Saturday, March 29, 2008

Ahhhh, those wacky Ron Paul supporters. Part 74

So, all Ron Paul had to do was to go on one radio show and he would have gotten 5 times as many votes! He must be an idiot then.

Don't be too harsh on this poster though. He's only 15.


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The Greatest Mistake the Campaign Made
I believe is that, even though radio talk show host Michael Savage had an open invitation for all GOP contenders to go on air with him, Ron Paul didn't. If Ron Paul would have went on the night before the Iowa caucuses, he could have won. That broadcast has has apx. 10 million listeners on a weekly basis. considering that 40K votes won the Iowa Caucuses, reaching out to a mere 31K more voters would have led to a victory, albeit narrow, over Huckabee. Not to mention the fact that if we were able to convince a quarter of his audience, just that night, We would have at least 2.5M nation wide voters, then incorporate Iowa momentum, and you got yourself a nominee in waiting. His audience already believes the Iraq war to be a strategic error, the gold standard should be applied, and many other issues, you need only make that last leap and they are entirely in that boat. I think a half an hour of Ron Paul on Michael Savage at a strategic time might have been a guarantee of nomination.

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