Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Ahhhh, those wacky Ron Paul supporters. Part 46

Up until now, the subversion of democracy has never crossed the line to blatant lying. Up until now. Desperation has caused RonPaulians to now advocate blatantly saying they are Ron Paul supporters to be chosen as delegates, and then voting for Ron Paul (Up until now, they have told the "stealth delegates" as they call themselves to declare themselves undecided.)

Of course, this is silly, since John MccCain is not going to stupidly just accept what these people say. He has plenty of delegates of his own that he KNOWS are for him. And those will be the people that he chooses to represent him.

Not to mention, if they were ever successful at this, RonPaulians STILL have not answered my question of how they think that will help Ron Paul politically. Once word gets out that Ron Paul is willing to go against the democratic process, while still calling himself a defender of liberty and democracy, he Obama, or even Hillary would win UNANIMOUSLY in November. And after that, every campaign that Ron Paul touches would turn to complete shit. No one would ever trust him again.

But somehow, I actually think that RonPaulians believe that it they stole the nominee, that the Republicans would be OK with it, and that the 95+% of voters who clearly made it known that they do not want Ron Paul as president would all vote for him.


ProBlue33 Senior Member About:Join Date: Nov 2007Posts: 508

The Stealth Revolution - Ron Paul WINS.

This idea came from another thread.One thing I noticed is that Ron Paul supporters are very active in the political process, they want to be involved, they are not apathetic like other supporters.

Ron Paul can win the GOP, if most his people go stealth, here is the plan go and be a delegate for McCain, never reveal who you really support even to the other Ron Paul supporters. I know this would be very difficult to do, you would feel like a traitor. You would have to be a good actor or actress too, pretending to support McCain and his war mongering ways. Even wearing McCain buttons and shirts and waiving his signs, all part of the guise.

Once a delegate on the floor of the GOP convention like a patriotic superhero your take off your McCain shirt and reveal who you really support with a Ron Paul shirt underneath, and there is nothing the GOP could do at that point. And if anybody came asking what happened to you, you could just say "hey I don't want my grandkids in Iraq, do you?" Enough said.

Imagine 1000 delegates doing this, and an epic win for Ron Paul.

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