: 42
American Idol and Ron Paul.
I was watching American Idol the other day, and as they were showing the clips at the end of the show of all of the performers singing with their respective phone numbers at the bottom of the screen, I got to thinking: What if we, (the Ron Paul Revolution), started voting for a certain contestant? Since we're able to have so much sway during the debate polls, maybe we could seriously impact this competition. We could try to contact one of the contestants and ask them to support Ron Paul, or we could just randomly pick someone (maybe not another Sanjaya), announce to the world that we're supporting him/her, and see how far we can push them into the competition.
I think it's worth a shot.
Ahhhh, those wacky Ron Paul supporters. Part 17
Jason726 Member About:Join Date: Dec 2007Posts: 71
A Ron Paul fans epiphany of his own life.
I'm at a point in my life where I have made A LOT of mistakes. I knew they were wrong while doing them, but I guess I the best word to describe myself was lost. Drugs, sex, fights, lying, just off the top of my head.
Maybe this isn't that uncommon in America these days, but, regardless, while doing these things I would think about how wrong it was. My own brain, my conscience, knew what was right, but my experience wasn't strong enough to avoid them. In my head I knew what was right, but I couldn't express it in words.
And all the while, I always felt different from the rest of my friends and peers. I was REALLY interested in history and politics at a young age(younger than 10). I had thoughts in my head, but I guess I didn't know how to act on them or talk about them. I would be the person that was always trying to break up fights, and I would be thought of as soft.
I grew up with a single mother outside of Philadelphia. She never made much money, but she did the best she could. It was not a good neighborhood.
Enough about my past.... I'm writing this because I have started to figure out what I always wanted to do with my life. I found out what makes me happy. (Besides my Girlfriend. I love you.)I am now 22 years old.
One day in September of 07', I was watching the Republican debate, and I wasn't paying much attention to it at first. I think I was on the computer at the time, but someone in the debate caught my ear. When I heard him talk it was like I was up there talking. I started to pay attention.
After the debate, I looked up this person and went to his website. I was a registerd independent that usually votes democrat because I didn't know any better. I just knew I didn't like the wars and I didn't like the deficit. Hence, Bill Clinton and his fiscal responsibility. Thats all I knew. I had never taken the time to research and look into things. But this person sparked something in my head.
I have always been a quiet person. Most people would think I was shy, but I knew that wasn't the case. I was just not interested in the things people talked about. They weren't important to me. I didn't like the meaningless conversations with every person you come across.
I always liked politics, but I never liked any politicians. That is, untill I heard this person speak. Listening to this person was like listening to my own thought being put into words. I guess this just goes to show the great public education system we have.
I'm not the most eloquent writer, so I apologize for a sloppy read, but I wanted to put this into words. In case you were wondering this person is..... (drumroll) .............. John McCain.
Just kidding. It is RON PAUL!
And I just want to thank him for what he has done for me.
Ahhhh, those wacky Ron Paul supporters Part 16
golfboy Member About:Join Date: Jun 2007Posts: 76
Just once i want to vote for someone smarter than me
I consider it an honor and opportunity to vote for ron paul and support the movement. I don't look at ron paul as a super genuis, but simply a well educated man that speaks the truth. Nothing is more powerful than the message, and it deeply resonated with me.
We need to focus on getting delegates and let the chips fall where they may...i'ts not over by a loooong shot. I'm tired of all the pessimists, we need to keep working hard and fighting. Worst case, ron paul doesn't win the election and the republicans don't win the general election. In this case, we are perfectly primed to take over the republican party and elect strict constitutionalist.
Ron paul is a baller, no doubt about it.