Thursday, March 13, 2008

Is this the first Ron Paulian Suicide Note?

Read this and tell me it doesn't sound like a typical suicide note. This could be the start of something good.


Senior Member

Join Date: Oct 2007
Location: York, PaPosts: 805

Apathetic now more than ever before
(Just sharing my thoughts here, so no flames, please!)I always followed the news even before I heard about Dr. Paul back in May 2007. The night he and Giuliani went at it in South Carolina was the night I realized I found exactly what I had always been looking for. Since then I've read a lot of books on foreign policy, watched numerous videos about our Constitution, and have done what I can with with time I had to educate myself and others. Like so many of us, I went to rallies & Meetups, handed out information to strangers, and spoke to friends and family about the message RP was putting out. I sacrificed a lot of time, but no where near what some of you folks have done. I'm a father of twin 4-year-old girls, and I work evenings. So my time is limited, but I did what I could.Like everyone else, I watched the MSM ignore Dr. Paul for so long, even after all of our best efforts. I watched CNN go to their "Internet reporter" to talk about RP, I watched websites talk about "the candidates" without even mentioning RP. Then I watched Americans go out and vote. Again, we did a good job of getting the word out, but the 10-15% of the votes we got was usually ignored by the press. Louisiana and Nevada were also hushed by not only the MSM, but the Republican Party, and that really ticked me off.At this point I feel even more apathetic than ever. Ok, maybe that's not the best word to use, because I still care, but I've stopped following everything. I don't go to news sites any more. I haven't been reading much lately. I stopped watching the news on TV, and I realize that's not a bad thing. But I also took Stewart & Colbert off the DVR because I've become that disinterested in politics now. I've had them on the DVR since I first got the thing so many years ago. I still read the forums here on a daily basis, but I've pretty much gone into lurk-mode.I know with time this will pass and I will once again pick up where I left off. I think Dr. Paul's new book will put the spark back. There are a ton of other books I've been meaning to read, especially Nemesis by Chalmers Johnson (already read the other two books in the Blowback trilogy). With time, I'm sure I'll be back to reading regularly.These past couple months haven't been terrible, all things considered. I've been spending a heck of a lot more time with the family lately, and that's nice. My world no longer revolves around the message. I guess the pendulum is swinging the other way right now. Hopefully balance can be obtained so I give everything and everyone the proper amount deserved time. I'm not really sure what the point of those post is anymore. I'm half tempted to delete these rambling thoughts. But I typed this much, so I may as well share it with you folks before I go back to lurking.PS: I'm still looking forward to voting for RP in Pennsylvania's upcoming primary. I'll probably be changing my voter registration back to no affiliation the following day, though.

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