Saturday, April 5, 2008

Ahhhh, those wacky Ron Paul supporters. Part 88

For the first time in his worthless life, Alex Jones actually made sense. So, of course, the RonPaulians suddenly hate him. But they don't just hate him. Because of ONE thng he said (which is true), now this man that they LOVED for the last 6 months is an undercover CIA agent. Yup...Alex Jones is working for the GOVERNMENT!

And what was that terrible thing he said? That trying to steal the election is a HORRIBLE idea since it would make Ron Paul look bad. He is absolutely right. Ron Paul knows this. That is why he has gone out of his way NOT to endorse a single thing that the grassroots are doing. They are now doing it AGAINST HIS WISHES.

The funny thing is, in another thread about the GOP supposedly using underhanded tactics against them, someone actually mocked them with a quote from Ben Franklin "Tricks and treachery are the practice of fools, that don't have brains enough to be honest. " the OWN admission they are using tricks and treachery ("becoming "stealth delegates" as they call it) so I guess he is calling himself a fool.

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Alex Jones Spreading MISINFO to Ron Paul delegates!

First I would like to say that I understand that AJ is a divisive fellow amongst Ron Paulers on the Forums. I don't mean to start a war, the purpose of this thread is to send a message to Alex Jones so that he does NOT continue to misinform his listeners regarding the Ron Paul campaign. What AJ is claiming will cause Ron Paul delegates to drop out and give up before they go to the Convention, we CAN NOT allow this to happen.

I couldn't believe my ears when I was listening to the Alex Jones show on 4/2 when Alex claimed that Ron Paul is telling his delegates to vote for McCain at the National Convention so that he (RP) is not accused of "stealing" the nomination. I follow Ron Paul news quite closely and have NEVER heard anything close to this coming from the campaign. MANY of AJ listeners are RP supporters, and I sure that many have become delegates, We MUST stop this misinformation for it causes too much damage. Alex Jones must retract these statement ON AIR. Please try to call in to his show. The statements were made during his interview with Bob Chapman (The International Forecaster)

Below are links to AJ's email and his forums.

A few choice replies...


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He is CIA.


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Alex Jones is a reptilian Illuminati Bilderberg CFR Rothschild descendant who sells snow cones at the Bohemian Grove! ! !

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